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Fulfilled the student of group ФЭ14-01B Zhuk Aleksey

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1 Fulfilled the student of group ФЭ14-01B Zhuk Aleksey
Challenges and problems of transfer of boilers from solid fuel to natural gas Fulfilled the student of group ФЭ14-01B Zhuk Aleksey

2 Introduction The replacement of solid and liquid fuels gaseous dramatically reduces exhaust gas boiler plants, the content of harmful substances – soot, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide. So, if you take the pollution from coal combustion for 100%, then the combustion of oil pollution will be 60%, and the combustion gas is only 20%.

3 Depending on the design of the furnace, the existing method of burning the primary fuel and designs are available burner devices selects the method of conversion of steam boiler to gas fuel.

4 Methods of retrofitting steam boiler on gas fuel
in addition to the existing boiler dust burners can be installed gas burner, which would ensure full performance of the boiler on one fuel. installed on the boiler pulverized coal burner to alter or replace combined. in addition to the alteration of existing burners in combination, to install additional gas burner.

5 Combined dust and gas burner

6 Layout of gas jets in a twin hearth burner.
The advantage is the more active part of air in the initial stage of combustion. Layout of gas jets in a twin hearth burner.

7 The disadvantage of the furnace burners is the impossibility of rapid transition from burning gas to solid fuel without dismantling the burners.

8 Vertically-slit burner.
Vertically-slit burner is a metal frame 1 on which are mounted two gas distribution pipe 2 with the exhaust openings. Tube placed near the channel mixer, which is a vertical slit cut in the refractory side walls. The slot width is taken equal to 80 mm, its height depending on the steam capacity of the boiler is 600, 700 or mm. nozzle of the air duct 1 joins the duct from the blower fan. On the tube is established by a manual valve. Vertically-slit burner.

9 The layout of the boiler DKVR-10-13 with vertically-slit burners.
The efficiency of the boiler, into gaseous and liquid fuels, more efficiency boiler on solid fuel by the amount of the loss from mechanical incompleteness of combustion. The increase in efficiency is not less than 8-10%, and often much more. The layout of the boiler DKVR with vertically-slit burners.

10 When operating boilers from solid to gaseous and liquid fuels must be met:
thorough cleaning of internal heating surfaces from a boiler scale and sludge, while the outside of ash deposition; lining the firebox should be cleaned from slag, which when working on high-calorie fuel melted and could fill the loopholes burners; flues are cleaned from ash and soot;the device in the furnace and flues of the boiler of explosive valves, is designed to protect it from the damaging effects of explosions of gas-air mixture;reliable isolation of the lower half of the top of the drum facing the furnace and the after-burning chamber (boilers of all types DKW and DKVR, except DKVR-20-13); use only korotkoplodnyh burners to torch ,is not in contact with the walls of the combustion chamber;test bandwidth installed on the boiler safety valves at the maximum possible steam output and, if necessary, their replacement or extra;mandatory application dakotabuy feed water treatment and removal of deposits on heating surfaces; regardless of the pressure in the boiler feedwater must meet the requirements of the regulations;replacement of heating pipes, worn by 30% or more; drilling in the damper of the flue for boilers and it is intended received for transfer to the gaseous fuel holes with a diameter of at least 50 mm to prevent possible accumulation of the gas mixture in the furnace of the boiler is idle;mandatory equipment boilers automatic safety.

11 Conclusion Translation boilers with solid fuel burning gazovo can significantly improve sanitary-hygienic conditions not only in the territories but also in boiler production shops of enterprises. The transition of thermal units burning gaseous fuels gives the opportunity to eliminate heat loss from chemical and mechanical underburning, allows you to work with less excess air and therefore reduce losses with exhaust gases.

12 Thank you for your attention

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