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Unit 1.2 History of Card Games

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1 Unit 1.2 History of Card Games

2 First Playing Cards The earliest playing cards originated in Central Asia. 10th century, Chinese used paper-like dominoes, shuffling and dealing them in new games. GAD

3 Introduction of Cards into Europe
Islamic cards were introduced into southern Europe about 1350. The suit signs—Coins, Cups, Swords, Sticks—were variously adapted. "Moorish" card, 14th century (?) (Instituto Municipal de Historia, Barcelona) GAD

4 First European Playing Cards
The first European playing cards date from 1370 and come from Spain, Italy, Germany, and Switzerland. No cards from this time period survive. The earliest surviving cards come from around the 15th century - cards were hand-painted and only afforded by the wealthy. With the invention of woodcuts in the 14th century, Europeans began mass-producing cards. GAD

5 First European Playing Cards
By 1500, three main suit systems had evolved: These three suit systems became the basis of standard national patterns. The Ambras Court Hunting Pack (1445) GAD

6 Evolution of German Cards
Germans were the most imaginative Their cards tended to be decorated with lively scenes The German national pattern finally settled on four suits (Leaves, Hearts, Acorns and Hawk Bells) from which the Queen was banished. German deck, Nüremberg, 1813 GAD

7 Evolution of Tarocco The Italians also added a wild card (the Fool)
Among the Florentines, the trump suit expanded until their Tarocco totaled 97 cards. The game spread northwards, called Tarot by speakers of French. The Tarot did not acquire its modern use by fortune tellers until the 1780s Divinatory Tarot cards by Etteilla, Paris, 1789 GAD

8 French Playing Cards It was the French who were instrumental in bringing the pleasures of card play to people in Europe and the New World. French cards soon flooded the market and were exported to England first, and then in the British Colonies of America. GAD

9 Evolution of Cards - French
French card makers, c. 1470, invented the familiar suits Popular demand led to mass production through the new technique of the woodcut. Designs for whole sheets of cards were drawn and carved on woodblocks, then inked and printed on paper, finally separated and glued on cardboard. GAD

10 Card Indices After 1860, Europeans and Americans came to accept card indices, markings on the faces that declared their values. Early indices included: Triplicates, when the standard card face bears miniature faces in two corners Border indices, when numerals and suit signs line the edges of the card Numerals inscribed within the suit signs Large numerals dominating the card face The most popular indices proved to be the small markings in diagonally opposite corners, or, less frequently, in all four corners. GAD

11 History of Modern Suit System
Our modern suits are from French designs that designed a four-suit system. These suits of spades, clubs, diamonds and hearts, and the use of simple shapes and flat colors helped facilitate manufacture. The king of hearts represented Charlemagne, the king of Diamonds was Julius Caesar, the king of clubs was Alexander the Great, and the king of spades was King David from the Bible. GAD

12 Early French Suits GAD Hearts Spades Diamonds Clubs King Queen Jack

13 Suits and Patterns – Swiss French

14 History of the Saxony Pattern

15 Suits and Patterns - Italian

16 Suits and Patterns – Spanish

17 American Playing Cards
Americans started producing playing cards around 1800. The cards had several improvements: Double-headed court cards - no upside down cards Varnished surfaces for durability and smoothness in shuffling. Identifying marks on the borders or corners Rounded corners for extended life GAD

18 Improvements to Playing Cards
Rounded corners Refined finishes Double-ended figures Joker was born, we now know that the Tarot had not yet entered the U. S. when the Joker first appeared. , Double-headed courts by Russell & Morgan, Cincinnati, 1885 GAD

19 The Joker GAD The Joker came from a form of Euchre.
In this game two Jacks of the same color are designated as being powerful. When immigrants carried the game to the US, they also brought some terms, such as Bauer (= Jack). Euchre players still speak of their two highest cards as "the left and the right Bauer," but the key word is envisioned as "Bower". Americans added to the Euchre deck a card even higher than the designated Bowers. It was called the Imperial Bower or the Best Bower. This was the genesis of the Joker. Joker by Victor Mauger, New York, 1875 GAD

20 Evolution of the Joker After the introductions of the Best Bower into Euchre, Americans equipped card games with an extra card (usually as a wild card). Later it became known as the Joker—meaning one that changes character or pops up unexpectedly. The use of a jester is logical, not only because of his unpredictable behavior, but because he complements the court cards. The Joker is one of America's most picturesque contributions to the history of playing cards. Joker by Andrew Dougherty, New York, 1875 GAD

21 The Joker The Joker originated around 1870
The Joker was known as the "Best Bower" The Joker was the highest card in the game of Euchre. GAD

22 The most common representation of the joker is a “Fool”.

23 The stick can be often seen on Joker cards.
The Joker The stick can be often seen on Joker cards. GAD

24 Sometimes the Joker plays a musical instrument.

25 Sometimes the Joker plays a musical instrument.

26 The Joker is sometimes seen as a female.

27 The Joker The Jokers especially in non-standard games can have a special design that has only little if any resemblance with the fool. GAD

28 Other Uses of Cards Besides playing games, cards were also used for:
Advertise products and services Promote ideas Depict famous landmarks Depict famous events Depict famous people GAD

29 Depict famous people US-Elections 1963. John F. Kennedy
and other persons of the Kennedy-Clan, also politicians from the democratic party. GAD

30 Advertise products Left: Original Pattern slightly modified, king holds beer glass in hand; Right: Pattern newly designed, but nevertheless you can see the Bavarian Pattern shimmering through. GAD

31 Advertise products Two examples for advertising in free spaces on the card picture Left: Tobacco ad from the 1930s Right: Ad for the newspaper "Der neue Landfreund" ca. 1980 GAD

32 Non-Standard Cards In this game not only the court cards were redesigned, also the suit symbols were changed Theme is the "Honey Barrel" a fairy tale by Lew Ustinow; advertisement for the theatre Altenburg-Gera. GAD

33 Non-Standard Cards Here the courts are only stylized. These cards were drawn by the artist Sonia Delaunay. GAD

34 Non-Standard Cards This card game represents the four elements. But they do not appear as the four suits; they are ranks (king = earth, queen = water, jack = air and Joker = fire). GAD

35 Non-Standard Cards The Michelin-Man as playing card court. GAD

36 Souvenir Cards Left Example: View of the Canary Islands; right: model trains GAD

37 Educational Card Games

38 Types of Card Games Adding Games Fishing Games
In adding games, players play in turns, adding the value of the cards together as they are played. The goal is to reach or avoid certain point totals. Fishing Games Each player is given a hand of cards with a layout of face up cards on the table. Players play one card in turn. If the card played matches the layout card, the layout card is captured and placed in front of the player. If a card does not match, it becomes part of the layout. GAD

39 Types of Card Games Matching Games
Players take turns playing cards to a discard pile. The card played must match the previous card or fit with the other card in some way (rank, suit, order). The player who match or fit form their hand are penalized by having to draw one or more cards. The object is to get rid of all of your cards. GAD

40 Types of Card Games Card Exchange Games
Players have a hand of cards and exchanging a card or cards with other players. The exchange may be with another player or with a stack of face-up or facedown cards. The object is usually to collect certain cards of set of cards. GAD

41 Types of Card Games Draw and Discard Games
Players have a hand of cards and two stacks on the table. The game involves picking up an unknown card from the stockpile or a known card from the discard pile. The player must then discard a card face-up on the discard pile. Players are trying to improve their position to some end goal. GAD

42 Types of Card Games Patience, Solitaire and Free Cell
Card games you play with yourself. Traditionally, the cards were about half the size of regular playing cards. GAD

43 Variations on Card Games

44 Fortune Telling Cards GAD

45 Tarot Cards GAD

46 Card Trivia Why are Jacks called Jacks? In the game All Fours, jack is the name of the point for winning a trick containing the knave of trumps. The word jack also means 'a common man' At first jack was considered a lower class term [ref. Dickens's Great Expectations, 1861; Estelle says mockingly of Pip "He calls the knaves, jacks, this boy!"] but it gained acceptance while knave became obsolete. Modern English usage has knave as a scoundrel GAD

47 Card Trivia Why does the Ace rank greater than the King? There may at one time have been a political undertone, in that people wanted to see a king overthrown by the most humble peasant, in a card game if not in real life. GAD

48 What is the order of suit ranking?
Card Trivia What is the order of suit ranking? “It depends what game you are playing" Hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades: Preference, 500, Tysiacha Clubs, spades, hearts, diamonds: Skat, Doppelkopf, Sheepshead Spades, hearts, clubs, diamonds: Big Two (Choi Dai Di, Da Lao Er) Diamonds, hearts, spades, clubs: Pusoy Dos Clubs, hearts, spades, diamonds: Ninety-nine Spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs: Contract Bridge GAD

49 The end of cards GAD

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