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Closing Conference ETF-ILO Project Decent Work for Transport Workers

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1 Overview of current SD agenda and challenges/difficulties in the Czech Republic
Closing Conference ETF-ILO Project Decent Work for Transport Workers Brussels, 15 November 2011 Josef Maurer Odborový svaz dopravy (OSD) Czech Republic

2 Contents Social partners in transport Facts & figures
Bipartite social dialogue in transport Role of state bodies Sectoral social dialogue topics Interaction national áâ EU level Coalition of Transport Trade Unions (KDOS) Discussion

3 Social partners in transport
National level Sectoral level Company level Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions (ČMKOS) Association of Independ nt Unions (ASO) Odborový svaz dopravy (OSD) ČMKOS / ETF Odborové sdružení železničářů (OSŽ) ASO / ETF Odborový svaz námořníků (OSN) DOSIA OSD-affiliated OSŽ-affiliated OSN-affiliated DOSIA-affiliated independent Confederation of industry and transport (SPDČR) Confederation of transport (SDČR) individual companies

4 Facts & figures overal unionisation in the Czech Republic – 22%
collective bargaining coverage – 26,5% no strict representativity criteria (3 members can create a union) Source: Dublin Foundation

5 Bipartite social dialogue in transport
informal regular meetings invitation to congresses, annual assemblies etc. formal „higher-level“ (= branch) collective agreements – both OSD (2009 – 2012) and DOSIA with SDČR = minimum standards

6 Role of state bodies validity of sectoral collective agreements can be extended to companies (even non-union) > 20 workers competent authority = Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

7 Sectoral social dialogue topics (example of RT)
public transport subsidies driving and rest time infrastructure financing tax reform rise in pension age vocational training of drivers

8 Challenges for the future
workers‘ representation system reforms unions traditionally stronger in (ex-) state-owned companies, but weaker in private companies / new entrants (ex. logistics – DHL, FedEx) lack of interest of younger generation plans to prohibit strike in certain sectors / minimum service obligation new government reforms (tax, pensions)

9 Interaction national áâ EU level
very important!!! ( % of legislation directly or indirectly from Brussels) employers: SDČR involved in IRU and social dialogue on EU level unions: OSD involved in RT and CA social dialogue on EU level

10 Coalition of Transport Trade Unions (KDOS)
despite ideological/practical differences common union platform vis-á-vis state institutions and employers quite powerful (1-day transport strike in June 2011)

11 Discussion Questions? Remarks? Thank you … 

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