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Latinos and Native Americans Seek Equality

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1 Latinos and Native Americans Seek Equality
Era of Social Change Latinos and Native Americans Seek Equality

2 Political Power La Raza Unida- created in 1970 to elect Latinos to political positions. Helped elect mayors, school boards, and city council members. La Raza helps end the segregation of public and private facilities in the US southwest.

3 Native Americans Fight for Equality
American Indian Movement- Native American rights organization Organized “Trail of Broken Treaties” in D.C. Pushed for greater fishing and gaming rights for Indians. Very vocal protest group.


5 Feminism Betty Friedan’s bestseller, The Feminine Mystique shows women’s dissatisfaction with American society. Helps galvanize women across the country. Kick starts the feminist movement. National Organization of Women- presses for equal rights in the work place, NOW Creation of child-care facilities that would enable mothers to pursue jobs and education.


7 Legal and Social Gains As feminist movement grows women start to question social norms. Taking man’s last name. Girls’ exclusion from school sports (football) Why the title of Miss and Mrs.? Roe v. Wade- Supreme Court Case Women have the right to choose to have an abortion in the first three months of pregnancy. Still a hotly debated topic.


9 Equal Rights Amendment
Passed by Congress, ERA would have guaranteed same rights for men and women under law. Many anti-feminists believed it would lead to women being drafted, end of child-support. ERA failed to be passed by states. Was not added to the Constitution.

10 Counterculture

11 What is Counterculture?
Middle-class youths who reject traditional American society. Feel society, materialism, war are meaningless parts of life. Drop out of school, leave home and work to create societies based on peace, love, and harmony.

12 Hippie Culture Haight-Ashbury neighborhood in San Francisco becomes “Hippie capital”. Hippies are defined by their clothing, music, and drug use. Some Hippie communes in cities turn deadly due to drug addiction and mental breakdowns.




16 Counterculture Art Andy Warhol leads new art movement.
Uses impersonal, commercial images that Americans see everyday. Groups like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones lead a new wave of rock music. Woodstock 400,000+ attend to listen to rocks greatest bands. Joan Baez, The Who, Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead, Jimmi Hendrix, etc.







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