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IHE-PCD 2006 Survey Final Results 171 Responses 68 Vendors

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Presentation on theme: "IHE-PCD 2006 Survey Final Results 171 Responses 68 Vendors"— Presentation transcript:

1 IHE-PCD 2006 Survey Final Results 171 Responses 68 Vendors
103 User Community Survey by HIMSS Analytics Report Compiled by Ray Zambuto

2 Demographics: Knowledge of IHE as a Percent of Total Respondents
I am actively involved with IHE through one of the domains or committees I have manufactured/specified/purchased /used devices or systems which are IHE compliant Increasing Knowledge I am familiar with IHE and/or the goals of interoperability but no practical experience I had little or no knowledge of IHE prior to taking this survey

3 Respondent Demographics 171 Individual Responses
= Hospital Based

4 Vendor Demographics: Respondents’ Position /Department 68 Vendor Responses

5 Vendor Size (# of Employees) 68 Vendor Responses

6 Vendor Position on IHE and Interoperability 68 Vendor Responses (Checking all that apply)

7 Vendor Type - Device or Application Product 68 Vendor Responses

8 Vendor Demographics: Vendor Products 68 Vendor Responses

9 Demographics: User Organization Types 77 Hospital Based Respondents*
*26 of the 103 Non-Vendor Respondents do not work in hospitals

10 Relationship of Clinical Engineering and IT at Respondents’ Hospitals 77 Hospital Based Respondents*
*26 of the 103 Non-Vendor Respondents do not work in hospitals

11 Involvement in Purchasing Process 77 Hospital Based Respondents

12 Importance of Interoperability to Hospital Based Respondents

13 Survey Questions Survey Questions were based on a 1-7 range of answers, with 7 being Extremely Important and 1 being not at all lmportant. The responses were normalized to a single measure of importance by taking the sum of responses of 6 and 7 (very important/extremely important) less the sum of responses of 1 and 2 (very unimportant). This sum was then divided by the total number of responses in the respective groups, Vendor and User Community, to yield the percentage of respondents who considered the particular element to be important to them.

14 Survey Question: With respect to Medical Devices, how important is it for the following devices to become integrated under the IHE? Percent of respondents that consider it important = Vendors = Users

15 Survey Question: With respect to Lab Point of Care Devices, how important is it for the following devices to become integrated under the IHE? Percent of respondents that consider it important = Vendors = Users

16 Survey Question: Rate the importance to each department below in terms of the benefit from implementing IHE Percent of respondents that consider it important = Vendors = Users

17 Survey Question: Which clinical applications would you like to see IHE target?
Percent of respondents that consider it important = Vendors = Users

18 Survey Question: Which technological areas are the most important for Patient Care Device integration? = Vendors = Users

19 Survey Question: What are the greatest incentives for IHE integration?
Percent of respondents that consider it important = Vendors = Users

20 Survey Question: What do you see as the biggest barriers to realizing IHE integration of patient care devices? Percent of respondents that consider it important = Vendors = Users

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