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The Epic of Gilgamesh Sumerian Literature.

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1 The Epic of Gilgamesh Sumerian Literature

2 The Great Flood In The Epic of Gilgamesh we read of a great flood that devastated the region. Any other ancient floods come to mind?

GENESIS GILGAMESH Extent of flood Global Cause Man's wickedness Man was too loud Intended for whom? All mankind One city & all mankind Sender Yahweh Assembly of "gods" Name of hero Noah Utnapishtim Hero's character Righteous Skilled Craftsman Means of announcement Direct from God In a dream Did hero complain? Yes Height of boat Several stories (3) Several stories (6) Windows At least one Outside coating Pitch Shape of boat Rectangular Square Human passengers Family members only Family & few others Duration of flood Long (40 days & nights plus) Short (6 days & nights) Types of birds Raven & three doves Dove, swallow, raven Ark landing spot Mountain -- Mt. Ararat Mountain -- Mt. Nisir Reward after the flood Lived to the age of 900 Lived forever Blessed after flood?

4 What came first? The story of Gilgamesh is based on the oral mythology of the region and was recorded about 2,100 B.C. several hundred years before the recorded time of The Old Testament. One could have inspired the other. Most civilizations that formed near a river have some sort of flood story. (rivers tend to flood occasionally)

5 Archetypes in The Story of the flood
Covenant- an agreement, usually formal, between two or more persons to do or not do something specified.

6 Where have you seen this before?
It is difficult to know the antiquity of the Old Testament, but some significant similarities are in the oldest written story of mankind that we have – the Epic of Gilgamesh The oldest recorded civilizations, the Sumerians and Egyptians, also contain stories that appear in the Old Testament. It is generally considered that stories from these old civilizations were included in the Old Testament.

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