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Input to SECOORA Business Plan (Jacksonville, July 27-28, 2005)

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1 Input to SECOORA Business Plan (Jacksonville, July 27-28, 2005)
R & D Breakout Group Input to SECOORA Business Plan (Jacksonville, July 27-28, 2005)

2 R & D Operations Objectives: Current
Model evaluation and improvement Circulation, waves, storm surge, sediments Operation vision: what is it? And, how to get there? National backbone coordination Design strategy to engage & coordinate design Need additional observations Esp. benthic and biological User communications Needs assessment, demonstrate utility to users, plan link to Enterprise Architecture

3 R & D Operations Objectives: Year 1
Systems assessment Error bars, sensitivity analysis Short term demonstration Sediment transport, CODAE, S+R Regional coordination w/ Feds, users, industry Research thrusts Coastal hazards Waves, storm surge, rip currents Biological observations (fisheries, biology) Observation technology assessment Gliders, AUVs, bottoms sensors

4 R & D Operations Objectives: Year 2-5
Develop & test (quasi)operational nowcast/forecast system Currents, storm surge, waves, tides, inundation, ecosystems Data management Enterprise and region Scientific analysis Annual and interannual trends, cross-shelf exchange SECOORA-wide ecosystem analysis Sensors and observations Full-fledged biological/chemical monitoring CO2 air-sea exchange Education Graduate degrees in operational oceanography Train next generation w/COOS technology


6 R & D Infrastructure: Current
Inventory of existing sensor capabilities biosensors, seafloor mapping, etc. Inventory of communication infrastructure Satellite, telemetry, etc. Test/gain experience with sensors (bio, HF radar) and offshore observing systems (buoy, platforms, Explorer of the Sea/ships of opp.) Models (early quasi-operational capability) Data assimilation, GRID technologies, OSSE’s, metrics, standardization

7 R & D Infrastructure: 1 year
Sensor and obs tech development Short term: profilers, acoustics, etc. Testbeds computation (GRID, lambda-rail) sensors Seafloor mapping (habitats, benthic dynamics) Better dialogue and coordination Sharing capabilities and personnel Develop cost estimates

8 R & D Infrastructure: 2-5 year
Sensor and observational technology developments HF radar, bio and water quality, metazoan detection, seafloor/seabed, air-sea, etc. Expand coverage (geographically & data type) Acoustic arrays, biosensors, seafloor mapping Distributed modeling center to share resources (models, data, computers) Better dialogue and coordination of build-out activities to achieve cost reduction, etc.


10 R & D Relationships and Procedures: Current State
Poor communication in general (sub-region, region, between regions) Little support for: Fisheries, sediment transport, HF Radar tests, data management strategies However, there exist developing communications: Between R-COOS and Federal Backbone

11 R & D Relationships and Procedures: 1 year
Links at national level (ACT, OMB, OSTP, CEQ, ORION, OOI, etc.) Links at local level (State, County, Water Districts, etc.) Coordinate R&D efforts (regional plan, establish a committee/consortium) Develop relationship with non-traditional funding sources (NIH, foundations, etc.)

12 R & D Relationships and Procedures: 2-5 year
Expand/develop links with: Private sector (commercial & recreational fishing, IT, Instrument manufacturers, etc.) Academia (Applied sciences, Advanced materials) Feds (Fisheries, MMS, Emergency management, etc.) Expand/build interoperability (R&D with other regions)


14 R & D Resource Arrangements: Current
Internal (RA) coordination needed Models, data collection, grant applications Funding issues User needs should drive Stabilize support, simplify admin Fisheries as a source of support External coordination Ocean US role, other Feds Specific resource needs Biosensors, computer resources, AUVs, bottom maps

15 R & D Resource Arrangements: 1 year
Regional resource coordination Infrastructure, shiptime, proposals, testbeds Federal Support Ship access and funding, MOU’s (speed process) Expert Assessments of COOS R&D, models, sensors (incl. bio/geo/chem) Peer review within RA Drives resource allocation Subregional assessments For gaps, duplication

16 R & D Resource Arrangements: 2-5 years
Sources of resources NMFS, States, Industry, other Feds (NSF, MMS, ?) R&D Administration Shared technical staff, asset inventory, R&D needs Observing System needs Central calib. Facility, bio & chem sensor development Education Improve engineering education in SE Introduce Operational Oceanography in SE curricula


18 R & D: Comments Education MOU’s a good approach Oceans Act in FL
Needs to be highlighted and is a long term needs MOU’s a good approach Do at regional level Leverage resources Oceans Act in FL Will coordinate all oceans activity in FL Coastal research by state agencies, universities, all that they can.

19 R & D: Gaps Adopt system engineering approach to design obs. System
Have meetings w/ NASA (and NWS Operational Met offices) to see how they do it CLARUS under FHWA as an example in NWS Invited speaker at next meeting ot explain Training sessions Sys engineering thoughts Requires engineers to be involved Salaries need to be addressed: mismatch of marine science vs. engineering We need to know more about what it means Alpha to omega considerations Regional system engineering caveat can only be done by licensed engineer in FL But can do systems eng. approach w/out being a system engineer

20 R & D: Gaps Biological Chemical sensors Communicate outside region
Need coordinated efforts, external & internal to RA Communicate outside region Sensors development Need fed level coordination efforts NFRA leads?, Ocean.US engagement as Obs & Modeling groups similar to DMAC Talent/Expertise inventory is needed Who does what? People are most expensive resource Encourage existing research programs to coordinate w/ obs. programs Funding agencies require/encourage coord. w/ ongoing obs systems into RFPs Researchers able to use COOS data Share/coordinate infrastructure (gliders, ships, etc.)

21 R & D: Gaps Expand utility of current sensors Data policy
Harden current sensor technologies Use existing sensors to address different dynamics R&D on experimental design / novel applications New algorithms to get new measurements from current sensors E.g., waves from HF radar Data policy Who can use, when, etc.? SECOORA measurements publicly, routinely available Intellectual property rights Open source software


23 R & D Breakout Group Summary

24 R&D - 1 Need additional observations (esp. biology, chem, water quality, benthic/seafloor) Distributed modeling center to share resources (models, data, computers) Short term demonstrations (testbeds, e.g., storm surge, waves, sediment, fisheries) to assess capabilities (full suite of sensors, transmission, observing system components, data management and archival) determine additional/longterm R&D needs

25 R&D - 2 Coordinate R&D efforts (regional plan, establish a committee/consortium) – include national (Federal) through local (State through County) agencies, use of MOU’s as a effective way for collaboration. Expand/develop links with: Private sector (commercial & recreational fishing, IT, Instrument manufacturers, etc.) Academia (Applied sciences, Advanced materials)

26 R&D - 3 Adopt system engineering approach to design obs. System
Experience w/ NASA and NWS Operational Met offices Establish workshops Better dialogue and coordination Sharing capabilities and personnel Develop cost estimates

27 R&D - 4 Scientific analysis
Annual and interannual trends, cross-shelf exchange SECOORA-wide ecosystem analysis Expand coverage (geographically & data type – many gaps in both) Acoustic arrays, biosensors, seafloor mapping

28 R&D - 5 Education Graduate degrees in operational oceanography
Train next generation w/COOS technology

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