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NCPG Prevention Committee - Youth Task Force

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Presentation on theme: "NCPG Prevention Committee - Youth Task Force"— Presentation transcript:

1 NCPG Prevention Committee - Youth Task Force
Satrday, June 22, 2017

2 20 Total Responses Date Created: Wednesday, March 08, 2017
Complete Responses: 16

3 Q1: National data on youth gambling prevalence indicates that 4% to 6% have a gambling disorder/problem. Do you cite these percentages in describing the prevalence of youth gambling in your state? Answered: Skipped: 1

4 Q1: National data on youth gambling prevalence indicates that 4% to 6% have a gambling disorder/problem. Do you cite these percentages in describing the prevalence of youth gambling in your state? Answered: Skipped: 1

5 Q3: National data on youth gambling prevalence indicates that 10% to 15% of youth are at-risk for developing a gambling problem. Do you cite these percentages in describing youth at-risk for developing a gambling problem in your state? Answered: Skipped: 3

6 Q3: National data on youth gambling prevalence indicates that 10% to 15% of youth are at-risk for developing a gambling problem. Do you cite these percentages in describing youth at-risk for developing a gambling problem in your state? Answered: Skipped: 3

7 Q5: Do you use the CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) as the source for your state youth health survey? Answered: Skipped: 5

8 Q5: Do you use the CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) as the source for your state youth health survey? Answered: Skipped: 5

9 Q6: Would you support the development of one question that could be promoted as being the national recommended youth gambling question that should be included on any youth health survey? Answered: Skipped: 4

10 Q6: Would you support the development of one question that could be promoted as being the national recommended youth gambling question that should be included on any youth health survey? Answered: Skipped: 4

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