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 E-Mail is the most common form of communication in today’s society.  In college, most instructors want you to e-mail them.

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2  E-Mail is the most common form of communication in today’s society.  In college, most instructors want you to e-mail them.

3  Write a meaningful subject line.  Recipients scan the subject line in order to decide whether to open, forward, file, or trash a message. Remember -- your message is not the only one in your recipient's mailbox. Before you hit "send," take a moment to write a subject line that accurately describes the content.  Example: Summer Research Program at NCTR

4  Keep message focused and readable  If your e-mail contains multiple messages that are only loosely related, you could number your points to ensure they are all read.  Use standard capitalization and spelling  Skip lines between paragraphs.  Avoid fancy typefaces.

5  Avoid Attachments unless specifically notified to do so.  In general attachments,  take time to download (and check for viruses)  take up needless space on your recipient's computer, and  don't always translate correctly for people who read their e-mail on portable devices.

6  When contacting someone cold, always include your name, occupation, and any other important identification information in the first few sentences.  While formal phrases such as "Dear Professor Sneedlewood" and "Sincerely Yours," are unnecessary in e-mail, when contacting someone outside your own organization, you should write a signature line that includes your full name and at least a link to a blog or online profile page (something that does not require your recipient to log in first).

7  Don’t write an email in anger.  You might say something you don’t mean and it’s just written in the wrong text.

8  Spell check can only catch a few mistakes.  Have someone else read the email if you’re not sure.

9  E-mail is not secure.

10  Formal=Professor  Informal=Friends  It’s cool to use LOL and smiley faces with friends but not with professors.

11  Make yourself available especially if it’s something important.

12  Write me a professional email  Scenario: I’m the CEO of a big fortune 500 company and you’re trying to set up a meeting with me to sell me:  Tide  Spic and Span  Bleach  Soft Scrub  Your goal is to get me to buy your product.

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