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Your partner in service delivery and development

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1 Your partner in service delivery and development
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Provincial & Local Government Branch: Systems and Capacity Building Mr Elroy Africa 19 ~ 20 February 2008 Your partner in service delivery and development

2 INTRODUCTION OVERVIEW Purpose of the Branch
Functional areas of the Branch High level reflection on the performance of the Branch Issues raised by the Committee in the previous session in 2007 Strategic priorities for 2008/09 dplg ~20 February

3 1. Purpose of the Branch dplg ~20 February

4 1.1 Purpose of the Branch “To develop local government policy frameworks and provide support to local government through the building of systems, particular financial management, administrative and institutional systems, and performance management and capacity building.” dplg ~20 February

5 2. Functional areas of the Branch
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6 2.1 Functional areas and strategic objectives
Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations: manage policy and disbursement of the local government equitable share and the municipal systems improvement grant, and foster sound intergovernmental fiscal relations. Local Government Institutional and Administrative Systems: promote sound institutional and administrative systems that promote development and service delivery. Municipal Performance Monitoring and Support: support and monitor the performance of municipalities for targeted support and recognition of performance excellence. Municipal Leadership Development Programme: develop and co-ordinate standardised leadership development for senior local government officials and councillors. dplg ~20 February

7 2.1 Functional areas / strategic objectives (continued)
Local Government Anti-corruption: co-ordinate and provide support for implementing the local government anti-corruption strategy. Local Government Equity and Development: co-ordinate support for mainstreaming gender, disability, HIV and Aids, and youth issues into local government development programmes. Local Government 2010: support government, and the host municipalities in particular, in ensuring that a successful 2010 Soccer World Cup is hosted by South Africa. Project Consolidate and Capacity Building: provide hands-on support for implementing the Local Government Strategic Agenda (2006 – 2011) and support the improved coordination of capacity building support to local government. dplg ~20 February

8 3. High level reflection on the performance of the Branch
dplg ~20 February

9 3.1 High level reflection on the performance of the Branch
CHIEF DIRECTORATE HIGH LEVEL REFLECTION ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE BRANCH Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations Efficient management of the Local Government Equitable Share and full compliance with DORA The 2nd set of Regulations on the Municipal Property Rates Act were gazetted for public comments on 19 December 2007. 120 Municipalities were supported on implementing various financial managements projects. A draft municipal viability framework and a status quo report on municipal borrowing was developed Performance Management and Systems Successful Municipal Performance Excellence (Vuna) Awards held in 2007. Framework for local government benchmarks developed dplg ~20 February

10 3.1 High level reflection (continued)
CHIEF DIRECTORATE HIGH LEVEL REFLECTION ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE BRANCH Local Government Administrative and Institutional Systems The Local Government Laws Amendment Bill into parliament Bill was introduced into parliament and is currently being processed. Notice on the Upper Limits on Councilor Remuneration was published in December 2007. The Cross-boundary Municipalities Laws Repeal and Related Matters Amendment and Constitution 13th Amendment Bills were accented to by the President on 14 December 2007. Efficient management of the Municipal Systems Improvement Grant (MSIG) and full compliance with DORA. dplg ~20 February

11 3.1 High level reflection (continued)
CHIEF DIRECTORATE HIGH LEVEL REFLECTION ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE BRANCH Municipal Leadership Development Programme (MLDP) The Skills development programme of the MLDP was rolled out in a limited number of municipalities. A first draft Professionalisation Framework for Local Government developed Local Government Anti-Corruption Work underway with provinces to roll-out the anti-corruption strategy in local government Draft Local Government Anti-Corruption communication strategy developed Local Government Equity and Development Local Government HIV and AIDS Framework and Local Government Gender Framework and Implementation Plan finalised. Draft Local Government Disability Framework and Implementation Plan developed. 2007 Women in Local Government Conference held. Implementation of the above frameworks is at varying stages in collaboration with all provinces A successful 16 Days of Activism programme was held in 2007 dplg ~20 February

12 3.1 High level reflection (continued)
SUB PROGRAMME HIGH LEVEL REFLECTION ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE BRANCH Project Consolidate and Local Government Strategic Agenda (2006 – 2011) Since 2004 to date, a total of 359 Service Delivery Facilitators have been deployed and are currently assisting 105 municipalities with implementation of specific projects aimed at accelerating service delivery Key partners mobilised in 2007 include: the Old Mutual Group / Project Illima; and USAID. Re-deployment of Billing SDFs also received attention. Communication received particular attention through public advertorials and the distribution of case study reports dplg ~20 February

13 3.1 High level reflection (continued)
SUB PROGRAMME HIGH LEVEL REFLECTION ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE BRANCH Capacity Building and Support The National Capacity Building Framework was refined and will be finalised for implementation in 2007 Worked closely with SALGA in rolling out a municipal peer review and learning network Local Government 2010 Support A multi-disciplinary team of key government departments was established to trouble shoot and support host municipalities A communication protocol was adopted to better coordinate and clarify roles and responsibilities across government with regard to the 2010 World Cup preparations dplg ~20 February

14 4. Issues raised by the Committee in the previous session in 2007
dplg ~20 February

15 4.1 Issues raised in 2007 Departmental Feedback:
Human Resource Management Issues Raised by the Committee in 2007: Does the appointment process for municipal managers and senior managers in municipalities reflect the relationship between the political and administration? Is the high turnover of these managers partly due to the contract nature of their posts? Is there no need for the review of the status quo? Is there no need to develop legislative focus on human resource capacity of municipalities? Delays in the filling of vacant posts in many municipalities. Develop staffing norms and standards for municipalities Address challenges of recruiting and retaining skilled personnel in smaller municipalities. Long suspension periods of municipal managers, directors etc., with full pay in certain municipalities Departmental Feedback: A revised set of Performance Management Regulations is being worked on that aims to address many of the issues raised in The issue of suspensions will receive will receive particular focus. Discussions are underway with National Treasury to find ways of supporting the recruitment of skilled personnel to smaller, rural municipalities. The Policy Review Process on Provincial and Local Government will also consider some of the human resource / performance management / accountability issues dplg ~20 February

16 4.1 Issues raised in 2007 (continued)
Local Government Finance Issues Raised by the Committee in 2007: The development component of equitable share needs to be finalised and implemented. Call for the creation of regional treasury centres instead of local department in municipalities. Departmental Feedback: Formal proposals on the development component for the Local Government Equitable Share are under discussion between dplg and National Treasury. Full feedback at the appropriate time can be arranged with the Committee. It should be noted that National Treasury is primarily responsible for this work. The matter of shared services in local government is being considered in the policy review process. dplg ~20 February

17 4.1 Issues raised in 2007 (continued)
Service Delivery and Izimbizo Issues Raised by the Committee in 2007: Political instability in some councils that threaten to impact negatively on service delivery. Briefings on the status of the Ministerial Imbizo reports. Departmental Feedback: Presentations were made to the Committee on the “service delivery - related protests” by the Department and SALGA in The Department will improve it monitoring tool of these protests and give renewed attention to the implementation of the LG Strategic Agenda. Progress is steady on the follow-up actions and resolutions taken at municipal izimbizo held between 2005 – This matter receives ongoing attention at PCC and MINMEC meetings. dplg ~20 February

18 4.1 Issues raised in 2007 (continued)
Cross Boundary Related Matters Raised by the Committee in 2007: Processing of Cross-Boundary Municipal Laws Repeal and Related Matters Amendment Bill. A report on the cross-boundary municipalities and developments in affected areas. The department to provide details on the support given to Khutsong and Matatiele. Departmental Feedback: The Cross-boundary Municipalities Laws Repeal and Related Matters Amendment and Constitution 13th Amendment Bills were successfully processed in parliament towards the end of 2007, thereby concluding all legislative matters pertaining to the former cross boundary municipalities. The dplg and Department of Housing are leading a process of finalising a Khutsong support plan that will focus on housing and infrastructure related matters. A separate briefing on this matter can be arranged. dplg ~20 February

19 4.1 Issues raised in 2007 (continued)
Request for Briefings by the Committee in 2007: The dplg to brief the committee on the effectiveness of the Anti-Corruption Strategy. The dplg to brief the committee on the possible impact of the Single Public Service Amendment Bill on the Department Departmental Feedback: Briefings on the matters raised can be arranged in 2008. dplg ~20 February

20 5. Strategic priorities for 2008/09
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21 5.1 2008/09 Strategic Priorities
Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations: Ongoing support for the implementation of the Municipal Property Rates Act and finalisation of Regulations; Finalise the refinement of the Local Government Equitable Share. Local Government Institutional and Administrative Systems: Support the finalisation of the Local Government Laws Amendment Bill (Act); Finalise and implement an amended set of Performance Management Regulations Support the policy review process on provincial and local government Municipal Performance Monitoring and Support: Host a successful 2008 Vuna Awards Implement a programme of benchmarking and sharing of lessons arising from the Vuna process Municipal Leadership Development Programme: Moblise additional resources and continued roll-out of the programme to benefit councillors and senior municipal officials Continue to give urgent attention to the local government skills audit Finalise the professionalisation framework for local government dplg ~20 February

22 5.1 2008/09 Strategic Priorities (continued)
Local Government Anti-corruption: Intensify the roll-out of the anti-corruption strategy in municipalities in all provinces Improve the management of anti-corruption in local government with the support of national and provincial government Local Government Equity and Development: Finalise outstanding local government policy frameworks on equity and development (e.g. youth and disability) Work closely with provinces to support and monitor the implementation of the policy frameworks on equity and development Local Government 2010: Continued support to government, and the host municipalities in particular, to ensure optimal readiness and capability for the 2010 World Cup Support and monitor the implementation of the communication protocol Project Consolidate and Capacity Building: Enhanced mobilisation and management of support and resources to implement the Local Government Strategic Agenda ( ) Finalise, implement and monitor the National Capacity Building Framework Thank you dplg ~20 February

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