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Superintendents’ Network: Orientation for New Superintendent’s

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Presentation on theme: "Superintendents’ Network: Orientation for New Superintendent’s"— Presentation transcript:

1 Superintendents’ Network: Orientation for New Superintendent’s
“I wanted to change the world. But I have found out that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself.” ~Aldous Huxley …ensuring success for all learners through collaborative partnerships. 1

2 Learning Goals… By the end of the day we will:
Understand the elements of the instructional core Be familiar with the practice of network rounds and its connection to instructional improvement Develop skills in observing teaching and learning— describing what we see Build relationships within the group Be excited to go observe real classrooms together

3 Agenda… Welcome and Introductions Network Rounds Overview
The Instructional Core The Discipline of Seeing Reflection and Debrief …ensuring success for all learners through collaborative partnerships. 3

4 Why Build Relationships?
Psychological safety: “the collective belief within a work unit that members can question existing practices and admit mistakes without suffering ridicule or punishment.” --Tucker, Nembhard, Edmondson Although we are ‘acquainted’, this work requires us to know and TRUST each other on a whole new level. …ensuring success for all learners through collaborative partnerships. 4

5 Group Norms AEA norms add your local AEA norms …ensuring success for all learners through collaborative partnerships. 5

6 The Instructional Core
…ensuring success for all learners through collaborative partnerships. 6

7 The Instructional Core
CONTENT Theoretical foundation for the network’s thinking and working frame. A deep understanding and belief in the instructional core is key to the essential work of the rounds model and the network’s activities together. STUDENT TEACHER The relationship between the teacher and the student in the present of content …ensuring success for all learners through collaborative partnerships. 7

MEMORIZE THIS PROPORTION OF VARIANCE IN STUDENT GAIN SCORES-- READING, MATH-- EXPLAINED BY LEVEL--PROSPECTS STUDY STUDENTS 28% R 19% M SCHOOLS 12% R 10-30 M CLASS 60% READING 52-72% MATH Study by Rowan et al examined the impact of the ‘school’, the ‘class’ (instruction and teacher), and the ‘student’ (inherent factors and motivation) on learning. The percentages reported are the proportion of variance in the gain scores for reading and math that can be attributed to each of those levels. The major point being that it was the classroom level that was found to have the greatest impact on student learning. This research supports the theory of the instructional core: the relationship between the teacher and the student in the presence of quality (challenging and engaging) content. ROWAN, ET AL., “. . .PROSPECTS. . .” TEACHERS COLLEGE RECORD ( 2005).

9 Text Rendering Protocol
Take a few moments to review the document and mark the following: Sentence A phrase, and a word that you…….. think is particularly important for our work.

10 Introduction to Network Rounds Practice
On your “Rounds Process” sheet: Underline the bullets you feel particularly ready to do Star the bullets you’re interested in getting better at Chat with a partner about what you starred and underlined Provide time for individual reflection with the worksheet prior to sharing with a partner. This leads into defining the groups norms and ‘safety’ factors of the network as well as setting the stage for the need to do professional development around the ‘discipline of seeing’ prior to engaging in the rounds process. …ensuring success for all learners through collaborative partnerships. 10

11 Developing the Discipline of Seeing
Seeing is a discipline It’s like a muscle—it gets stronger with repetition Foundation of our practice: Specific description non-evaluative, non-judgmental description Important to make the distinction between observing for evaluation and description at this point …ensuring success for all learners through collaborative partnerships.

12 Evidence Just the facts please, Ma’am! What do you see?
…ensuring success for all learners through collaborative partnerships. 12

13 …ensuring success for all learners through collaborative partnerships.
Just the facts…? She did a great job of transitioning from the whole class lesson to independent work time. At the end of the lesson, the teacher asked students what materials they needed to get for their upcoming independent work. She took a few responses and released students to go to their desks four at a time. Examples of description vs. evaluative statements …ensuring success for all learners through collaborative partnerships. 13

14 Just the facts…? Set of observation comments: Sand…Pebbles…Boulders
Facts or Judgments Set of comments on slips of paper to be sorted by pairs of network members …ensuring success for all learners through collaborative partnerships. 14

15 …ensuring success for all learners through collaborative partnerships.
What Do You See? What is the teacher doing? What are the students doing? What is the task? Three Key questions related to the Instructional Core These questions guide the observation process of the network and keep the focus on the core …ensuring success for all learners through collaborative partnerships. 15

16 Video observation …ensuring success for all learners through collaborative partnerships.

17 …ensuring success for all learners through collaborative partnerships.
What Did You See? What is the teacher doing? What are the students doing? What is the task? Three Key questions related to the Instructional Core These questions guide the observation process of the network and keep the focus on the core …ensuring success for all learners through collaborative partnerships. 17 17

18 Video observation …ensuring success for all learners through collaborative partnerships. 18

19 …ensuring success for all learners through collaborative partnerships.
Reflection What difference does sticking to evidence make in your conversations? What is challenging for you? Insights? To what degree do your district conversations stick to evidence? …ensuring success for all learners through collaborative partnerships.

20 …ensuring success for all learners through collaborative partnerships.
Reflection + ?? ?? …ensuring success for all learners through collaborative partnerships. 20

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