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Done By: Aysha Alansari Badriyah Almaghlouth Hanadi Alsubait

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1 Creating a Proposal Using Performance Teams or Workgroups Freight instant delivery services
Done By: Aysha Alansari Badriyah Almaghlouth Hanadi Alsubait Ala’a Al-Qahtani

2 OUTLINE : The DAPEE model The project Analyzing the Problem
Planning the Solution Executing the Plan Evaluating the Results Summary

3 The DAPEE model: Define Analyze. Plan. Execute. Evaluate.
The basic structure of a problem solving strategy has five components that are referred to by the acronym DAPEE. Define Analyze. Plan. Execute. Evaluate.

4 The project: The project that we are planning to propose is an instant door to door delivery services in the city: The first problem is that Middle class families hardly find time to do shopping on daily basis. Secondly, Small businesses usually don’t have the facility of delivery services. Third, a provide them with the facility of door to door services with the best possible rates. Further we will try to maintain good and healthy relationship with all the customers so that they come back to us again. Lastly, Individuals and bachelors have no time left to buy their necessities.

5 Analyzing the project:
SWOT analysis is very important to analyze our business as this will prevent from harmful risks in future.

6 Analyzing the project:
The SWOT analysis are: 1- Strengths: The main strength is that I have chosen service industry which is not affected by inflation period. As taking and giving service is a non- stop process of life. The main strengths are mainly: We will provide right quality products to the customers so that we can good feedback. We will hire experienced staff for our office.

7 Analyzing the project:
2-Weaknesses We are new in the market and have fewer budgets. Our delivery staff still needs training. 3-Opportunities We can develop more services in future. We can leave back our competitors. 4-Threats We have many competitors in service industry. Business may be affected if we give too much of credit facility to customers.

8 Planning the solution:
start-up a plan: Choose location. Requirements. Group members. start- up requirements: Start-up experiences. (rent – business permit- office supplies- advertising- Staff Recruitment Expense- Utilities Expense- Repairs and Maintenance- Driving Permit- Other Expenses).

9 Planning the sollution:
Name Task Deadline Badriah & Ayshah Submit Business Proposal Dec Select business location Jan 1st 2014 IT installments March 7th 2014 System training From May till Sep 23rd 2014 Ayshah & Ala'a Finance Dec 30th 2013 budgeting May 13th 2014 Logo July 9th 2014 Furniture Aug 10th 2014 Hanadi & Ala'a Government licensing Feb 3rd 2014 Potential service providers March 17th 2014 Marketing responsibility May 9th 2014 Printing visiting cards July 26th 2014 Opening preparations August Last week

10 Executing the plan: The leader she will always have the nine month plan. the group will meet twice a month as this stage become more critical. The meeting will be set on every other Friday of the month in order to measure our readiness for the opening date The team leader will make sure that the group member is working effectively and co coordinately.

11 Evaluating the result:
The team has decided to socialize on every weekend as it is very necessary to create a sense of mutual understanding between all Families will also accompany the teammates on weekends. The team leader will maintain positive communication in regular bases and keep the spirit up.

12 Summary: Surfing many customers at a time might be very irritating as instant services industry is in demand now days.


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