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Department of Anatomy Luzhou medical college

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1 Department of Anatomy Luzhou medical college
Osteology(2) Department of Anatomy Luzhou medical college Edited by professor Xiao

2 Review the contents of the last lesson
1. The suppose axes of the human body are? 2. The sections or planes of the human body on the basis of the axis? 3. Which types of the development of the bone?(membranous and cartilaginous ossification) 4.The characteristics of the long bone? (Epiphyses ,Epiphysial cartilage,Epiphysial lines,Articular surface) 5. Which bone exists the red marrow in life? 6. The periosteum (Endosteum) are two layers (outer is the fibrous and inner the membrenous )(Osteoblast,Osteoclast)

3 The Bones of Trunk The vertebrae In the child, 33 The general features
Vertebral body Vertebral arch Vertebral foramen Vertebral canal Pedicles and laminae of vertebral arch Intervertebral foramen Processes : Spinous Transverse articular Vertebral body Superior costal fossa Spinous process The thoracic vertebra








11 The main characteristics of vertebrae in each region
1.Thoracic vertebrae: costal facets on each side of their body 2. The cervical vertebrae: transverse foramen. Atlas: Anterior arch and posterior arch and a lateral mass. Fovea dentis, groove for vertebral artery. Axis: dens or odontoid process Vertebra prominens: nonbifid spine is long and easily felt. 3. Lumbar vertebrae: The spines are strong, square and horizontal 4. sacrum: It is made up of five fused vertebrae and roughly triangular. There are three surfaces Promontory of sacrum, anterior and posterior foramina, lateral masses, ala, median sacral crest, intermediate and lateral crests

12 Dorsal sacral foramina, sacral canal, sacral hiatus, sacral cornu or horns, auricular
surface, sacral tuberosity. 5. coccyx: It is made up of four, more or less, coccygeal vertebrae


14 The The sternum Flat bone Internal plate External plate diploe

15 RIBS Two parts: costal bone costal cartilage
General features of the costal bone Costal bone: one body, two extremities, two surfaces and two borders Head(articular facet of head, articular facet of costal tubercle, neck,shaft and tubercle. Costal groove Angle of rib



18 First and second ribs

19 Thoracic cage The composition True ribs False ribs Floating ribs Intercostal space

20 The bones of the limbs The appendicular skeleton includes the bones of upper limbs and those of the lower limbs. The bones of the upper and lower limbs are constructed after a common type, but the different functions for which they have become adapted in man, because of the erect standing in human being, have led to structural differences of a very definite kind.

21 The upper limbs are released from weight bearing and become the organs of labour with greater and delicated mobility, so, the bones of upper limbs are lighter and smaller in shape and size. The bones of lower limbs are very heavy and strong so as bear the weight of the body and to provide movement of the whole body. Each limb has a girdle, which connects it to the trunk, and three segments. In the upper limb, these are the shoulder girdle, the upper arm, the forearm and the hand. In the lower limb, those are the pelvic girdle, the thigh, the leg and the foot.

22 The bones of upper limb The shoulder Girdle The clavicle
Lies almost horizontally on each side of the neck, extending from the sternum to the acromion of the scapula


24 Scapula : anterior aspect view

25 Scapula : posterior aspect view

26 The bones of the free upper limb
Those include the bone of the arm, the bones of the forearm and the bones of hand (the carpal bones, metacarpal bones and phalanges) The bone of arm

27 The humerus is the longest and largest bone of the upper limb. It extends from the scapula to the elbow joint and has a body and two ends

28 The radius The bones of forearm
The radius is the lateral bone of the two in the forearm. It has a shaft and two ends. The proximal end A head, neck and tuberosity; head is disc-shaped and its upper surface is a shallow cup—articular fovea for articulation with the capitulum of the humerus. Its articular circumference articulates with radial notch of the ulna. Shaft of radius: interosseous border Distal end Ulnar notch, styloid process, carpal articular surface



31 The bones of hand Three parts: the carpal bones, the metacarpal bones and phalanges The carpal bones There are eight short bones, arranged in two rows of four Proximal row from lateral to medial include : Distal row from lateral to medial include:




35 The metacarpal bones Which are five in number, connect with the carpal bones above and the phalanges below. Base Shaft Distal head The first metacarpal bones is short and stout; its base is saddle shaped for articularion with the trapezium


37 The phalanges They are long bones
They are known as the proximal, middle and the distal phlanx Base Head Distal end


39 The bones of lower limbs
The lower limb which is similar to the upper, is connected to the trunk by a girdle, the pelvix girdle, the free lower limb is divided into three segements, the thigh, the leg and the foot.

40 The pelvic girdle is formed by a hip bone on each side. They articulate posteriorly with the sacrum and meet below and in front at the pubic symphysis Bony pelvis =the pelvis girdle Sacrum coccyx




44 Hip bone

45 Hip bone



48 Femur








56 Bones of foot












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