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Performance Analysis, Tools and Optimization

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1 Performance Analysis, Tools and Optimization
Philip J. Mucci Kevin S. London University of Tennessee, Knoxville ARL MSRC Users’ Group Meeting September 2, 1998

2 PET, UT and You Training Environments Benchmarking
Evaluation and Reviews Consulting Development

3 Training Courses on Benchmarking, Performance Optimization, Parallel Tools Provides good mechanism for technology transfer Develop needs and direction from the interaction with the user community Tremendous knowledge base from which to draw

4 Environments Use of the MSRC environments provides
Bug reports to the vendor System tuning System administrator support Analysis of software needs Performance evaluation Researchers access to advanced hardware

5 Performance Understanding
In order to optimize we must understand Why is our code performing a certain way? What can be done about it? How good can we do? Results in confidence, efficiency and better code development Time spent is an investment in the future

6 Tool Evaluation Ptools Consortium
Review of available performance tools, particularly parallel Regular reports are issued Tools that we find useful get presented to the developers in training or consultation Installation, testing and training Example: VAMPIR for scalability analysis

7 Optimization Course Course focuses on compiler options, available tools and single processor performance Single biggest bottleneck to many codes, especially cache performance Why? Link speeds have increased within an order of magnitude of memory bandwidths Also, MPI and language specific issues

8 Benchmarks CacheBench - performance of the memory hierarchy
MPBench - performance of core MPI operations BLASBench - performance of dense numerical kernels Intended to provide an orthogonal set of low-level benchmarks with which we can parameterize codes

9 Cache Performance

10 Cache Performance Tuning for caches is difficult without some understanding of computer architecture No way to really know what’s in the cache during a given point in an application Factor of 2-4 performance increase is common Develop a tool to help identify regions in the source code, a specific reference.

11 Cache Simulator Profiling the code reveals cache problems
Automated instrumentation of offending routines via a GUI or by hand Link with simulator library Make architecture configuration file Addresses are traced and simulated Miss locations are recorded and reports are generated

12 PerfAPI A standardized interface to hardware performance counters
Easily usable by application engineers as well as tool developers Intended for Performance tools Evaluation Modeling Watch

13 High Performance Debugger
Industry wide lack of good debugging support for parallel programs TotalView is expensive and GUI only Bandwidth is often not-available off-site Based on dbx and gdb as backends Uses p2d2 from NASA as a framework Standardized, familiar command-line interface

14 MPI Connect Connects separate MPI jobs with PVM
3 function calls to enroll Uses include Metacomputing with Vendor MPI Dynamic and Fault Tolerant MPI jobs now

15 The Future BYOC Workshops Regular Training Schedule Web Based Training
Consulting Cross-MSRC Information Exchange Technology Transfer Tool development

16 Origin 2000 Performance Prescription
Always use dplace on all codes Always use -LNO:cache_size2=4096 For accuracy compile and link with -O2 -IPA -SWP:=ON -LNO -TENV:X=0-5 or -Ofast=ip27 -OPT:roundoff=0-3 -OPT:IEEE_arithmetic=1-3

17 Origin 2000 Performance Prescription
In Fortran, innermost array index should change fastest Use functions in -lcomplib.sgimath or -lscs -lfastm -lm Use MPI_Ixxxx primitives Always execute IRECV early

18 Vampir Timeline Display

19 Vampir Global Activity Chart

20 Identifying a Message in Vampir

21 Identifying a Message in Vampir

22 Nupshot Display

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