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Biology and the Scientific Method

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1 Biology and the Scientific Method


3 The Scientific Method Observation
State the Problem (worded as a question) Gather information Form a Hypothesis (if…then…) Experiment to test the hypothesis (the experimental group will have ONE variable that differs from the control group)

4 Independent Variable – being tested
Dependent variable- being measured Record and analyze data (charts, tables, graphs) Draw Conclusions Repeat to check for accuracy Publish

5 Hypothesis Educated guess or prediction that can be tested Theory Thoroughly tested explanation of why experiments give certain results Proven fact

6 Scientists who helped develop the Scientific Method

7 1668-Francesco Redi Observed flies land on meat that later develops maggots. Hypothesis: Maggots come from flies Experiment control - jars with meat covered experimental – jars with meat open Results: open jar had flies and maggots Conclusion: maggots come from flies

8 Critics said there were no maggots in the closed jar because there was no air! Redi redesigned his experiment and covered the jar with netting. Result: Flies and maggots were on the netting, not in the jar. His hypothesis was correct! First scientist to use a control group

9 1668 -Redi


11 1700’s - Spallanzani Hypothesis: microbes do not come from broth Experiment: Flask with boiled gravy left open – microbes grew Flask with boiled gravy sealed – no growth Critics said “no air “– no redesign

12 Critics said “bad broth” Persevered and proved his point!
Pasteur Redesigned Spallanzani’s experiment using a swan-necked flask Flask was left open - no growth Critics said “bad broth” Pasteur broke off the neck and growth began Persevered and proved his point!

13 Pasteur’s swan-necked flask:

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