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Chapter 1 Introduction to Computer User Support

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1 Chapter 1 Introduction to Computer User Support
A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk & Support Specialists Fourth Edition by Fred Beisse End user can be catogrized according to envierment , skill level , frequency of use , software used , features used and relationship Resourse that users need to be productive include HW,peripgherals Chapter 1 Introduction to Computer User Support Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

2 In this chapter , you will learn about:
What do we mean by Computer User Support – Technical Support – Help Desk ? What is an end user? Ways to classify end users. Resources End Users Need. End-User Application Software. Common Problems End-Users Experience. How Organizations Provide a User Support Function. User Support Services Knowledge , Skill and Ability Career path for user support works Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

3 Computer User Support – Technical Support – Help Desk
Computer user support ( or simply user support ) Provides information and services to workers or clients to help them use computer more productively in their jobs or at home. Computer user support provide various services to help people resolve problems and more productive when they use computer technology. The user support functions is known by a variety of of names in various organization. Common names include customers services , helpdesk and call center. توفير الخدمات والمعلومات فيما يخص الأي تي للموظفين حتى تزيد انتاجيتهم وللعملاء حتى يرضون ف هم يحلون المشاكل اللي تواجه المستخدم Technical support is usually a level of user support that focuses on advanced troubleshooting and problem solving. In some organization, user support is called technical support , especially if the support staff consists of workers who are technicians or who have advanced technical skills. Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

4 Computer User Support – Technical Support – Help Desk
In general , Providing assistance to users of technology products. ما الذي نعنيه الحاسوب دعم المستخدم - الدعم الفني - مكتب المساعدة؟ Help Desk = Level 1. First point of call, generally solves the easy problems - the ones that can't be resolved get escalated, usually to Level 2. Tech Support is generally Level 2 support. Still within the organisation, can be broken into specialist groups such as OS, Networking, Database. Level 3 problem escalation is generally to the hardware/software vendor. Help Desk can sometimes be that and that alone a week at a workstation, taking calls. Maybe doing the odd report. Tech Support has a lot more variety on the menu. Both are fairly generic terms but Help Desk can be a position that someone with practically no IT knowledge could get a foothold in (just ask any ISP). Tech Support on the other hand generally has prerequisite knowledge. But tech support can encompass anyone from novice to multiple decades experience in a discipline. Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

5 What is an end user? An end user is the person for whom an application has been designed and developed. Perhaps to make the definition clearer, it would help to also define what an end user is not. The end user is not the developer of the application. Perhaps to make the definition clearer, it would help to also define what an end user is not. The end user is not the same as the customer and is also not the developer of the application, the person who installs the application, or the system administrator. an end user (sometimes end-user)[a] is a person who ultimately uses or is intended to ultimately use a product. ، وأيضا هو مفهوم في هندسة البرمجيات، يشير إلى تلك المجموعة المجردة من المستخدمين النهائيين (اي مستخدم متوقع أو مستخدم مستهدف) يستخدم المصطلح للتميز بين اولائك الذين يستخدمون البرامج فقط (المستخدم النهائي) وبين المطورين الذين يستخدمون لغة برمجة لتطوير تلك البرامج. Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

6 Are You An end user ? Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

7 Classifying End Users Environment Features used Relationship
Personal (home). Basic  Intermediate  advanced (power users) Worker (corporate, organizational, enterprise). Relationship Skill level Internal user (co-worker) Novice  semi-skilled  expert. External user (client). Frequency of use Occasional  frequent  Extensive Software Use Word processing Spreadsheet Others. Home Bussines user Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

8 Relationship to Support Provider
Internal user: an in-house coworker in the organization that provides support Employee ask for help form IT Employee in the same company External user: clients or customers of an organization Individual who purchased products or services from a retail vendor (Ex. Jarir) Corporate users, such as people who work for a company that purchased products or services from a vendor Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

9 Exercise -1- Can you classify yourself as an end users ?
Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

10 Resources End Users Need
No matter how there are categorized , all end users need some common resources to make their use of computer technology as effective as possible. Basic Hardware CPU, Storage, mouse , keyboard , monitor and memory. Add-on Peripherals Scanner , digital camera and removable devices (Flash) Hardware Maintenance and Upgrades Upgrade the amount of memory and the CPU speed. Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

11 Resources End Users Need (continued)
Software and Software Upgrades Supplies Printer paper , ink-jet , media (CD, DVD) Technical support Installation assistance and tanning Facilities, administration, and overhead Electricity , air conditioning , power conditioning Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

12 Exercise -2- What Resources do you Need as an End Users based on these categories ? Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

13 End-User Application Software
End users run a variety of software applications software , which are grouped into several board categories. and instant messaging Web browser Word processor Spreadsheet Database manager Graphics Planning and scheduling Desktop publishing Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

14 End-User Application Software (continued)
Web site developer Educational and entertainment Enterprise applications Industry-specific applications Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

15 End user application software has an effect on productivity, which is its main advantage. .
Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

16 Exercise -3- What Application Software do you Need as an End Users based on these categories ? Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

17 Problems End-Users Experience
Every end user will likely encounter or even cause one or more of these problems in the course of their work or home computing experience. Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

18 Waste of Resources Waste occurs when money , time or other resources are spent in ways that do not contribute directly to increase user productivity , or that result in low productivity. Examples: Purchase decision by user who lacks expertise User spends excessive time trying to solve a problem Worker spends time on non-business-related activities Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

19 User Mistakes User who are careless or not properly trained can easily make mistake. Examples: User enters incorrect spreadsheet formula User deletes or uninstalls needed software User loses data because information not backed up 1- اليوزر يدخل بدون قصد معلومات خاطئة او معادلة خطا لحسابات جدا مهمة مثل : اكسل لجساب تكلفة المشروع ١+٢ * ٢ نسخ ٢- عشان يبي مساحة لان بكل بساطة مو عارف وش الهدف او الغرض من هذا البرنامج ٣- ما عمل باك اب للحاجات المهمة و راح كل شغله لمجرد ان الهارد وير خرب Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

20 Computer Crime Computer are also sometimes used to commit intentional crimes. Examples: Worker tries to profit from valuable company information User becomes a victim of identify theft when bank account information is revealed 1- موظف يطلع على معلومات مهمة للشركة ويبيعها للمنافسين ويتكسب ٢- اليوزر اللي يرسل معلوماته البكية على الايميل للرد على رسالة احتيال تطلب معلومات ويصير ضحية لانتحال الشخصية Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

21 Theft of Resources Another form of computer crime is theft of computer equipment , software , or services Examples: User illegally copies , distribute or uses computer programs or information (piracy) Worker who uses the Internet at work to sell items online User fails to turn in or report lost USB drive Worker installs company’s software on home PC القرصنة الإلكترونية هي ببساطة البيع غير المشروع لنسخ من أعمال إبداعية لها ملكية تجارية واضحة > إذن القرصنة هي استغلال ملكية تجارية للأخرين وتحصيل بعض المال منها، مثل بيع نسخ ويندوز أو بيع بعض التطبيقات الالكترونية دون ترخيص من المالكين . 2-يخالف سياسيات الشركة بااااايرسي Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

22 Invasion of Privacy Another form of computer crime is invasion of privacy , when unauthorized parties exploit personnel information. Examples: User who has access to confidential medical information at work searches the files of family and friends. User inadvertently downloads spyware that communicates personal information on the Internet انتهاك الخصوصية – ما فيه خصوصية الان – تقريبا – ما احد يجمع معلومات او يطلع على معلوماتك بدون اذنك 2- يحمل سوف وير بالخطا بجهل منه – اللي يجمع معلومات عن اهتماماتك ويرسلها للشركة على أساس هالشركة ترسل معلوماتك او ترجع تبيعها لشركة أخرى profile الخصوصية (بالإنجليزية: Privacy) هي حق للفرد ليحفظ على معلوماته الشخصية، الخصوصية في كثير من الأحيان (في المعنى الأصلي دفاعية) في قدرة الشخص (أو مجموعة من الأشخاص)، منع المعلومات المتعلقة به أو بهم لتصبح معروفة للآخرين، وبالأخص المنظمات والمؤسسات، إذا كان الشخص لم يختار طوعا أن يقدم تلك المعلومات. The Difference Between Data Privacy and Data Security. Although data privacy and data security are often used as synonyms, they share more of a symbiotic type of relationship. Just as a home security system protects the privacy and integrity of a household, a data security policy is put in place to ensure data privacy. يُستخدم مصطلح خصوصية الحاسوب ليشير إلى الحق القانوني في الحفاظ على خصوصية البيانات المخزنة على الحاسوب أو الملفات المتشاركة. تظهر حساسية مسألة خصوصية الحاسوب أو البيانات خاصة عندما يتعلق الأمر ببيانات التعريف الشخصية المخزنة والمحفوظة في أي جهاز رقمي (سواءً كان حاسوباً أو غيره). عدم القدرة على التحكم بإخفاء هذه البيانات هو ما يؤدي إلى تهديد خصوصية البيانات في الغالب. أما أكثر المشاكل التي تكون محور خصوصية البيانات فهي: المعلومات الصحية الفرق بين مفهوم الأمن و حماية الخصوصية على شبكة الإنترنت في البداية قد تخلط بين المفهومين كما يخلط بقية الناس ولكن دعوني أشرح لكم الفرق ، بإختصار جدا حماية الخصوصية لمستخدم شبكة الإنترنت هي جزء من الأمن على الشبكة ولكن الأمن ليس بالضرورة جزء من حماية الخصوصية‍، وبشكل اخر فإن مفهوم الأمن على الشبكة هو قيامك بعدة خطوات أو ترتيبات فعالة لحماية جهازك ومعلوماتك الهامة وحماية الخصوصية تعتبر جزء من هذه الترتيبات الأمنية المتخذه لسلامة جهازك ومعلوماتك أمثلة عملية على مسألة الخصوصية: مثلا قيام المواقع وشركات الدعاية والإعلان على الشبكة بتتبع نشاطك وإحصاء المواقع المفضلة لديك ومدة تصفحك للإنترنت واوقات دخولك وخروجك من الشبكة ورصد جميع المواقع الأخرى التي تقع في دائرة إهتماماتك وهذا طبعا يعتبر تعدي على الخصوصية مسألة الأمن: لو وصلتك رسالة الكترونية و بها ملفات ملحقة وقمت بفتح الملف وكان بها نوع من الفيروسات فهذا سوف يصيب جهازك و أجهزة من تقوم بمراسلتهم وتحتفظ بعناوينهم البريدية في أحد البرامج وهذا بالطبع مسألة أمن بالدرجة الأولى مثال على موضوع الخصوصية و الأمن في نفس الوقت لو قام أحدهم بتتبعك على الإنترنت وأستطاع الحصول على بعض معلوماتك الشخصية ومنها رقم بطاقة الإئتمان وإساءة إستخدامها فهذا التتبع يعتبر إنتهاك للخصوصية وفي نفس الوقت هو موضوع متعلق بأمن جهازك ومعلوماتك المخزنة فيها Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

23 Abusive Users Workers who use computer technology in an abusive way
Examples: Worker sends unwanted or personnel to coworker despite repeated requests to stop User who displays offensive , off-color material on a computer screensaver , which is visible to coworkers سوء استخدام خلفية غير لائقة – مناسبة لمكان عمل مثال على الجامعة ؟؟؟؟ اول بالمدرسة ندخل نغير الخلفية ونطلع causing someone to feel deeply hurt, upset, or angry. a :  not having the right or standard colorb :  being out of sorts 2a :  of doubtful propriety :  dubiousb :  verging on the indecent <off–color remarks> Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

24 Computer Viruses Computer virus: software created with malicious intent to destroy information, erase or corrupt software, or adversely affect the operation of a computer or network Examples: Worker inadvertently downloads virus software onto office network User forwards attachments with viruses User sends virus warnings that are hoaxes خدع يرسل شخص ايميل باحتمال وجود فايروس .. الفيروس هذا خدعة والرسالة خدعة عشان تضيع وقت الموظفين بالتحقيق في المشاكل المتوقعة ما هو الهوكس (Virus hoax) ؟ الهوكس هو إشاعة على شكل رسالة تبث عبر الانترنت سواء بالإيميل أو على شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي وتنتشر انتشار النار في الهشيم وتتصف بالآتي: 1 - تحذر من فايروس خطر جداً بدرجة مرعبة ولا يمكن علاجه ويقضي على جهاز المستخدم قضاءَ مبرماً. 2 - تحذر من احتمال اختراق حساب المستخدم وتسرب معلوماته الخاصة. 2 - تستخدم الرسالة تقنيات نفسية وعلو الصوت ووصف لآثار خطيرة مستحيلة واقعياً. 3 - تدعي الرسالة أن هذا الخطر تم الإعلان عنه من قبل شركة كبيرة ومعروفة أو قناة تلفزيونية شهيرة. 4 - تطلب الرسالة من المستخدم أن ينشرها ويرسلها لكل معارفه! انا أفهم خوف الناس وحرصهم المشكور ودافعهم وراء نشر مثل هذه الأخبار، ولكنهم هم أنفسهم للأسف وقعوا ضحية هذا الخطر النفسي من أخطار الإنترنت: الهوكس! رجاء لا يقم أحد بإرسال ونشر مثل هذه الرسائل فهي مضيعة للوقت واستهلاك لباندودث خادم البريد ومزودات الويب وحتى حزم الاتصال. Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

25 Health Problems Without proper lighting , space , furniture and environmental safeguard, physical injury to end user can result. Examples: User develops carpal tunnel syndrome due to inadequate work breaks Job stress forces user into early retirement due to health problems Employer refuses to supply ergonomic office furniture Ergonomics: a field that studies how to design a workspace that promotes worker health, safety, and productivity a measure taken to protect someone or something or to prevent something undesirable. مجال متلازمة النفق الرسغي صاحب العملcarpal tunnel syndrome) هي انضغاط العصب المتوسط في النفق الرسغي والذي ينتج عنه اعتلال هذا العصب. يظهر كألم في الرسغ ومن ثم تنميل في الأصابع وضعف في عضلات اليد في الحالات الوخيمة. Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

26 Office Ergonomics Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

27 Exercise -4- What problems do you experience as an End Users based on these categories ? Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

28 How Organizations Provide a User Support Function
Organizations provide support to their workers or client in a variety of ways. The list below show the most common methods of organizing the user support functions. كيف نقدم خدمات الدعم الفني للعملاء والموظفين .. هل فيه قسم دعم فني او فيه قسم أي تي من داخله الدعم الفني الطرق التي يتم عن طريفها تقديم خدمات الدعم الفني عملاء موظفين Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

29 Forms of User Support Peer support Part-time support
Informal; colleagues assist their coworkers. Occurs in collages How ? Example / When the person next to you asked for your help to solve a hardware of software problem. Have you provide peer support ? Part-time support Some small organizations cannot justify full-time support staff. Its main advantages are that the worker gains experience and financial reward. Its main disadvantage is that the worker may become overloaded and stressed. Have you ever heard or known any employee who provide part time support? Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

30 Forms of User Support (continued)
User Support worker or Work Team formal workgroup provides support services as a part time or full time support Help desk support A single point of contact for users (internal or external) in need of technical support Physical location Telephone hotline Via , Web site, or chat service Have you ever ask for help form helpdesk? Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

31 Forms of User Support (continued)
User support center (information center) Provides a wider range of support services to internal users (such as purchase consultations and training). User support as IT responsibility User support may be organized as part of information technology (IT) department. Its main advantage is that it provides a single point of contact. Its main disadvantage is that IT workers have their own priorities and may not prioritize end-user services. User support outsourced to a vendor An organization contracts with a vendor to provide user support to internal or external users through a signed agreement. Outsource uses expertise a company may not have Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

32 Forms of User Support (continued)
The strategy an organizations selects to provide user support often depends on the depends on the organization’s size, type, location, financial situation, and goals for computer support services , as well as the skill level and the support needs of workers and clients. One organization may use different support strategies at different times as the needs of its workers and clients change and may use more than one strategy at the same time. Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

33 User Support Services The user support function in an organization frequency provides a variety of services. تنوع وتوفر الخدمات حسب احتياجات العملاء ،الموارد اللي الشركة مخصصتها لقسم السبورت Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

34 User Support Services Staff a Help Desk, Hotline, or Chat Service to Provide Information Respond to request for product information. Provide solutions to common problems. Market and sell products and services, including add-ons and upgrades. Receive and log user complaints about product features. Handle warranty claims and authorize product returns or exchanges. Provide Technical Troubleshooting Assistance Locate Information to Assist Users Because manuals are either not provided or get misplaced or thrown away by users Evaluate Hardware, Software, and Network Products To determine whether a new product or technology meets user needs and increase productivity substantially in a cost-effective manner as well as specify the percentage of users who need to upgrade to the new technology. اول خدمة تقدمها هي الشات وتوابعها وتشمل التالي / وجد Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

35 User Support Services (Continued)
Coordinate Organization-Wide Support Standards Support Standards: a list of computer products that an organization allows or encourages its users to use and that it will support. Perform Needs Analysis and Provide Purchase Assistance for Users Provide Installation Assistance Provide Training on Computer Systems and Procedures Training makes users more productive and rapidly than learning with trial and error. Prepare Documentation on Computer Use Assist Users with Software Development Projects Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

36 Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
In order to understand the requirements for a specific position, we analyze it KSAs Knowledge: what a worker needs to know to perform a job Years of education Degree in a specified filed Certification (A+) List of specific topics Skills: what a worker must be able to perform well to do a job Expertise based on practice and experience Abilities: functions a worker can either perform or not Physical abilities Special abilities الحاجات اللي المفروض يعرفها الحاجات اللي المفروش يعرف يقوم بها Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

37 Difference between knowledge , skill and ability
Having knowledge of how to do something does not necessarily mean that you can do it, even if you understand the steps and what should happen For example, an employee might have knowledge of the ADDIE model used in instructional design. This doesn’t mean the employee knows how to be an instructional designer. It means they know the model abilities are natural or inbuilt whereas skills are learned behaviors. When cutting hair you might have an ability to keep your hand steady or cut a straight line, but the skill is what you learned on your hairdressing course. Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

38 Example of knowledge , skill and ability
Knowledge of windows operating system Knowledge of computer technology , including hardware , software and networks Skill Skills in troubleshooting system problems Ability Ability to maintain an appropriate level of confidence Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

39 Exercise -5- Check this link which is a job description for a user support employee Extract the knowledge , skills and ability that is required in this job ? Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

40 Alternative Career Paths for User Support Workers
Most user support workers select this field as an entry into other, more advanced positions : Programmer/developer Network technician Web site maintainer Support manager Project manager Trainer Technical writer Security specialist Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

41 Useful video to learn more about user support
Created by L. Asma Rikli (adapted from A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialties by Fred Beisse)

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