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Critical Reflection Katherine Luna Pd.7 11/1/15.

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1 Critical Reflection Katherine Luna Pd.7 11/1/15

2 How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? Our group used score to add to the suspense. In the parts that were most significant in our film the music got sharper. For example, the shot of the knives on the table and the little girl rocking back and forth in her room. We also made most of our film in the dark because it made it scarier and more mysterious. The parts that took place in the young girls room were the ones that had the least lighting. We used spotlights that allowed the viewer to focus on the people in that certain shot. We also used spotlights so that the viewer couldn’t really tell what was surrounding that person during that scene, which added to the mystery. In our film we used jump scares, this was meant to scare the viewer. For example, when the young girl jumps at the parents with her knife we wanted the viewers to feel as if the little girl was coming at them. Our group’s product is believed to relate to teens that are peer pressured. In our film a young girl is at home alone because her parents have left for the weekend and a serial killer invades her house and recruits her to the dark side where she will also be forced to be a serial killer. This relates to teens and peer pressure because when they are often left alone, surrounded with bad influences, teens tend to start giving into the bad decisions that their peers are making and forcing upon them.

3 How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?
Our group’s film engages with our target audience of teenagers because it’s modern . This makes our film more realistic and the possibility of it actually happening is greater. Teens would be more interested in our film because every now and then stories about serial killers have blown up on the news. Also our film would engage with our target audiences because, as mentioned before, it’s relatable. Teenagers are constantly being pressured to do what others tell them to do. For example, teens today are often pressured to do drugs, smoke, or drink alcohol. Teenagers usually face the decision to do these things when they’re at parties or around their friends. In our film the young girl is forced by the serial killer to become a serial killer herself. In the end she ends up giving in with her first victims being her own parents. Our group’s film would be distributed in the movie theaters. This way our film would be more popular and get more views. It would also be distributed in movie theaters because it would sell better that way. Our target audience, of teenagers, are constantly going to the movie theaters, so it would be the perfect way to reach them.

4 How did your production skills develop throughout this project
As I filmed this film project with my group, my production skills progressively got better. I was able to learn how to shoot shots from low angles and high angles. For example, when there was a low angle of the parents running up the stairs. Also I learned how to use different editing techniques. Using Adobe software I learned how to add score to our film, which added to the suspense. I also learned how to cut the scenes that were too long so that we only used the most important part. During this project I was able to film a scene with ellipses of time. The part in the film when the parents went from pulling up into their driveway to them walking into their house was an ellipses of time. Throughout the editing and filming of this project I was able to see how to use what I’ve learned in my AICE Media Studies class. This helped me get a better understanding of all the different techniques used in films.

5 How did you integrate technologies in this project?
For filming our project we used the Cannon Rebel. When editing we used the Adobe Premiere Pro. With this software we were able to add music and cut long scenes to get the part that was most significant. Also we used this software to combine the scenes in the order that we needed them. For lighting we used our iPhones, this helped with the spotlights on the actors in our films. We needed this spotlight so that the viewer would focus on the actor in that scene. To get the score that would perfectly fit with the theme of our film we had to download music from YouTube. By using these different technologies we were able to put the scenes together to create our horror film .

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