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Genetics of microorganisms. An infection

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1 Genetics of microorganisms. An infection
Genetics of microorganisms. An infection. Factors of pathogenicity of bacteria. Features of infectious process. Laboratory diagnostics - infectious diseases. Individual work- Modern diagnostics - infectious diseases.

2 A place of carrying out of practice, equipment.
- Dept. of Microbiology -to conduct practical exercises: a set of dyes used in staining bacteria -microscopes, pipettes, test tubes, spirit lamps, slides, tripods. culture of microbes grown on nutrient medium, -gun new information technology, equipment demonstrations, slides, videos. -TCB: Projector, slide, television, video.

3 Duration of employment
- 4 hours (class periods) 180 minutes

4 The employment purpose
To give concept about an infection. To acquaint students with ways of distribution of infectious diseases and ways of preventive maintenance. To give concept about the periods, a current of infectious diseases and complications. To teach students to ways of diagnostics of infectious diseases (bacteriological, serological, biological, skin-allergic and others). To give knowledge of genetics of microorganisms and variability kinds.

5 Task of teaching To give concept about an infection. To teach students to ways of diagnostics of infectious diseases (bacteriological, serological, biological, skin-allergic and others). To give knowledge of genetics of microorganisms and variability kinds.

6 Tasks Student should know:
- The Infection and ways of transfer of infections. - The Periods of infectious diseases. - Ways of diagnostics of infectious diseases (bacteriological, serological, biological, skin-allergic and others). - Genetics of microorganisms. - Kinds of variability of microorganisms (hereditary, not hereditary). - Processes of a mutation and dissociation meeting in a bacteriological cage, its reasons. - Processes of a reparation, a genetic recombination, transformation, transduction, conjugation in a bacteriological cage.

7 Tasks The student should make:
- To Take a material for microbiological research of infectious diseases. - To Choose nutrient mediums for the taken materials. - To Do material crops in a nutrient medium. - To Know stages of bacterioscopic, bacteriological ways of microbiological diagnostics. - To Put reaction of agglutination for serological diagnostics. - Ways of infection with a material of laboratory animals for biological diagnostics. - To Put skin-allergic reactions. excrete culture.

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