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One of the first great civilizations

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1 One of the first great civilizations
Ancient Egypt One of the first great civilizations

2 Life in Ancient Egypt Life centered around the Nile river
Yearly floods brought nutrients to the soil The river was a main route of travel

3 Social Pyramid of Egypt
Pharaoh Upper Class Royal Family, Government Officials, Army Officers, Priests, Landowners, and Doctors, scribes. Middle Class Merchants, Manufacturers, and Artisans Lower Class Unskilled Laborers and Farmers Slaves and Servants

4 Egyptian Religion Polytheism Death and Funerals About 2000
gods & goddesses Amon-Ra Osiris Horis Death and Funerals Three souls “ka, ba, and akh” Embalming Burial Tombs

5 A System of Writing Hieroglyphics Scribes Papyrus Rosetta Stone
Used to keep record Scribes Record keepers Papyrus Paper made from plants Rosetta Stone Transcribed Hieroglyphics, Greek, and Demotic

6 Children in Egypt RICH Children of Pharaoh swam in palace pools
Learned their parents trade Spun tops, and played games POOR Swam in canals Worked alongside their parents Little time to play Daily chores

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