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1 Motors

2 Source: RAMetrics. Countries: England/Scotland.
Key Findings: Motors ads Motors print ads have lower impact (52% recall) than all ads average (70%) and, as a result, score below average across all brand and action measures among the total newspaper readership This could be partly explained by the fact that people aren’t frequently in the market for a car - but we know that they are still gathering impressions and shortlisting their choices. We also know that print works particularly well for brand building and priming, so creative opportunities are being lost Even among recognisers, motors print ads, while well branded, provoke a less emotional reaction and are less likely to convey a personal benefit One reason is the predominance of price-based ads tested in recent years - price ads perform less well than image ads across all metrics, including all actions except “look for more information” Another key factor is a relative failure to engage female readers, who are far less likely to notice (46% vs 59% for men) and respond positively to motors ads. The only exception is that women are more likely to discuss the ads Overall, print has become more effective over time (see Print vs Digital story), however motors print ads have not improved to the same extent. There seems to be a shortage of memorable, inspiring ideas Digital motors ads are noticed about the same as other digital newsbrand ads (and we know from Lumen that this is likely to be 80% more than non-newsbrand sites) but they’re less adept at driving more emotional brand responses. Interestingly, there is very little difference in response from men vs women - women are slightly less likely to notice motors ads and know the brand, but there is no bias towards men seen with motors print ads. Recall is twice as high for print vs digital newsbrands motors ads BUT among recognisers, digital drives higher emotional and action measures Newspapers have a long-established relationship with the motors industry, whether it’s reporting on motorsports, carrying car ads or testing and reviewing new models. One of the world’s most iconic press ads is a “Lemon”. Motoring editorial is still a key part of newsbrands across all platforms and readers still use newsbrand opinion and advertising when they are looking to buy a car. We know that newspapers are highly effective in the media mix: Benchmarketing’s analysis of econometric models shows that print newsbrands boost total campaign ROI by 70% for the motors category. We’ve also got lots of detailed information about how newsbrands – along with other media touchpoints – help people through the buying process, particularly at priming, brand building and consideration stages. How people buy research and the consumer journey planning tool show how the inclusion of newsbrands in your communications plan helps people towards a confident choice. Added to that, Rik Moore of Havas gives us some great practical examples of how the research aided planning for Kia, outlined in his article Looking under the bonnet of how we buy cars. Analysis of the RAMetrics data shows that, creatively, motors print ads are not involving readers as strongly as they could. Recall is significantly below the all ad average (52% vs 70%), while brand measures show low engagement. Of course, it’s also true that only a minority of people will be in the market for a new car at any one time. So we looked at how the motors print ads performed among the people who did pay them attention. Although well-branded, on average motors ads provoked lower than average emotional reaction and didn’t really convey a personal benefit to people. Given that people are usually pretty excited about buying a new car, it is worrying that the creative is not very inspiring. It is also evident that, while in general print ads are working more strongly compared with 10 years ago, motors ads are not delivering this increased effectiveness to the same degree as other sectors. Scores are higher than a decade ago, but they are falling farther behind the best print ads. One reason for this rather muted response is that the most recent ads tested tend to be biased towards price ads rather than image-based ads. Historically, image-based motors ads (usually associated with big brand ideas) score better on almost all metrics – including action measures such as visiting the website. The only action where price based ads outperform image ads is “look for more information” – and that’s only 2% points higher. It appears that image based ads are better able to evoke the positive emotional aspects of car buying, which in turn makes people feel more confident in their reactions. There is, of course, a place for offer and price ads, but the data suggest that campaigns would be stronger if they also ran brand building print ads, to tap into the full potency of newspapers to deliver long-term customer growth, loyalty and profitability (see Peter Field’s analysis of the business effectiveness of newsbrands in IPA Databank study 2017). There is a general tendency to focus on short-term sales nowadays, but the car-buying process is often long and complex. Huge rewards are available if brands are on a mental shortlist before the active buying process begins. We love this observation from Jeremy Bullmore, in an essay written for the WPP annual report 2016: ‘I was once given a lift by a 50-year-old friend who’d recently sold his share in an advertising agency and had celebrated by buying himself an extremely expensive car. “I bought this car because I saw an advertisement,” he told me. “Nothing very special about that, I grant you – except that I saw that ad when I was 14.” Not all advertisements are still paying their way after 36 years. But the value of consistent brand advertising, advertising that remains true to the brand’s character, and continues to enhance it, can be almost timeless.’ Another important consideration is that motors print ads are lacking in appeal to women, who are less likely recall motors print ads than men and respond less positively on all measures except likelihood to discuss. Recent research from Mail Advertising shows a similar female disconnection from car advertising and highlights a challenge to communicate with women more effectively, given changing attitudes and behaviour in the market - Pulse of the Nation: Motors Edition. Women are less confident about buying and find negotiating stressful, but few feel that current car advertising speaks to them (29% vs 46% for men), often because the ads all look the same. Interestingly, digital newsbrand ads are much more gender neutral in their appeal. There are no real significant differences in women’s and men’s responses, even though women are less familiar beforehand with the advertised brands. Whether this is due to the environment, or to the nature of the creative, is not clear. On average, motors digital newsbrands are noticed by readers about half as much as print motors ads – 25% versus 52%. However, the newsbrand digital audience is over 33 million weekly, so that’s still 8.3 million people noticing the average motors ad. We looked at the responses of people who do notice the ads compared with those recalling print ads: digital creative appears to be more successful at generating personal appeal, personal benefit and a strong emotional reaction, which in turn affects subsequent behaviour. In addition, Lumen research shows that ads are 80% more likely to be seen in digital newsbrand than on non-newsbrand sites, so the newsbrand environment definitely provides a relevant and quality context for car advertising. It would just be great to have another “Lemon”. Source: RAMetrics. Countries: England/Scotland.

3 Motors vs all ads - print ad recall
Ad recall: Do you recall seeing the ad? % saying yes Source: RAMetrics. Countries: England/Scotland. All ads – 30 ads from 08/05/2017 to 25/07/2017, Motors – 30 ads from 01/08/2014 to 25/07/2017. Score base: read the newspaper.

4 Print - Motors vs all ads among all readers
brand measures attention + recognition engagement action Motors All Attention: How closely did you read/look at the ad? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Branding: How difficult or easy was it to understand the source/sender of the ad? % scoring above 9 on 10 pt scale Familiarity: How well did you previously know the advertiser? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Like ad: How did you like the ad? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Easy to understand: The ad is easy to understand. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale New Information: The ad contains news or new information. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Positive: The ad makes me feel positive towards the advertiser. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Appeals to me: Ad appeals to you. % Yes Benefit: Have you benefited or will you benefit from something in the ad? % Yes Interesting: The ad is interesting. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Fresh approach: The ad has an original design. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Emotional : Did you react to the advertisement emotionally? % Yes Look for more information: Have you looked for or will you look for more information as a result of seeing the ad? % Yes Visit a website: Have you visited or will you visit the website as a result of the ad? % Yes Visit advertiser: Have you visited or will you visit this advertiser as a result of seeing this ad? % Yes Have bought/will buy: Have you bought or will you buy something as a result of seeing this ad? % Yes Recommend: Have you recommended or will you recommend the company / product due to the advertising? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale (Added in April 2016) Discuss: Have you been talking about / discussing the company, offer or product as a result of seeing the advertising? % Yes (Added in April 2016) Source: RAMetrics. Countries: England/Scotland. All – 30 ads from 10/05/2017 – 25/07/2017, Motors – 30 ads from 01/08/2014 – 25/07/2017. Score base: read the newspaper.

5 Print - when noticed, motors ads are well-branded but lack some emotional power
brand measures attention + recognition engagement action Motors All Attention: How closely did you read/look at the ad? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Branding: How difficult or easy was it to understand the source/sender of the ad? % scoring above 9 on 10 pt scale Familiarity: How well did you previously know the advertiser? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Like ad: How did you like the ad? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Easy to understand: The ad is easy to understand. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale New Information: The ad contains news or new information. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Positive: The ad makes me feel positive towards the advertiser. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Appeals to me: Ad appeals to you. % Yes Benefit: Have you benefited or will you benefit from something in the ad? % Yes Interesting: The ad is interesting. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Fresh approach: The ad has an original design. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Emotional : Did you react to the advertisement emotionally? % Yes Look for more information: Have you looked for or will you look for more information as a result of seeing the ad? % Yes Visit a website: Have you visited or will you visit the website as a result of the ad? % Yes Visit advertiser: Have you visited or will you visit this advertiser as a result of seeing this ad? % Yes Have bought/will buy: Have you bought or will you buy something as a result of seeing this ad? % Yes Recommend: Have you recommended or will you recommend the company / product due to the advertising? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale (Added in April 2016) Discuss: Have you been talking about / discussing the company, offer or product as a result of seeing the advertising? % Yes (Added in April 2016) Source: RAMetrics. Countries: England/Scotland. All – 30 ads from 10/05/2017 – 25/07/2017, Motors – 30 ads from 01/08/2014 – 25/07/2017. Score base: noticed ad.

6 attention + recognition
Motors print ads have not increased performance to the same extent as print overall Ad recall has improved over the past decade and all other measures have increased among people noticing the ad brand measures recall attention + recognition engagement action Print’s effectiveness has increased over the last decade across all of RAM’s measures, through recall, recognition, engagement and action. Ad recall: Do you recall seeing the ad? % saying yes Attention: How closely did you read/look at the ad? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Branding: How difficult or easy was it to understand the source/sender of the ad? % scoring above 9 on 10 pt scale Familiarity: How well did you previously know the advertiser? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Like ad: How did you like the ad? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Easy to understand: The ad is easy to understand. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale New Information: The ad contains news or new information. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Positive: The ad makes me feel positive towards the advertiser. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Appeals to me: Ad appeals to you. % Yes Benefit: Have you benefited or will you benefit from something in the ad? % Yes Interesting: The ad is interesting. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Fresh approach: The ad has an original design. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Emotional Reaction: Did you react to the advertisement emotionally? % Yes Look for more information: Have you looked for or will you look for more information as a result of seeing the ad? % Yes Visit a website: Have you visited or will you visit the website as a result of the ad? % Yes Visit advertiser: Have you visited or will you visit this advertiser as a result of seeing this ad? % Yes Have bought/will buy: Have you bought or will you buy something as a result of seeing this ad? % Yes Recommend: Have you recommended or will you recommend the company / product due to the advertising? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale (Added in April 2016) Discuss: Have you been talking about / discussing the company, offer or product as a result of seeing the advertising? % Yes (Added in April 2016) Source: RAMetrics. Countries: England/Scotland. Base: 2008/9: 242 ads, 2016/7: 321 ads. Base: read the newspaper.

7 Motors print - image ads have historically had higher impact (but recent trend towards more price-based) Ad recall: Do you recall seeing the ad? % saying yes Source: RAMetrics. Countries: England/Scotland. Image – 79 ads from 01/01/2008 – 25/07/2017, Price – 60 ads from 01/01/2008 – 25/07/2017. Score base: read the newspaper.

8 Motors print - image ads historically outperform price ads
brand measures attention + recognition engagement action Motors price ads Motors image ads Attention: How closely did you read/look at the ad? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Branding: How difficult or easy was it to understand the source/sender of the ad? % scoring above 9 on 10 pt scale Familiarity: How well did you previously know the advertiser? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Like ad: How did you like the ad? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Easy to understand: The ad is easy to understand. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale New Information: The ad contains news or new information. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Positive: The ad makes me feel positive towards the advertiser. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Appeals to me: Ad appeals to you. % Yes Benefit: Have you benefited or will you benefit from something in the ad? % Yes Interesting: The ad is interesting. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Fresh approach: The ad has an original design. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Emotional : Did you react to the advertisement emotionally? % Yes Look for more information: Have you looked for or will you look for more information as a result of seeing the ad? % Yes Visit a website: Have you visited or will you visit the website as a result of the ad? % Yes Visit advertiser: Have you visited or will you visit this advertiser as a result of seeing this ad? % Yes Have bought/will buy: Have you bought or will you buy something as a result of seeing this ad? % Yes Recommend: Have you recommended or will you recommend the company / product due to the advertising? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale (Added in April 2016) Discuss: Have you been talking about / discussing the company, offer or product as a result of seeing the advertising? % Yes (Added in April 2016) Source: RAMetrics. Countries: England/Scotland. Image – 79 ads from 01/01/2008 – 25/07/2017, Price – 60 ads from 01/01/2008 – 25/07/2017. Score base: read the newspaper..

9 Motors print - men vs women recall
Ad recall: Do you recall seeing the ad? % saying yes Source: RAMetrics. Countries: England/Scotland. Motors – 30 ads from 01/08/2014 – 25/07/2017. Score base: read the newspaper.

10 Motors print - men vs women
brand measures attention + recognition engagement action Women Men Attention: How closely did you read/look at the ad? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Branding: How difficult or easy was it to understand the source/sender of the ad? % scoring above 9 on 10 pt scale Familiarity: How well did you previously know the advertiser? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Like ad: How did you like the ad? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Easy to understand: The ad is easy to understand. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale New Information: The ad contains news or new information. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Positive: The ad makes me feel positive towards the advertiser. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Appeals to me: Ad appeals to you. % Yes Benefit: Have you benefited or will you benefit from something in the ad? % Yes Interesting: The ad is interesting. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Fresh approach: The ad has an original design. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Emotional : Did you react to the advertisement emotionally? % Yes Look for more information: Have you looked for or will you look for more information as a result of seeing the ad? % Yes Visit a website: Have you visited or will you visit the website as a result of the ad? % Yes Visit advertiser: Have you visited or will you visit this advertiser as a result of seeing this ad? % Yes Have bought/will buy: Have you bought or will you buy something as a result of seeing this ad? % Yes Recommend: Have you recommended or will you recommend the company / product due to the advertising? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale (Added in April 2016) Discuss: Have you been talking about / discussing the company, offer or product as a result of seeing the advertising? % Yes (Added in April 2016) Source: RAMetrics. Countries: England/Scotland. Motors – 30 ads from 01/08/2014 – 25/07/2017. Score base: read the newspaper.

11 Motors vs all ads - digital ad recall
Ad recall: Do you recall seeing the ad? % saying yes Source: RAMetrics. Countries: England/Scotland. All ads – 30 ads from 01/02/2016 to 25/07/2017, Motors – 20 ads from 05/01/2009 to 25/07/2017. Score base: read the digital newspaper.

12 Digital - Motors vs all ads
brand measures attention + recognition engagement action Motors All Attention: How closely did you read/look at the ad? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Branding: How difficult or easy was it to understand the source/sender of the ad? % scoring above 9 on 10 pt scale Familiarity: How well did you previously know the advertiser? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Like ad: How did you like the ad? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Easy to understand: The ad is easy to understand. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale New Information: The ad contains news or new information. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Positive: The ad makes me feel positive towards the advertiser. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Appeals to me: Ad appeals to you. % Yes Benefit: Have you benefited or will you benefit from something in the ad? % Yes Interesting: The ad is interesting. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Fresh approach: The ad has an original design. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Emotional Reaction: Did you react to the advertisement emotionally? % Yes Look for more information: Have you looked for or will you look for more information as a result of seeing the ad? % Yes Visit a website: Have you visited or will you visit the website as a result of the ad? % Yes Visit advertiser: Have you visited or will you visit this advertiser as a result of seeing this ad? % Yes Have bought/will buy: Have you bought or will you buy something as a result of seeing this ad? % Yes Recommend: Have you recommended or will you recommend the company / product due to the advertising? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale (Added in April 2016) Discuss: Have you been talking about / discussing the company, offer or product as a result of seeing the advertising? % Yes (Added in April 2016) Source: RAMetrics. Countries: England/Scotland. All ads – 30 ads from 01/02/2016 to 25/07/2017, Motors – 20 ads from 05/01/2009 to 25/07/2017. Score base: read the digital newspaper.

13 Motors digital - men vs women recall
Ad recall: Do you recall seeing the ad? % saying yes Source: RAMetrics. Countries: England/Scotland. All ads – 30 ads from 01/02/2016 to 25/07/2017, Motors – 20 ads from 05/01/2009 to 25/07/2017. Score base: read the digital newspaper.

14 Motors digital - men vs women
brand measures attention + recognition engagement action Women Men Attention: How closely did you read/look at the ad? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Branding: How difficult or easy was it to understand the source/sender of the ad? % scoring above 9 on 10 pt scale Familiarity: How well did you previously know the advertiser? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Like ad: How did you like the ad? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Easy to understand: The ad is easy to understand. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale New Information: The ad contains news or new information. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Positive: The ad makes me feel positive towards the advertiser. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Appeals to me: Ad appeals to you. % Yes Benefit: Have you benefited or will you benefit from something in the ad? % Yes Interesting: The ad is interesting. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Fresh approach: The ad has an original design. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Emotional Reaction: Did you react to the advertisement emotionally? % Yes Look for more information: Have you looked for or will you look for more information as a result of seeing the ad? % Yes Visit a website: Have you visited or will you visit the website as a result of the ad? % Yes Visit advertiser: Have you visited or will you visit this advertiser as a result of seeing this ad? % Yes Have bought/will buy: Have you bought or will you buy something as a result of seeing this ad? % Yes Recommend: Have you recommended or will you recommend the company / product due to the advertising? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale (Added in April 2016) Discuss: Have you been talking about / discussing the company, offer or product as a result of seeing the advertising? % Yes (Added in April 2016) Source: RAMetrics. Countries: England/Scotland. All ads – 30 ads from 01/02/2016 to 25/07/2017, Motors – 20 ads from 05/01/2009 to 25/07/2017. Score base: read the digital newspaper.

15 Motors print vs digital - recall double for print
Ad recall: Do you recall seeing the ad? % saying yes Source: RAMetrics. Countries: England/Scotland. Motors print – 30 ads from 01/08/2014 to 25/07/2017 Motors digital – 20 ads from 05/01/2009 to 25/07/2017. Score base: noticed the ad.

16 Motors print vs digital - among people noticing the ads, digital creates more emotion and action
brand measures attention + recognition engagement action Digital recognisers Print recognisers Attention: How closely did you read/look at the ad? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Branding: How difficult or easy was it to understand the source/sender of the ad? % scoring above 9 on 10 pt scale Familiarity: How well did you previously know the advertiser? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Like ad: How did you like the ad? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Easy to understand: The ad is easy to understand. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale New Information: The ad contains news or new information. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Positive: The ad makes me feel positive towards the advertiser. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Appeals to me: Ad appeals to you. % Yes Benefit: Have you benefited or will you benefit from something in the ad? % Yes Interesting: The ad is interesting. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Fresh approach: The ad has an original design. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Emotional Reaction: Did you react to the advertisement emotionally? % Yes Look for more information: Have you looked for or will you look for more information as a result of seeing the ad? % Yes Visit a website: Have you visited or will you visit the website as a result of the ad? % Yes Visit advertiser: Have you visited or will you visit this advertiser as a result of seeing this ad? % Yes Have bought/will buy: Have you bought or will you buy something as a result of seeing this ad? % Yes Recommend: Have you recommended or will you recommend the company / product due to the advertising? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale (Added in April 2016) Discuss: Have you been talking about / discussing the company, offer or product as a result of seeing the advertising? % Yes (Added in April 2016) Source: RAMetrics. Countries: England/Scotland. Motors print – 30 ads from 01/08/2014 to 25/07/2017 Motors digital – 20 ads from 05/01/2009 to 25/07/2017. Score base: noticed the ad.

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