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Workday Training Questions and Answers
Position Management
Q and A from the Position Mgmt. trainings
Questions Answers What is important to enter in the Assign Organizations (or Change Organization Assignments) business processes? Several fields are important, including two fields that drive the integration between Workday and the budget system: Enter the company: State or Endowed Enter a default cost center: whenever possible, enter the default cost center for the position (or for a Headcount group, if applicable). Enter “Budgeted” for any position (or Headcount group) that is budgeted: by doing so, the position (or HC group) will feed into the budget system. Not students/grads: for employees who are not students, select the “Not Students” designation. This step is required if the position is in a Headcount group. Choose the KFS Organization: To ensure that the position(or HC group) is pulled into the budget system, also select the appropriate KFS Organization.
Q and A from the Position Mgmt. trainings
Questions Answers During the Assign Org BP, should the non-student designation be on only Headcount-group positions or on regular (PM) positions? To ensure that security works appropriately, please place that tag on ALL non-student positions. After employee A moves to a newly created position so that employee B can move into employee A’s position, should the unit close the newly-created position that employee A holds when employee A leaves or retires—i.e., when employee A is no longer teaching employee B, who “pre-filled” employee A’s position? The newly-created position should be closed when the departing employee terminates. Create Position vs. Create Position Restrictions—which role gets the approvals? HR Partner will approve both of these business processes.
Q and A from the Position Mgmt. trainings
Questions Answers Contingent worker type: When would we use the worker type of “contingent,” which is one of the options during create position? Cornell is not using contingent worker. Headcount (HC) Groups: Can a HC organization have both state and endowed workers in it? Yes, a HC can have both state and endowed workers, because those designations are not on the HC itself but on each individual position within a HC. State vs. endowed position: If you have an employee in a state position, can you change the position to make it endowed? If a position is unfilled, yes, you can make the position endowed, but if the position is filled, do not change a position from state to endowed (or vice versa), because that change causes problems with benefits administration.
Q and A from the Appointment trainings
Questions Answers Is there a report that shows probation dates? Probation dates are optional fields. Post go-live, a published custom report will be available for those colleges and units that use these fields. What is the impact of the Benefits Service Date? How will it be populated? The Benefits Service Date in Workday is the date the employee becomes eligible for benefits. The date will prepopulate once the HR Partner saves the hire event. However, the central Benefits Administration team will carefully monitor and update as needed: i.e., neither Management nor HR Partners should enter or adjust the Benefits Service Date in Workday. What is the impact if the wrong date is in the compensation expected end date field? The compensation expected end date controls when the pay would stop. If the date is incorrect, the employee may receive too much (or not enough) money. This is the adjusted service date as well as the date the employee becomes eligible for benefits.
Q and A from the Appointment trainings
Questions Answers Is a Kronos Pay Rep only needed for non-exempt employees? A Kronos Pay Rep is needed for all employee’s who need to be active in Kronos. What are the impacts of standard job duration vs. actual job duration? The “FTE – Actual and Standard Job Duration “ fields are important for reporting and informational purposes. For example, for the budgeting process, these fields would inform the budgeting system. Remember: Pay is driven by the Propose Compensation business process and by the Change Compensation process (once the employee is hired). Should all full-time positions have a default weekly hours of 40? Default Weekly Hours should be listed as 40 for all positions; scheduled Weekly Hours, though, can be changed. For exempts employees, scheduled weekly hours should be listed as 40. For non-exempt employees, you may adjust the scheduled weekly hours to reflect the employee’s regular scheduled week. How should we determine what the scheduled weekly hours should be for exempt employees who work less than 40 hours per week? Because, for exempt employees, the purpose of the scheduled weekly hours is to ensure the correct FTE calculation (scheduled hours/default hours), you should choose the scheduled weekly hours that correctly calculates the FTE for the worker in question. For example, if an exempt employee is .75 FTE, set the scheduled weekly hours to 30, which would equate to this FTE: 30 scheduled weekly hours / 40 default weekly hours = .75 FTE.
Q and A from the Appointment trainings
Questions Answers Who can see I-9 data in Workday? I-9 Data is visible by Management Partner, HR Partner, Onboarding Painter, and ISSO Partner. Further details about I-9s (and about the big picture of the Hire process ) will be forthcoming in a future training session. What are the cutoff times related to events and paychecks? The general cut-off times will be as follows: Semi Monthly - the close of business (5pm) the day before a payroll calculation: a calendar will be available on the web, and a reminder will be sent to approvers. Bi Weekly - the close of business (5pm) on Wednesday the day before a payroll runs Note: These cutoffs will likely be altered for go-live and/or at particular times of the year to accommodate changes. How can employees suppress their address so that the general CU population cannot view it? Home address information is automatically identified as ‘private’ data, and so that information is not publically visible.
Job Changes
Q and A from the Job Change trainings
Questions Answers Will the Phased Retirement business process have an age rule or other criteria, such as years of service? Employees will have to fill out a form when they want to go on a phased retirement; thus, all of the validation of whether a phased retirement should occur will take place before the transaction goes into Workday. As a result, Workday will not have rules that stop the business process. Why does Job Change have off-boarding procedures as part of the business process? Off-boarding is applicable for some of the many types of job changes, and so that step in the Job Change business process is a To Do, a task that, in this case, is for informational purposes: to remind the management partner to off-board the employee for Job Changes such as transfers. Why does propose compensation change, a component of the Job Change business process, not stay with the initiator? The comp change DOES stay with the initiator, but the task does not come up immediately after the initiation. Instead, comp change will come back to the management partner after the HR partner does the initial review and the assign organization business processes.
Q and A from the Job Change trainings
Questions Answers How will the approval letters be generated for a phased retirement? Templates for the phased retirement letter acknowledgement form and the appointment letter will be stored on the Workday website. Prior to entering the event in Workday, HR staff should discuss with the employee the specifics of phased retirement. If “Fixed Term with Benefits” is chosen as the employee type, will someone from benefits communicate with the department if the department made a mistake in choosing that employee type? HR Partners should carefully review all appointments to make sure the appropriate employee type has been selected. In addition, to catch errors, colleges and units should periodically monitor this field (and other important fields) via audit reports. Central HR will also be monitoring this data and will communicate with the department if an issue is identified. For employees with multiple jobs, which job will pay for any overtime incurred during a pay period? Just like before Workday, overtime will be charged to the job that causes the employee to go over 40 hours during the workweek.
Q and A from the Job Change trainings
Questions Answers Will the Workspace field be used for mailing? The Work Contact Information will drive mailing address; the Workspace field keeps Workday data in sync with the Facilities Inventory System. For managing pre-fills using the work-around that trainees learn (i.e., create an identical position and move the person currently in the old position into the identical position so that the new-hire can take the old position), does Workday have a way to copy a position? No, Workday does not have a method to copy a position. But Workday 19 will have a new feature that Cornell can use to make the process easier than the work-around we will use at (and just after) go-live: the new feature is called Job Overlap. During the Transfer/Promote/Lateral or the Switch Primary Job business processes, will the changes cause any issues in KRONOS, such as affecting the KRONOS Home Job? Because Kronos will remain “as is,” the pay rep in the new org will do the normal set-up procedures in Kronos that would occur for any new employee. The new employee should “drop” into Kronos the day of the transfer effective date.
Q and A from the Job Change trainings
Questions Answers How should units, such as research and libraries, manage the supervisory structure for non-standard reporting relationships: e.g., a professor in Human Ecology supervises professors in CALS? What are the best practices for managing these relationships? Currently, the Alternate Organization Owners (an assigned campus role) and central subject matter experts are forming a taskforce to determine best practices for managing these relationships. As solutions are determined, the Alternate Organization Owners and the HR Directors will share that information with the units. Can the Notify-by date in Job Change be used for reporting? For example, academic dates in ALS? The field Notify-by is not being used by Cornell University at go live: please leave it blank. That said, after go-live, if a campus-wide business need to use this field exists, a report may be possible. As user-suggested enhancements are proposed, campus/central leaders will review and consider those requests. Because the Compensation End Date, a component of some Job Changes, is so important, can that field have help text or some other flag in Workday to remind campus to enter it? Help text will be added the Request Compensation page.
Q and A from the Job Change trainings
Questions Answers During a Phase Retirement, Workday deleted a job-related allowance (e.g., cell phone allowance): currently, do such allowances end during a phased retirement? Just like during a transfer, promotion, or lateral move, the allowance plan will appear with lines through it and the words “DELETED,” to indicate that the allowance plan does not transfer. But if the allowance plan(s) should continue during the phased retirement, you can reinstate the plan(s) during the propose compensation business process, a step in the job change for a phased retirement. Will Phased Retirement business processes route to benefits to take care of the 2X retirement contributions change that occurs because the employee’s pay gets reduced by half? It is a CURP allowance that a central role would calculate and add to Workday. If the transfer is effective mid-pay period and all the appropriate changes are completed during the transfer action (Kronos Pay Rep Group, Timecard, Kronos set-up, etc.), will both orgs be able to view and approve the timecard? Yes, both orgs will be able to view and approve the timecard for that pay period, as long as all of the appropriate changes were made during the transfer: Kronos Pay Rep Group, time card, Kronos device group (if applicable).
Compensation and Costing
Q and A from Comp and Costing
Questions Answers Is Workday able to process retroactive compensation changes? Yes, retroactive compensation changes will happen as they are handled today. Payroll will run a report to identify any retroactive events and process them accordingly. How will we enter retroactive Costing Allocation changes to grants/contracts? All changes of these types will go through Kuali for the charge back. During a transfer, hire, or add job, do the compensation dates need to match a pay period? Ideally, the dates would match a pay period, BUT Workday will prorate the compensation for mid-pay-period changes. Do changes to costing allocations need to match a pay period? Yes, because Costing Allocations are for a full pay period, costing allocations must match pay periods. To learn how to charge multiple accounts during a pay period, please see the Assign Costing Allocation examples at the end of the Costing Allocation job aid.
Q and A from Comp and Costing
Questions Answers What is the best practice for managing costing allocations that will occur mid-pay period: e.g., summer session in CALS? Please see the costing allocation examples at the end of the Assign Costing Allocation job aid for more details and screen shots. Additionally, here is a brief explanation: to manage cost allocations that occur mid pay period, include all accounts that are impacted (old and new) and adjust the percentages to reflect the amounts to be charged for the existing pay period. Then, add an additional costing allocation for future pay period to reflect the ongoing percentages for the new account. For example, if you transferred the fictitious Jeff Lebowski (from job A to job B) three days into the pay period, set up a costing allocation to come from the account for the job he held for three days (3/10 of the pay period in job A) and an allocation for seven days (7/10 of the pay period in job B) to come from another account. Put differently, assign 30% of the wages to come from account A and 70% to come from account B. Where do we enter the object code to ensure the appropriate fringe rate is charged? Based on the employee’s characteristics (which come from the job profile) and based on the reason code you select for the compensation change (e.g., allowance plan), the appropriate object code is hard-coded on the back end: that is, payroll will automatically properly process the correct object code.
Q and A from Comp and Costing
Questions Answers Can Comp Change and Costing Allocation business processes have a link to the payroll calendar? Yes: a link will be added to the Important Links worklet to the My Workday 2.0 landing page. If no default or overrides exist on a position, what happens during a payroll? The payroll would pull from a Cornell default account. Later, someone will use Kuali’s retro salary transfer to charge the correct account. How do I know which earnings code to select? For specific questions about earnings codes, please reach out to the payroll office, as you would do today. What is the procedure to add accounts to the Assign Costing Allocation business process? For example, some units may want to add accounts to the costing pick list. The integration between PeopleSoft and Workday will bring in updates to KFS accounts when there are changes. The payroll office is working with the Workday team to set up procedures for adding accounts to the costing allocation pick list.
Q and A from Comp and Costing
Questions Answers From the integration of PeopleSoft (PS) and Workday (WD), will costing allocations come over on the position or on the person? For employees set up (in PS) with only one labor distribution, that account will become the default in WD on the position and on the employee. For employees set up with several labor distributions, the multiple accounts will come through at the employee level, and the account with the highest distribution % will become the default for the position in WD. For units that have summer session professors from across a supervisory organization, what is the best practice to get that person paid from the appropriate accounts? To learn about Cornell guidelines surrounding compensation for employees in another org, see page 9 of the “Adjusting Compensation” document on, under the “training & updates” link. What feeds the budget system: the position default or worker overrides? The answer depends on what costing allocations are set up for the position (filled or unfilled). For example, if the position only has default costing, then default costing will feed the budget system. If the position has costing overrides, then those overrides will feed into the budget system.
Q and A from Comp and Costing
Questions Answers What earning code should I pick if I added a summer session allowance for a professor? For example, CALS currently chooses the appropriate summer-salary code depending on the appointment (SUM for 9/24s and SUN for 9/18s); however, Workday only has one salary plan for Summer Salary and that plan maps to the appropriate payroll earnings code (behind the scenes) based on the salary plan and job profile. Payroll has assured us that they will use the same plan, and the taxes will be taken care of appropriately. It will be based on them being 9/18 on the primary job. What is the best practice to manage summer pay for workers (e.g., faculty) from another department when a new position would put the worker at greater than 100% FTE: add a job, which might be prevented based on the faculty handbook, or have the worker’s current Comp Finance Partner change the costing allocation? We are creating a document with examples to fully address this question. The basic approach, though, should be to add additional pay to the existing job when possible (think bonus payment) rather than adding a job. For summer teaching and research salary, we have to put someone in a temporary position in our unit to pay them if they are a contract employee. For fixed-term employees whose data transfers into Workday before go-live, does the expected end-date on the position get put on the compensation, too? Yes, the end date will appear on the compensation, too.
Q and A from Comp and Costing
Questions Answers What will happen when folks pick a state account to fund part of a position and endowed account to fund another part of the position? CU policy, because of different benefits for state jobs versus endowed jobs, does not allow endowed and state accounts to fund the same position. Workday was designed to support this policy; thus, if a split between an endowed and a state account was entered, Workday should generate an error message. In most situations that involve state or endowed accounts, we recommend that you add an additional job for a worker in such a situation: one job for the endowed accounts and one job for the state accounts. To give the worker an additional job, create a new position or use an existing position in your department. Thus, with the additional job, you can set up the compensation and costing allocation so that the worker would gets paid properly from the state accounts, alleviating the need to do retro charge backs through Kuali. When we initiate a termination or transfer, will the allowance go with the employee? (PeopleSoft transactions have experienced the allowance continuing even after a transfer or termination.) No, the allowance will not transfer with the employee. But when the transfer process reaches the step to propose compensation, you will see the old allowance crossed out and the words DELETED will appear below the allowance plan; thus, if you wanted to reinstate the allowances, you could do so on the new position.
Q and A from the Leaves Training
Questions Answers After we do a Job Change to put someone on a phased retirement, what will the accruals look like: e.g., if the employee had 30 days of vacation and 30 days of health and personal leave, what would the new accruals look like now that the employee would be part-time? In reality, the employee would now have 60 days of vacation and 60 days of health and personal leave, all of which will be at 4 hours per day, since the phased retiree is only working half time: i.e., a full day for a phased retiree is 4 hours, as opposed to a full 8-hour day prior to the phased retirement. Because Workday will not automatically double the accruals, the Management Partner and employee need to be aware and only use a half day of the phased retiree’s accruals when a retiree takes a day. Please add more information into the Leaves job aid so that trainees know which date to use after a waiting period. Done: we updated the job aid. For allowances that supplement an employee on leave, how is the allowance calculated: before Workday, we used the calc tool that Records provided (the tool accounts for the number of days in the pay period). Can we use the tool, or do we need to calculate the daily rate and multiply that number by the # of days the employee wants to supplement? This task will be done exactly as it is today: if your unit calculates a daily rate, you would also calculate a daily rate to put into Workday. When you put the amount into Workday, though, you would enter that amount as a bi-weekly or semi-monthly value, with appropriate pay-period dates, to ensure the payment is correct.
Q and A from the Leaves Training
Questions Answers With a position leave (which is an unpaid leave), can the employee supplement during this leave (if approved by the supervisor)? No, just like before Workday, an unpaid leave (i.e., a personal leave of absence, which used to be called a department leave) cannot be paid, as policy indicates. No exceptions. The leave may be granted for extenuating personal circumstances, educational opportunities, extended vacation, or government service. During the leave, the unit holds the position for the employee until the employee returns. For faculty who are 9/18, some units put these faculty members out on sabbatical leave (full year ½ pay) in August and bring them back in June, but the units reduce the faculty member’s pay for the full year. If the units use those same dates for 9/18 faculty members, will WD properly calculate the pay for that year? The units should not reduce the pay as they have in the past: Workday will automatically reduce the salary to half pay when the sabbatical leave is processed with the reason of Half Salary for a full academic year (Aug-June). Can the Estimated Last Day of Leave be changed after the event has been completed? This would help Management Partners because the date often changes. After the leave request has successfully completed, only Central HR can correct the date, but because the field is a guide to help the unit manage leaves (e.g., with the “Leaves Expected to End within 1 Week” report), the field does not need to change. Put differently, the leave will not end until you (or your colleagues) return the employee from leave via the “Return Employee from Leave” business process.
Q and A from the Leaves Training
Questions Answers For parental or sabbatical leaves, how do we manage the costing allocation if it will cross pay periods? Set up multiple cost allocations: please see the Assign Costing Allocation examples in the Costing Allocation job aid. For an unpaid academic leave that the department wants to “top up” (i.e., supplement), how would the department perform that task: i.e., pay that allowance type? If the department chooses an unpaid leave, the leave will be unpaid. To ensure that the leave is paid, choose the appropriate paid or supplemented leave type. Do reports exist that use the probation dates that we can optionally enter during the hire or add job business processes? A report exists in Workday that will allow you to run a report (regardless of whether you use the probation dates) to see which employees have been in a position for fewer than 120 days. But if you want to have a probation longer (or shorter) than 120 days, you can use the probation dates and run reports to pull your specific probation dates.
Q and A from the Leaves Training
Questions Answers For a sabbatical leave that is full pay for one semester, why isn’t that choice available in the leave choices—and in the earnings choices? Only Sabbatic 50% is available as a choice in the Assign Costing Allocation pick list for earnings. Although the training tenant does not show the option, the gold build has the appropriate options in the Leave-Type menu: Sabbatic Full Salary or Sabbatic Half Salary. For semi-monthly employees, would a leave start on Saturday or Monday? For example, if the first day out of work is Monday, would we use that date or Saturday? Conversely, can a return-from-leave date be a weekend day or should campus use a weekday? The leave can start whatever date is deemed necessary; though, payroll will calculate pay based on the number of working/worked days in a pay period. Will Workday keep track of paid holidays as it tracks entitlements? Just like today, Central will use an allowance to pay the on-leave employee for the holiday, if that employee is not receiving full pay due to the leave type.
Q and A from the Leaves Training
Questions Answers Will Workday stop accruals for exempt employees on the 21st day? No, the Time-Off Partner will need to make manual adjustments to exempt employees’ accruals. The best practice is to update the accruals every pay period—or at least every month. And at the end of the leave, the accruals MUST be updated a final time. In Workday, can employees see how much of an entitlement they have used? No, employees do not have access to see how much of an entitlement they have used: the management partner and HR partner could share that information with the employee. In the dropdown list of time off requests, what is the “Sick Leave Clearing” option? This option is used to clear out the Sick Leave balance when someone terminates. For the LARS conversion, will LARS values (which are a month behind) be run prior to go-live? Yes. Does Workday allow negative accrual balances? In Workday, are the accruals real-time or are the accruals only updated by pay period? Non-exempts are real-time in Kronos.
Q and A from the Leaves Training
Questions Answers Can a non-exempt employee initiate a time-off request in Workday? That is, will Workday know that the employee is non-exempt and will Workday stop the employee and instruct the employee to use Kronos? If not, some help text might be needed to instruct bi-weekly employees to use Kronos. Non-exempts must recorded their time off in Kronos; only exempt employees should use Workday for time off requests. That said, as a warning, Workday will not produce an error message if a non-exempt employees mistakenly enter their request in Workday. If an employee has accruals, does that employee have to use the accruals to supplement a waiting period? Yes: please consult policy 6.9 to learn about the specific rules. For sabbatical leaves (pre and post Salary Improvement Program), are the calculations for salary going to be accurate: e.g., sabbatical Jan 16, 2013, to January 15, 2014, with a SIP increase on July 1, 2013? Yes, calculations would be correct in base pay: SIP should load. But the department should still check the salary after the SIP load. If, for some reason, the SIP file doesn’t match the job file, units will be notified, as they are today, and a SIP override must be processed.
Q and A from the Leaves Training
Questions Answers Can employees use less than a full supplement? Yes, leaves can be full pay or half pay, and for the three supplement-only leave types, the management partner could change the allowances (using Request Comp Change) each pay period, if the employee and management partner wanted to do so. For the conversion from PS to WD, what costing allocation accounts will come over for inactive/invalid accounts in PS? The valid current costing account will be converted on positions: invalid accounts will not be converted. For a waiting period, will semi-monthly employees who have no accruals to use for a supplement still get paid? Management Partner must make sure that transaction is entered appropriately. If the employee has no accruals to supplement, the management partner must select the appropriate No Supplement option: e.g., Short Term Disability>STD Waiting Period No Supplement. The no-supplement leave type will not give the employee pay for the waiting period.
Q and A from the Separations Training
Questions Answers How do we zero-out a terminated employee’s Kronos balance after we perform a Vacation Buyout for the employee? Non-exempt vacation buyouts will go through Kronos, not Workday: because Kronos pay reps will process the vacation buyout for non-exempt employees (using code VBB), the balance will automatically zero out. For retirement, an employee must be 55 or older and have worked at least 10 years at Cornell. Additionally, an hours requirement exists: who will be performing that “depth test” to make sure that employees have worked enough hours? Not all of the eligibility rules could not be configured into Workday, and so that process will be manual. When campus uses the event of Termination with the reason of Retirement, the transaction will come to central, and before the status of the employee is changed to Retiree, central will ensure the employee meets all the criteria and eligibilities to have the retiree status. Can we turn off the notify-by date? No, the field can’t be removed; however, it’s not configured to do anything—i.e., no notice or automatically-generated letter will go to the employee. If the vacation buyout (VBO) is started but not finished before the separation completes, what will happen? The VBO has to be done first, before the Termination. If all steps aren’t approved, the employee will neither be Terminated nor receive the vacation buyout.
Q and A from the Separations Training
Questions Answers Will the reason codes do anything other than help with reporting? For example, will misinformation set in motion an automatic overpayment transaction? Or what if an employee’s term date was 30 days ago, and we don’t put in the transaction until today: how will the overpayment be processed? Although payroll will run reports to check for potential overpayments, the reason codes aren’t coded to trigger specific events unrelated to the immediate process. In the example, the department would do the termination, and payroll would need to do the overpayment worksheet. Can the end-additional-job BP have off-boarding as a To Do in the BP? Because we have received a number of complaints about off-boarding on some of the other business processes, the decision is to not add it at this time. After go-live, we will assess whether or not to add the To-Do, depending on the campus feedback. Can the VBO value have a safeguard to only allow proper balances? Workday validates the value you enter, only allowing for minor rounding changes to the actual accrual balance no more than +/- 1 unit, but as the initiator, you are ultimately responsible for entering the correct value. What if we want to pay the VBO with another account: how would we set up costing? Please see the job aid for the costing allocations: it has examples for how to do costing splits, such as the question about VBOs, mid-pay period.
Q and A from the Separations Training
Questions Answers For retirements, who will need to know the sick leave balances: e.g., do we need to record the balance and share it with another role, when we are doing the vacation buyout? A procedure is being developed right now: likely, campus will submit the sick leave balance via the Remedy ticket system.
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