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Chapter 3- Growth and Survival

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1 Chapter 3- Growth and Survival
Lesson 2: How do adaptations help plant? Objective: Learn how plants adapt to different environment.

2 Chapter 3- Growth and Survival
Lesson 2: How do adaptations help plant? What does adaptation mean? Adaptation: The process of change by which an organism becomes better suited to its environment. Any change in the structure or function of any part of an organism to help the organism survives and reproduces in its environment.

3 Chapter 3- Growth and Survival
Lesson 2: How do adaptations help plant? Envision it: Page 114 Nutrients, dirt, sunlight, and water.

4 Chapter 3- Growth and Survival
Lesson 2: How do adaptations help plant? Explore it: How can plants survive in the desert? 2. The flat towel was dry, the rolled–up towel was still moist. 3. The more surface that is open to the air, the more water a leaf loses. Flat Leaf Needle-like Leaf

5 Chapter 3- Growth and Survival
Lesson 2: How do adaptations help plant? Plant Adaptations Importance of adaptation: Adaptation increases the organism’s ability to survive and reproduce in its environment. Is adaptation a quick process? Adaptation is not a quick process. It develops over many generations.

6 Chapter 3- Growth and Survival
Lesson 2: How do adaptations help plant? Plant Adaptations

7 Chapter 3- Growth and Survival
Lesson 2: How do adaptations help plant? Plant Adaptations page 115. The wide roots might prevent the tree from falling over.

8 Chapter 3- Growth and Survival
Lesson 2: How do adaptations help plant? Genes What are genes? Genes are a section of DNA responsible of different functions like making proteins. So, genes are made up of DNA. Genes are like the instruction manual that determines how organisms grow. DNA is a molecules that carries the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, and reproduction. Chromosome is a long strand of DNA containing many genes.

9 Chapter 3- Growth and Survival
Lesson 2: How do adaptations help plant? Genes DNA is a molecules that carries the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, and reproduction. Chromosome is made up of proteins and a single molecule of DNA

10 Chapter 3- Growth and Survival
Lesson 2: How do adaptations help plant? Genes Offspring receive genes from their parents. Every person has two copies of each gene, one inherited from each parent. Genes carry the information that determines your traits. Because of genes, some characteristic of offspring are the same as the parents. Example: plants will have the same type of flowers and leaves as their parents.

11 Chapter 3- Growth and Survival
Lesson 2: How do adaptations help plant? Plant Adaptations Different combination of genes may cause a plant to be different. Some plants can be a bit taller or have different colors.

12 Chapter 3- Growth and Survival
Lesson 2: How do adaptations help plant? Mutation  A gene mutation is a permanent change in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene. Some plants may have mutation (random change in a gene). A mutated gene may cause the roots to grow longer than usual or a plant is unable to produce wax to protect the leaves. Permanent: long lasting. Wax: Protect the leaves from infections by disease organisms. Help the plant to retain water.

13 Chapter 3- Growth and Survival
Lesson 2: How do adaptations help plant? Natural Selection Page 116 Mutations Harmful Useful Might help plant to survive, develop, and reproduce. The plant will have less chance to survive or reproduce. These mutated genes will be passed from parents to offspring.

14 Chapter 3- Growth and Survival
Lesson 2: How do adaptations help plant? Natural Selection Page 116 Over generations small useful mutations can add up to surprising adaptations. This process is called natural selection. useful mutation + useful mutation + useful mutation + useful mutation = Natural Selection Permanent: long lasting

15 Chapter 3- Growth and Survival
Lesson 2: How do adaptations help plant? Natural Selection Page 116 Natural selection favors useful mutations and reduces harmful mutations. The importance of natural selection: It helps organisms develop adaptations to survive in different environments. Permanent: long lasting

16 Chapter 3- Growth and Survival
Lesson 2: How do adaptations help plant? Plant-cycle Variations Page 116 The life cycles of plants are adapted to their environments. Read and answer question 2: 2. Both produce fruits with seed. The papaya tree produces fruits year-round, but the cherry tree produces fruits once a year. Permanent: long lasting

17 Chapter 3- Growth and Survival
Lesson 2: How do adaptations help plant? Physical Characteristics Page 117 Coconuts are seeds with a hard outer covering (husk). This husk can be light-weighted and float in water as a way of adaptation. Therefore; these seeds can be dispersed in water and can travel for long distances. So, there might be less competition for resources. Seeds can survive and grow into mature palm trees. Permanent: long lasting

18 Chapter 3- Growth and Survival
Lesson 2: How do adaptations help plant? Physical Characteristics Page 117 Permanent: long lasting

19 Chapter 3- Growth and Survival
Lesson 2: How do adaptations help plant? Physical Characteristics Page 117 Read and answer questions 3 & 4: Venus’s-flytrap: Catching food Prickly pear cactus: Protection Water lily: Floating in water 4. Those coconuts would not grow into trees, because coconut trees are not adapted to cold climate. Permanent: long lasting

20 Chapter 3- Growth and Survival
Lesson 2: How do adaptations help plant? Succession Page 118 Succession: An expected order of changes in the communities after an environmental change occurs Permanent: long lasting

21 Chapter 3- Growth and Survival
Lesson 2: How do adaptations help plant? Succession Page 118 Read and answer questions 5 & 6 5. 6. The plants growing over the house is an example of succession. Permanent: long lasting

22 Got it: Chapter 3- Growth and Survival
Lesson 2: How do adaptations help plant? Got it: 7. Stems that bend easily, strong roots. 8. Adaptations may help a plant survive in cold, dry, or nutrients-poor environments.



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