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VE Day VE Day stands for victory in Europe day.

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Presentation on theme: "VE Day VE Day stands for victory in Europe day."— Presentation transcript:

1 VE Day VE Day stands for victory in Europe day.
8TH of May End of the war in Europe Officially announced on the 7th of May am German General Jodl signed the unconditional surrender document At 19.40pm, Churchill formally announced victory for Europe Millions of people celebrated in the streets of cities, towns and villages of the UK

2 VE Day

3 VE Day At 3pm Churchill reminded the nation that Japan had to be defeated Later at 9.00pm George IV broadcast to the nation Buckingham palace was lit up by floodlights for the first time in 6 years Two large searchlights made a giant V across St Pauls Cathedral Bonfires and fireworks lit up the towns and cities

4 Ve Day

5 VE Day VE Day stands for victory in Europe day.
8TH of May End of the war in Europe Officially announced on the 7th of May am German General Jodl signed the unconditional surrender document At 19.40pm, Churchill formally announced victory for Europe Millions of people celebrated in the streets of cities, towns and villages of the UK

6 VE Day

7 VE Day At 3pm Churchill reminded the nation that Japan had to be defeated Later at 9.00pm George IV broadcast to the nation Buckingham palace was lit up by floodlights for the first time in 6 years Two large searchlights made a giant V across St Pauls Cathedral Bonfires and fireworks lit up the towns and cities

8 Ve Day

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