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Flush by Carl Hiaasen chapter 1-3

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1 Flush by Carl Hiaasen chapter 1-3
All photos courtesy of Google Images *You will be assessed on the words with an asterisk.

2 *Understatement--the act or an instance of stating something in restrained terms, or as less than it is

3 *Tendency--an inclination or predisposition to something

4 *Inflatable--an inflatable object, device, or structure, especially a small rubber boat that is inflated with air

5 *Skiff--any of various types of boats small enough for sailing or rowing by one person

6 *Interfering--taking part in the affairs of others; meddling

7 Impressive--capable of impressing, esp. by size, magnificence, etc
*Impressive--capable of impressing, esp. by size, magnificence, etc.; awe-inspiring; commanding

8 *Insist--demand something forcefully, not accepting refusal

9 *murky—dark and unclear

10 *Martyr--a person who is killed because of their religion or other beliefs

11 *stable--sane and sensible; not easily upset or disturbed

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