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Ch. 2.2 Egyptian Life & Culture

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1 Ch. 2.2 Egyptian Life & Culture
Key Questions Reading Notes Sub Section Question: ? 2.2-Farming & Trade -Social Classes -Architecture & Art -Science, Math, & Medicine -Education & Religion Cornell Notes Daily Quiz Class Notes Study Skill Video Notes Objective Review Summary: Answer the SWBAT (Target Matrix) in 3-5 sentences. With supportive evidence. Describe the development and purpose of Egyptian culture.

2 Ch. 2.2 Egyptian Farming & Trade
The Nile River was the main source for both farmers & traders. Farming Basic occupations in Egypt’s early civilization were _____, _____, ______ and producing simple goods. In addition to watering the farmers crops, the ____ river allowed farmers to raise _______. Farmers in Egypt grew _____, _______, _____ and______. Economy: Economy was centrally organized and strictly controlled. They used a money-barter system, with standard sacks of grain and the Deben (a weight roughly 91 grams of silver or gold). To trade with Europe they built ships to cross the Mediterranean, to trade with Africans sailed ship down the Red Sea and crossed the desert around Egypt (Caravans). 1.farming, trading, bartering 2. Nile, animals 3. wheat, barely, fruit & vegatables

3 2.2 Egyptian Culture & scientific Achievements
Gigantic structures like pyramids and the Great Sphinx (sculptures of rulers and animals). Paintings of Egyptian way of Life Ancient Egyptian calendar (Civic): based on 12 months in the year. Starts with the flooding of the Nile. The Egyptians had a writing system based on hieroglyphs from around BC. Hieroglyphs are little pictures representing words The Egyptian priest-physician, wab sxmt had a number of important functions. It was based on myths & legends. Sickness was caused by spiritual beings.

4 Egyptian Religion Afterlife: Egyptians didn’t believe that their life cycle ended with death. They felt the body needed to be preserved to make existence after death possible. Explain the working of nature. Only magical spirits can control events. Believed in over 2,000 Gods/ Goddesses. Life after death influence art and policy of society. Egyptian religion was polytheistic. The Chief God was Amon-Ra , the God of the Sun. The Pharaoh was linked to the Sun God, and could only perform specific religious ceremonies.

5 Study Skills

6 2.2 Objective Review Objective 4: Terms; oasis, silt, hieroglyphics, papyrus, kingdom, monarchy, pharaoh, dynasty, empire, polytheism, monotheism. People; Menes, Hyksos, Hatshepsut, Tutankhamen, Ramses II. Target 2.2- Egyptian Life & Culture SWBAT: Describe the development and purpose of Egyptian culture /5 Objective 1: Explain how farming and trade were carried on in Egypt. Objective 2: Describe the greatest Egyptian cultural and scientific achievements. Objective 3: Describe the Egyptians’ religious beliefs. Objective 4: Terms; caravans, scribes, mummification.

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