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Elastic Scattering in Electromagnetism
In this lecture we will practice some more with calculating cross sections, playing special attention to the differential cross section in the laboratory frame. In Lab frame We assume that me<< M (a good assumption for the cases of physical interest) so that we can ignore me in what follows If the target is able to absorb momentum without effectively changing its energy and one can neglect the effects of target recoil. 2004,Torino Aram Kotzinian
In the LAB frame with (essentially) massless electrons we have
We will often use E, E’ and as our variables. However, note that they are not independent. The last expression makes explicit the point that, when 2004,Torino Aram Kotzinian
Next we need to derive the form of the differential cross section in the LAB frame. In the last lecture we had Noting that the variable t has both an explicit dependence and an implicit dependence through E’, we find that Finally 2004,Torino Aram Kotzinian
For comparison the CM result is
The remaining issue is to evaluate the matrix element M . The simplest case, and the one studied first historically, is that of a scalar scattering on scalar, i.e., two spin 0 bosons scattering via the exchange of a photon. The amplitude squared (no spin summing or averaging needed here) 2004,Torino Aram Kotzinian
Thus the differential cross section looks like
The first factor in this last expression is called the “Rutherford cross section”, while the last factor is clearly a “recoil” correction, which becomes unity in the limit 2004,Torino Aram Kotzinian
Thus the spin averaged and summed squared amplitude becomes
The next step is to scatter “real” spin ½ electrons but still from a scalar target Thus the spin averaged and summed squared amplitude becomes Using the appropriate trace identity we find 2004,Torino Aram Kotzinian
Thus the differential cross section can be expressed as
and Note, that 2004,Torino Aram Kotzinian
We can easily work out the form of this cross section in CM variables,
We recognize the first factor as our previous result for scalar-scalar scattering (the Rutherford result) and the last factor as a (slightly different) recoil correction. Historically the above result (modulo the recoil correction) was referred to as the Mott cross section. We can easily work out the form of this cross section in CM variables, where we have used the relation Note that the cross sections in the 2 reference frames have very similar structure. 2004,Torino Aram Kotzinian
Recall that the standard fermion-QED vertex is helicity conserving.
where Thus, if the incident electron is right handed, the scattered electron will be right handed also For backward scattering the exchanged photon must have J3 = +1, helicity +1, in order to conserve angular momentum at the electron vertex. Such a photon cannot be absorbed by a spin zero particle and conserve total angular momentum at the scalar vertex. The vanishing of the factor in this limit accounts for this fact. 2004,Torino Aram Kotzinian
The next level of complexity is illustrated by the case of
fermion-fermion scattering. Ignoring the mass of the electron This is identical to the electron-scalar result except for the final term. In terms of LAB frame variables we have Note, that in this case 2004,Torino Aram Kotzinian
Note that this term vanishes in the no recoil limit where
Compared to our previous result for an electron scattering from a scalar this result for scattering from another spin ½ particle exhibits a new possible type of process. In this case the spin of the “stationary” target particle can flip, a process not present in the scalar case. This configuration allows the absorption of the helicity ±1 photons described above. It is this process that leads to the term in the numerator, which dominates at Note that this term vanishes in the no recoil limit where 2004,Torino Aram Kotzinian
Now, for objects with structure
The final step of complexity is the elastic scattering of an electron from a proton, which is not a point particle. In general, the matrix element where Now, for objects with structure four-momentum transfer Object with extended charge distribution 2004,Torino Aram Kotzinian
In nonrelativistic (three-dimensional) case
where r(r) – charge distribution Mean square charge radius: 2004,Torino Aram Kotzinian
where k is the normalized anomalous magnetic moment of the proton,
A conventional normalization for the electromagnetic current of the proton in relativistic case is where k is the normalized anomalous magnetic moment of the proton, and the form factors are normalized to have limits F1(0) = F2(0) = 1. The usual limits for a point Dirac particle are F1 = 1, F2 = 0 (all ). Other definitions often seen in the literature include “electric” and “magnetic” form factors which describe the full complexity of the (separate) elastic electric and magnetic couplings of the proton. 2004,Torino Aram Kotzinian
The last term, spin flip arises from the magnetic interaction
Using the above expression for the photon-proton coupling we find a LAB frame differential cross section of the form In terms of the electric and magnetic form factors this is often written (the Rosenbluth form) in terms of the variable The last term, spin flip arises from the magnetic interaction 2004,Torino Aram Kotzinian
Measurement of the elastic electron-proton scattering
McAllister and Hofstadter MeV and 236 MeV electron beam from linear accelerator at Stanford Hydrogen and helium (gas) targets Magnetic spectrometer Measurements of scattering angle and energy 2004,Torino Aram Kotzinian
Elastic profiles Typical elastic profiles obtained in the scattering experiment with hydrogen gas The elastic profiles were used to obtain cross-section of scattering - the cross-section at a particular scattering angle is proportional to the number of observed events at this angle (area under the curve) 2004,Torino Aram Kotzinian
Energy estimates Energy of scattered electrons as a function of scattering angle in the laboratory frame Energy was measured as peak value of the elastic profile (from spectrometer data) Theoretical curve was obtained using relativistic kinematics 2004,Torino Aram Kotzinian
Cross-section of elastic scattering
a - Mott curve for spinless point-like proton b - Rosenbluth curve for a point-like proton with the Dirac magnetic moment (without anomalous magnetic moment) F1 (q2) = 1, F2 (q2) = 0 c - Rosenbluth curve with contribution from anomalous magnetic moment for point-like proton F1 (q2) = 1, F2 (q2) = The deviation of experimental data from curve (c) were interpreted as an effect from proton form-factors - finite size proton 2004,Torino Aram Kotzinian
The size of the proton The experiment was not sensitive enough to the q2 dependence of the form factors. All that could be determined was a mean square radius of the nucleon. The best fit was achieved for <r2>1/2 = (0.70 ±0.24)10-13 cm. With 236 MeV electrons <r2>1/2 = (0.78±0.20)10-13cm. Combined result - <r2>1/2 = (0.74±0.24)10-13 cm. 2004,Torino Aram Kotzinian
Sometime in literature another normalization is used:
2004,Torino Aram Kotzinian
2004,Torino Aram Kotzinian
No free neutron: extract from e-D elastic scattering
2004,Torino Aram Kotzinian
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