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Virtual Bone Lab.

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1 Virtual Bone Lab

2 Slide of Compact Bone Figure 9.3 Page 116 Lab Book

3 Slide of Compact Bone Pointer is on a Perforating (Vokmann’s Canal)

4 Humerus Radius Ulna Carpals, Metacarpals, Phalanges
Bones of the Upper Limb Humerus Radius Ulna Carpals, Metacarpals, Phalanges

5 Humerus Right Anterior Humerus Right Posterior Humerus
Greater tubercle Intertubercular groove Anatomical neck head Lesser tubercle Deltoid tuberosity Surgical neck Humerus Right Anterior Humerus Right Posterior Humerus Olecranon fossa Radial fossa Coronoid fossa Lateral epicondyle Lateral epicondyle Medial epicondyle medial epicondyle capitulum trochlea Trochlea capitulum

6 Radius and Ulna Can’t see radial notch or ulnar notch from this view.
Olecranon process Trochlear notch Head of radius Coronoid process Radial tuberosity Can’t see radial notch or ulnar notch from this view. Head of ulna styloid process Styloid process

7 Carpals, Metacarpals, Phalanges
Distal phalanx Middle phalanx Proximal phalanx phalanges phalanges metacarpal metacarpal carpals

8 Femur Tibia Fibula Tarsals, Metatarsals, Phalanges
Bones of the Lower Limb Femur Tibia Fibula Tarsals, Metatarsals, Phalanges

9 Femur Right Posterior Left Anterior Femur Femur Head of femur
Greater trochanter Intertrochanteric crest Neck of femur Right Posterior Femur Left Anterior Femur Lesser trochanter Linea aspera Medial epicondyle Medial epicondyle Intercondylar fossa Lateral epicondyle Patellar surface Medial condyle Lateral condyle

10 Tibia & Fibula Cannot see the intercondylar eminence here
Lateral condyle Medial condyle Head of fibula Tibial tuberosity Cannot see the intercondylar eminence here Anterior crest Medial malleolus Lateral malleolus

11 Tibia Close-Up Intercondylar eminence Medial condyle Lateral condyle
Tibial tuberosity

12 Tarsals, Metatarsals & Phalanges
talus tarsals calcaneous

13 Cervical Vertebrae Thoracic Vertebrae Lumbar Vertebrae Sacrum
Vertebral Column Cervical Vertebrae Thoracic Vertebrae Lumbar Vertebrae Sacrum

14 Cervical Vertebra Transverse foramen Vertebral foramen Spinous process
body Inferior articular process Superior articular process Transverse process

15 Thoracic Vertebra (giraffe)
Superior articular process Transverse process Vertebral foramen Spinous process body Can’t see: Inferior articular process Costal facets

16 Lumbar Vertebra Vertebral foramen Transverse process Spinous process
body Superior articular process Inferior articular process

17 Atlas Anterior tubercle Lateral masses Posterior tubercle

18 Axis dens

19 Atlas & Axis

20 Sacrum Anterior Sacrum Posterior Sacrum Sacral canal
(Opening would run down here) Sacral promontory Superior articular process Alae Auricular surface Sacral foramena coccyx Median sacral crest Sacral hiatus (Opening would end here) Anterior Sacrum Posterior Sacrum

21 Bones of the Thoracic Region
Scapula Clavicle Sternum Ribs

22 Scapula - Anterior Left Scapula Right Scapula Coracoid process
Acromion Acromion Glenoid cavity Suprascapular notch Superior border Suprascapular notch Superior border Lateral border Subscapular fossa Medial border Left Scapula Right Scapula

23 Scapula - Posterior Can’t see the supraspinous fossa Right Scapula
Acromion Acromion Coracoid process Coracoid process Glenoid cavity Spine Spine Can’t see the supraspinous fossa Lateral border Infraspinous fossa Medial border Infraspinous fossa Right Scapula Left Scapula Medial border

24 Clavicle Can’t really make out the conoid tubercle Sternal end (blunt)
Acromial end (flat and tapered) Can’t really make out the conoid tubercle

25 Sternum Manubrium Jugular notch Clavicular notch
Vertebrosternal (True) ribs Body of sternum Vertebrochondral (False) ribs Xiphoid process

26 Ribs Sorry – No picture available for ribs

27 The Pelvic Girdle Ilium Ischium Pubis

28 Coxal Bones of the Pelvic Girdle
Auricular surface Iliac crest Posterior Superior iliac spine Iliac fossa Posterior Inferior iliac spine Greater sciatic notch Ischial spine Lesser sciatic notch Anterior superior iliac spine Pelvic brim Anterior Inferior iliac spine Superior pubic ramus Superior pubic ramus Symphyseal surface Inferior pubic ramus Obturator foramen Right Left

29 Coxal Bones of the Pelvic Girdle
Ilac crest Anterior superior iliac spine Anterior inferior iliac spine acetabulum Posterior superior iliac spine Obturator foramen Posterior inferior iliac spine Ala (whole “wing”) Ischial spine Symphyeal surface The underside of this would be Ischial tuberosity Inferior pubic ramus Ischial ramus

30 Female Pelvic Girdle Wide pubic arch of the female pelvis
Wide pelvic brim of the female pelvis

31 Male Pelvic Girdle Narrow pubic arch of the male pelvis
Narrow pelvic brim of the male pelvis

32 Superior pubic ramus Pubic body Ischial tuberosity Inferior pubic ramus Ischial ramus

33 Now you practice








41 What type of vertebra is this?

42 What type of vertebra is this?
Can’t see: Inferior articular process Costal facets

43 What type of vertebra is this?

44 Which vertebra is this?

45 Which vertebra is this?

46 Opening would run down here
Opening would end here Anterior Sacrum Posterior Sacrum

47 Left Scapula Right Scapula

48 Can’t see the supraspinous fossa Right Scapula Left Scapula

49 Can’t really make out the conoid tubercle


51 Right Left



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