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Presentation of PC Software Topic-Goal Seek

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation of PC Software Topic-Goal Seek"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation of PC Software Topic-Goal Seek
Submitted to: Hina mam (lect. of comp’s department) Submitted by: Rajnesh B.Voc (SD) 1st

2 Goal Seek: Goal seeking is the ability to calculate backward to obtain an input that would result in a given output .This can also be called what-if analysis and back-solving. or The process of finding the correct input when only the output is known.

3 To perform this task ,from the Tools menu use the Goal Seek command.
Now,we want to calculate the value of C2 when we assume the sum takes a value 270.We will do this by Goal Seek. The following steps will be performed:

4 1. Select the cell in which formula is being applied
1.Select the cell in which formula is being applied .That cell will be highlighted.

5 2. Click at Goal Seek command in the Tool menu
2.Click at Goal Seek command in the Tool menu .A goal seek dialog box will be displayed on the screen.

6 Now click on expand button on the goal seek dialog box option and return on the cell option .The cell in the set cell box should have a formula in it.

7 3. Now write the new value you want for the cell in To Value :text box
3.Now write the new value you want for the cell in To Value :text box. 4.Click By changing cell

8 Click OK button in the dialog box.

9 The changes would be seen in the worksheet and dialog box will be appear.


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