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Christmas in Ukraine.

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1 Christmas in Ukraine

2 Christmas in Ukraine Christmas in Ukraine is celebrated on the 7th of January because, like many countries where the main Church is the Orthodox Church, they use the old 'Julian‘ calendar for their church festivals.

3 Main Christmas dishes The main Christmas meal, called 'Sviata Vecheria' (or Holy Supper) is eaten on Christmas Eve (6th January). Traditionally people fast (don't eat anything) all day but you might start the day drinking some holy water that has been blessed at church.

4 Many families follow the old tradition to prepare 12 meatless dishes and to sit at the table when the first star appears in the sky. The main dish of the Holy Supper is kutia. It is prepared of wheat and raisins, nuts, poppy seeds and fruits.

5 Christmas carols One of the most amazing traditions is singing Christmas carols. These are usually children who start caroling since early morning on the 6-th of January. Children gather in groups and wear old clothes dramatizing the scenes from the Bible. These groups are called Vertep.

6 Thank you for attention!

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