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Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal and U.S. Criticism

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1 Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal and U.S. Criticism
SSUSH18 The student will describe Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal as a response to the depression and compare the ways governmental programs aided those in need. a. Describe the creation of the Tennessee Valley Authority as a works program and as an effort to control the environment. b. Explain the Wagner Act and the rise of industrial unionism. c. Explain the passage of the Social Security Act as a part of the second New Deal. d. Identify Eleanor Roosevelt as a symbol of social progress and women’s activism. e. Identify the political challenges to Roosevelt’s domestic and international leadership; include the role of Huey Long, the “court packing bill,” and the Neutrality Act.

2 Criticism to Roosevelt’s New Deal
Many Democrats and Republicans alike disagreed with the Programs under the New Deal Liberals Argued Roosevelt did too much for business and not enough for the unemployed and working poor Neglected the minorities, women, and the elderly Conservatives Accused the federal government of having too much power Accused Roosevelt of bordering Socialism/Communism Major concern was deficit spending FDR had to use deficit spending to pay for the programs Conservative Dems along with Republican leaders created the American Liberty League to protest the New Deal

3 Huey Long Democratic Senator from LA
Argued against the New Deal stating the plan did not do enough for the poor. Gave fiery speeches protesting the plan

4 Other Critics Father Charles Coughlan
Founded National Union for Social Justice Issued weekly radio broadcast attacking Roosevelt Attacks became Anti-Semitic and Fascist Catholic Church shut him down Dr. Francis Townsend First suggested a fixed income for retirees Popularity of his plan persuaded Roosevelt to eventually introduce the Social Security Act

5 Roosevelt’s Court-Packing Plan
An attempt by Roosevelt to “pack” the Supreme Court with supporters of his New Deal plan Problem: FDR’s program, AAA, was declared unconstitutional by the SC and he feared more of his programs would be shot down Congress killed the Court-Packing bill, however the Supreme Court passed the Wagner Act and the Social Security Act

6 Final Look at New Deal The New Deal served as a short-term fix to a long term problem “Prime the pump” deficit spending was a helpful tool to stimulate consumer spending From , unemployment dropped from 25-15% 1937 Another recession hit Caused by new Social Security tax as well as government reduction of relief programs Overall, WWII is credited with bringing the US out of the Depressoin

7 Eleanor Roosevelt Wife of FDR
Was seen as a symbol of Social Progress and women’s activism in areas such as: Civil Rights for African Americans Poverty stricken familiesNational Housing Act Women’s equality in the work place Equal Pay Act

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