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John Marshall High School

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1 John Marshall High School
Class of 2017

2 Senior Survey “Complete your senior survey if you have not already done so. Login to Skyward and click on the link provided, or go directly to to complete it”.

3 Important Dates Before May 19 Are you Entering the Military?
Please stop and see Chastity in the Main Office ASAP May26 Graduation Parade from 9:30-11:30 am May 26 Senior Awards Night 6:30 pm Ilstrup Auditorium June 2 & 5 Seniors will take finals during their regular class periods June 6, 7 & 8 No School for Seniors

4 Cap & Gown Try on and hang up the gown
No decorations of any kind on your cap Wear White Clothes Under Gown Guys - Dress shirt with collar Girls - Dress blouse Wear Appropriate Shoes No Flip Flops No Exceptions

5 Outstanding Obligations
Fees, Books, Supplies Turn them in TODAY or Could Jeopardize Graduation!!

6 Senior Pranks Could result in loss of participation in Graduation Ceremony and/or Senior Party Could delay receiving diploma Possible law enforcement charges

7 June 9- Rehearsal Commencement Rehearsal
Report to John Marshall by 10:00 am in the Auditorium Presentation in Auditorium 10:40 busses will transport you to the Mayo Civic Center Ice cream back at JM following rehearsal

8 June 11-Graduation Day Commencement Program 3:00 pm Mayo Civic Center
Taylor Arena report at 2:15 to the Riverview Suites No tickets are needed for guests to attend

9 Arrive Early It is strongly encouraged for family, friends, and guest to arrive to the graduation ceremony early Showing up late causes major distractions and late-comers may not be allowed into the ceremony

10 Misc. Information Turn off all cell phones and pagers before ceremony begins Use restroom before lining up Do not wear sunglasses

11 Commencement Act in a dignified manner.
No throwing caps, Frisbees, or any other disruptive behavior. Arrive early and make sure everything fits.

12 Diploma Insert Will be received immediately after Commencement

13 Graduation Party Party will be held at John Marshall High School
Doors open at 8:30 p.m. Games, Prizes, Food, Fun, Surprises Party concludes at 3:30 a.m. Doors close at 9:30 Cost is $90.00-tickets must be purchased in advance Enter and leave through Main Entrance

14 Final Transcripts All final transcripts will be processed by parchment. If you are attending school after JM, you will need to arrange for a final transcript to be sent in June. If you do not make proper arrangements, your college financial aid and registration process will be delayed. If you already know which school you’re attending, it’s not too early to make your request. To request a final transcript you must mark it as “next grading period” in the “transcript type” area on the parchment website. If you need assistance setting up a parchment account or information on how to make a request for a final transcript, see the Guidance Office.

15 Congratulations!

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