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Ch 1 – What Are Magnets By Mrs. Horvath.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 1 – What Are Magnets By Mrs. Horvath."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 1 – What Are Magnets By Mrs. Horvath

2 Properties of Magnets Magnet – an object that attracts, or pulls on, certain materials made of iron and steel Magnetism – a magnet’s property of attracting metal

3 Two Kinds of Magnets Permanent Magnets
Keeps its magnetism for a long time Made in a factory Ex: refrigerator magnet Temporary Magnets don’t keep its magnetism for a long time Ex: nail stroked with a permanent magnet

4 North and South Pole North Pole – one end of a magnet always points north (called north-seeking) South Pole – one end of a magnet always points south (called south-seeking)

5 Attract & Repel Unlike poles  ATTRACT Like poles  REPEL

6 Maglev Trains Mag = magnetic
Lev = levitation (rise or float in the air) Goes fast Quiet and smooth (no friction) - friction – force caused by two surfaces rubbing against each other Eco-friendly (doesn’t pollute)

7 Force Fields Lines of Force Formed by iron filings
Shows how force field spreads between the poles of a magnet Strongest / heaviest at the poles Magnetic Force Space in which the force of a magnet can act


9 Properties of Magnets Attract objects made of metal (iron or steel)
Force is strongest/greatest at the poles (N or S) Like poles > REPEL (push away) Unlike/opposite poles > ATTRACT (stick)

10 Earth as a Magnet Earth is a giant magnet! Lodestone
Naturally magnetic rock Found near Earth’s surface Discovered 2,000 years ago Chinese sailors used to make 1st compass Compass Magnetized needle that swings freely Points NORTH


12 Earth’s Magnetism Earth’s center – made up of IRON
Earth spins on its AXIS (cause)… has magnetized the iron inside (effect)

13 Earth’s 2 Sets of Poles Earth has 2 sets of poles
Geographic Pole – end of the imaginary line (AXIS) around which the Earth spins (ROTATES) Magnetic Pole – 1,000 miles from the geographic pole


15 Magnetism Lights Up the Sky
Northern / Southern Lights Display bright colors in sky Auroras Particles of matter in space attracted to Earth’s magnetic field (giant magnet) Particles collide (crash) together & display light Earth’s force field strongest at the poles so more lights are seen there


17 What I Know Pick up metal Two of same poles can’t attract Opposite poles attract Different sizes & shapes (ex: bar magnets) What I Want to Know Pick up metal Two of same poles can’t attract Opposite poles attract Different sizes & shapes (ex: bar magnets) What I Learned

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