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A Bold Faith Lesson 7 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing,

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1 A Bold Faith Lesson 7 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing,
part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock A Bold Faith Lesson 7

2 Lesson Outline Introduction A. No Compromise B. Lesson Background
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Lesson Outline Introduction A. No Compromise B. Lesson Background

3 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock No Compromise How hard is it to live out the values you profess to believe? No Compromise was not just the title of an album by Christian musician Keith Green (1953–1982). It was also a description of his life. Green’s confrontational lyrics and spoken messages put him at odds with believers and unbelievers alike. Item number: Collection: TheSwirlyGirl / iStock / Thinkstock® Graphic: TheSwirlyGirl / iStock / Thinkstock®

4 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock No Compromise Probably the greatest controversy Green stirred was decrying commercialism in producing Christian resources, including his own music! In 1979 he began refusing to charge money for concerts or albums. Keith and his wife mortgaged their home to privately finance his music. Click to add notes Graphic: TheSwirlyGirl / iStock / Thinkstock®

5 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock No Compromise By May of 1982, Green had shipped out more than 200,000 copies of his music, 61,000 for free! Green stood by his principles, accepting the consequences. We all struggle with doing the right thing—when to speak up and when to shut up. Sometimes we don’t even know what the “right” thing is! Click to add notes Graphic: TheSwirlyGirl / iStock / Thinkstock®

6 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock No Compromise Because we love God, there may be times when we face derision, isolation, or worse for standing up for Him. Three captives in a foreign land give us a great example of refusing to compromise in the face of unthinkable consequences. Click to add notes Graphic: TheSwirlyGirl / iStock / Thinkstock®

7 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Lesson Outline I. Fury of the King (Daniel 3:19-23) A. Attitude Change (v. 19a) B. Draconian Response (vv. 19b-21) C. Collateral Damage (vv. 22, 23)

8 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Big Questions Standing up for our faith can lead to big questions—especially when our decisions have big consequences! This was true when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to obey the command to worship the image the king created.

9 Big Questions Read the given portion of the lesson text.
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Big Questions Read the given portion of the lesson text. Then try to retell the events of the account using only questions. Do you understand? Have I made myself clear? Are you ready?

10 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Big Questions Read Daniel 3:19-23 and give the account using only questions. Can you imagine how angry a king would get when his orders were rejected? What are the chances of surviving a superheated furnace? How heartless can a king be that he would subject the henchmen carrying out his orders to such danger?

11 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? What are some appropriate ways to respond to anger directed at Christianity by secular culture? Talking Points for Your Discussion When the anger is justified When the anger is unjustified Considering biblical examples 11

12 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? How can we prepare for religious persecution, or is such preparation even possible? Explain? Talking Points for Your Discussion Regarding attitude Regarding spiritual disciplines Considering Psalm 119:157; Matthew 5:10-12, 43-45; John 15:20; 2 Corinthians 12:10; 2 Timothy 3:10-12; Hebrews 10:32-39; Revelation 2:10 12

13 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? In what ways can we show solidarity with persecuted Christians across the globe? Talking Points for Your Discussion In tangible ways In intangible ways 13

14 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Lesson Outline II. Work of All-Powerful God (Daniel 3:26-28) A. Different Attitude (v. 26) B. Thorough Inspection (v. 27) C. Proper Credit (v. 28)

15 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Big Questions Read Daniel 3:26-28 and give the account using only questions. What choice would the king have after such a miracle than to praise the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? Can you imagine being in fire but not even smelling of smoke? Have you seen a bigger turnaround than ordering an execution one minute and commending the same people moments later?

16 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? How can you use a personal experience of God’s deliverance as a witness to others? Talking Points for Your Discussion As a witness to fellow believers As a witness to unbelievers 16

17 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? How do we know when we should defy rather than obey earthly authority? Talking Points for Your Discussion Considering defiance passages such as Acts 4:18-20; 5:27-29 Considering obedience passages such as Romans 13:1, 2; 1 Peter 2:13-17 Considering the potential result of martyrdom 17

18 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Lesson Outline Conclusion A. The Flames of Fellowship B. Prayer C. Thought to Remember

19 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Bold Believers To this day, believers around the world face persecution rather than renounce their faith. Read these stories about persecuted Christians and discuss how we can support such bold belief. tem number: Collection: alexmillos / iStock / Thinkstock® Graphic: alexmillos / iStock / Thinkstock®

20 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Bold Believers PAKISTAN—On March 27, 2016, Taliban militants targeted an Easter worship service in Lahore. As thousands celebrated Easter in a crowded park, a suicide bomber killed at least 72 people, half of which were children. Christians, who make up 2 percent of the population, are often targets in the Muslim nation of around 200 million. Graphic: alexmillos / iStock / Thinkstock®

21 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Bold Believers CUBA—Just hours before President Obama arrived for his historic visit to Cuba in March of 2016, Pastor Mario Felix Lleonart Barroso was arrested. Pastor Barroso is an outspoken advocate for religious freedom in his nation and is seen as a threat to the Castro regime. Barroso was released after President Obama left. Click to add notes Graphic: alexmillos / iStock / Thinkstock®

22 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Bold Believers TURKEY—In 2007, three Christians were murdered at the Zirve Publishing House where they worked. The killers carried notes explaining this atrocity: “We did this for our country. They are attacking our religion.” The five murderers were released in 2014; but finally, in 2016, a Turkish court handed them life sentences. Click to add notes Graphic: alexmillos / iStock / Thinkstock®

23 Horizontal Visual Display this visual as you close with prayer for persecuted believers around the world.

24 Thought to Remember Our Father never abandons us. Copyright © 2017
Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Thought to Remember Our Father never abandons us.

Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Next Week’s Lesson A PRAYER FOR AN OBEDIENT FAITH

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