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EKT120: Computer Programming

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1 EKT120: Computer Programming
Week 6 – Functions (2) UniMAP SemI-11/12 EKT120: Computer Programming

2 EKT120: Computer Programming
Outline Recall - sample application functions that do not return value functions that return a value Recall – global variable vs. local variable Passing parameters in functions :- Pass by value Functions that return more than one value Sample application-functions that return more than one value Passing parameters in functions :- Pass by reference Sample application Recursive function UniMAP SemI-13/14 EKT120: Computer Programming

3 Sample application Write a C program that reads item code and quantity, then calculates the payment. Use functions: fnMenu – print item code menu fnDeterminePrice – determine price based on item code fnCalc - calculate payment fnPrintResult – print payment Think!! Which function returns no value and which function returns a value. What argument names do I want to feed in as parameters and what to return??

4 EKT120: Computer Programming
Sample application #include <stdio.h> void fnMenu(); float fnDeterminePrice(int); float fnCalc(float,int); void fnPrintResult(float); int main() { int iCode,iQty; float fPrice,fPay; fnMenu(); printf("Enter item code and quantity: "); scanf("%d %d", &iCode,&iQty); fPrice = fnDeterminePrice(iCode); fPay = fnCalc(fPrice,iQty); fnPrintResult(fPay); return 0; } EKT120: Computer Programming

5 Enter item code and quantity: 1 3 Payment is 3.00
void fnMenu() { printf("Code\tItem\tPrice\n"); printf("1\tPapaya\t1.00\n"); printf("2\tMelon\t2.00\n"); printf("3\tDurian\t3.00\n"); printf("\tOthers\t4.00\n"); } float fnDeterminePrice(int iItemCode) { float fPricing; switch(iItemCode) case 1:fPricing = 1.00;break; case 2:fPricing = 2.00;break; case 3:fPricing = 3.00;break; default:fPricing = 4.00; return(fPricing); float fCalc(float fItemPrice, int iQuality) { float fTotal; fTotal = fItemPrice*iQuantity; return(fTotal); void fnPrintResult(float fPayment) { printf("Payment is %.2f\n", fPayment); Code Item Price Papaya Melon Durian Others Enter item code and quantity: 1 3 Payment is 3.00 *************************** Enter item code and quantity: 9 3 Payment is 12.00

6 Global Variable vs. Local Variable
#include <stdio.h> void fnMenu(); float fnDeterminePrice(int); float fnCalc(float,int); void fnPrintResult(float); int iCode,iQty; float fPrice,fPay; int main() { fnmenu(); printf("Enter item code and quantity:"); scanf("%d %d", &iCode,&iQty); fPrice= fnDeterminePrice(iCode); fPay=fnCalc(fPrice,iQty); fnPrintResult(fPay); return 0; } void fnMenu( ) printf("Code\tItem\tPrice\n"); printf("1\tPapaya\t1.00\n"); printf("2\tMelon\t2.00\n"); printf("3\tDurian\t3.00\n"); printf("\tOthers\t4.00\n"); modification float fnDeterminePrice(int iCode) { iCode--; switch(iCode) case 1:fPrice=1.00;break; case 2:fPrice=2.00;break; case 3:fPrice=3.00;break; default:fPrice=4.00; } return(fPrice); float fnCalc(float fPrice,int iQuantity) fPay=fPay+1; fPay=fPrice*iQuantity; return(fPay); void fnPrintResult(float fPay) { printf("Payment is %.2f\n", fPay); Output: Code Item Price Papaya Melon Durian Others Enter item code and quantity: 1 4 Payment is 16.00 Enter item code and quantity: 3 1 Payment is 2.00 However, sometimes we need to do some modifications from inside a function; using global variable will make things worse!!! UniMAP SemI-11/12 EKT120: Computer Programming

7 EKT120: Computer Programming
Pass by Value If a parameter is passed by value, then the value of the original data is copied into the function’s parameter (scope: local variable(s)) In other words, it (i.e. local variable) has its own copy of the data changes to copy do not change original data During program execution, it (i.e. local variable) will manipulate the data stored in its own memory space UniMAP SemI-13/14 EKT120: Computer Programming

8 Pass by Value (Example)
Output Before fnFun 1 iA = 5 iB = 10 Inside fnFun 1 iAA = 6 iBB = 9 After fnFun 1 #include <stdio.h> void fnFun1(int,int); //function prototype int main(void) { int iA=5, iB=10; printf("Before fun 1\n“); printf(" iA = %d iB = %d\n”, iA,iB); fnFun1(iA, iB); //function call printf("\nAfter fun 1\n“); return 0; } void fnFun1(int iAA,int iBB) //function definition iAA++; iBB--; printf("\n\nInside fun 1\n)"; printf(“iAA = %d iBB = %d\n”, iAA,iBB); UniMAP SemI-13/14 EKT120: Computer Programming

9 Functions that return more than one value
When we talk about functions that return more than one value it also means that we want to pass arguments by reference passes addresses (references), NOT value or data allows direct manipulation changes will affect original data UniMAP SemI-13/14 EKT120: Computer Programming

10 Functions that return more than one value
There are cases where you need to manipulate the value of an external variable from inside a function, thus we pass the value by reference UniMAP SemI-13/14 EKT120: Computer Programming

11 EKT120: Computer Programming
Sample application Write a C program that calculates and prints average of 2 test marks. Your program should have functions: fnReadMarks – read 2 test marks fnCalcAvg – calculate average of two test marks fnPrint - print average UniMAP SemI-13/14 EKT120: Computer Programming

12 EKT120: Computer Programming
Sample application Function that returns more than one value - arguments are passed by reference void fnReadMarks(float *fM1,float *fM2) { printf("Enter marks for test1 and test2 : "); scanf("%f %f", fM1,fM2); //notice no & } float fnCalcAvg(float fM1, float fM2) return((fM1 + fM2)/2); void fnPrint(float fAverage) printf("\nAverage marks are :%.2f\n",fAverage); #include <stdio.h> void fnReadMarks(float*,float*); float fnCalcAvg(float,float); void fnPrint(float); int main(void) { float fMarks1, fMarks2, fAvg; fnReadMarks(&fMarks1,&fMarks2); fAvg = fnCalcAvg(fMarks1,fMarks2); fnPrint(fAvg); return 0; } Output Enter marks for test1 and test2 : 70 80 Average marks are : 75.00 UniMAP SemI-13/14 EKT120: Computer Programming

13 EKT120: Computer Programming
Pass by Reference A function’s parameter that receives the location (memory address) of the corresponding actual variables When we attach * (star) after the arg_type in the parameter list of a function, then the variable following that arg_type is passed by reference It stores the address of the actual variable, NOT the value During program execution to manipulate the data, the address stored will direct control to the memory space of the actual variable Syntax: In function protoype and function definition, put the * (star) after the data type Example : void fnReadMarks(float *,float *); In function call, put the &(ampersand) before the argument name to be passed by reference Example : fnReadMarks(&fMarks1,&fMarks2); UniMAP SemI-13/14 EKT120: Computer Programming

14 EKT120: Computer Programming
Pass by Reference Pass by reference is useful in two situations: when you want to return more than one value from a function when the value of the actual parameter needs to be changed UniMAP SemI-13/14 EKT120: Computer Programming

15 EKT120: Computer Programming
Sample application Write a C program that reads character and calculates numbers of vowel and consonant Your program should have function: fnRead – read character fnFindCountVC – determine and calculate number of vowel or consonant fnPrint - print number of vowel or consonant UniMAP SemI-13/14 EKT120: Computer Programming

16 Sample application #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>
Enter character : f Do you want to continue?y Enter character : I Enter character : k Do you want to continue?n Number of vowel : 1 Number of consonant : 2 #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> char fnRead(); void fnFindCountVC(char, int*, int*); void fnPrint(int,int); int main() { char cCh, cChoice; int iCountV=0, iCountC=0; do { cCh = fnRead(); fnFindCountVC(cCh, &iCountV, &iCountC); printf("Do you want to continue? "); scanf("%c", &cChoice); getchar(); }while((cChoice == 'y') ||(cChoice =='Y')); fnPrint(iCountV,iCountC); return 0; } char fnRead() { char cCh1; printf("Enter character : "); scanf("%c", &cCh1); return(cCh1); void fnFindCountVC(char cCh1, int *iVowel, int *iConsonant) { switch(cCh1) { case 'A': case 'a': case 'E': case 'e': case 'I': case 'i': case 'O': case 'o': case 'U': case 'u': *iVowel = *iVowel +1;break; default: *iConsonant = *iConsonant + 1; } void fnPrint(int iVowel, int iConsonant) printf("Number of vowel : %d\n", iVowel); printf("Number of consonant : %d\n", iConsonant); Functions that “return” more than one value i.e. arguments are passed by reference

17 Pass by Reference (Example)
#include <stdio.h> void fnFun1(int, int*); //function prototype int main(void) { int iA=5,iB=10; printf("Before fun 1\n”); printf(“iA = %d iB = %d”,iA,iB); fnFun1(iA, &iB); //function call printf(“\n\nAfter fun 1\n”); printf(“iA = %d iB = %d\n”,iA,iB); return 0; } void fnFun1(int iAA, int * iBB)//function definition iAA++; *iBB--; printf("\n\nInside fun 1\n”); printf(“iAA = %d iBB = %d”,iAA,iBB); Output Before fun 1 iA=5 iB = 10 Inside fun 1 iAA = 6 iBB = 9 After fun 1 iA = 5 iB = 9 UniMAP SemI-13/14 EKT120: Computer Programming

18 EKT120: Computer Programming
Recursive Functions Recursion is a term describing functions which are called by themselves (functions that call themselves) Recursive function has two parts i.e. base case and not base case If not base case, the function breaks the problem into a slightly smaller, slightly simpler, problem that resembles the original problem and Launches a new copy of itself to work on the smaller problem, slowly converging towards the base case Makes a call to itself inside the return statement Eventually the base case gets solved and then that value works its way back up to solve the whole problem Recursion is very useful in mathematical calculations and in sorting of lists UniMAP SemI-13/14 EKT120: Computer Programming

19 EKT120: Computer Programming
Recursive Functions Example: factorial n! = n * ( n – 1 ) * ( n – 2 ) * … * 1 Recursive relationship: ( n! = n * ( n – 1 )! ) 5! = 5 * 4! 4! = 4 * 3!… Base case (1! = 0! = 1) UniMAP SemI-13/14 EKT120: Computer Programming

20 Recursive Functions(Example)
Factorial 4 * 6 = 24 is returned Factorial(4) 3 * 2 = 6 is returned 4 * Factorial(3) 3 * Factorial(2) 2 * 1 = 2 is returned 2 * Factorial(1) Value 1 is returned 1 UniMAP SemI-13/14 EKT120: Computer Programming

21 Recursive Functions(Example)
#include <stdio.h> int fnFactorial(int); void main() { int iN=4; printf(“Factorial %d is %d“,n, fnFactorial(n)); } int fnFactorial(int iN) if(iN <= 1) //base case return 1; else return ( iN * fnFactorial(iN-1)); Call function name itself UniMAP SemI-13/14 EKT120: Computer Programming

22 Recursive Functions (Example)
Fibonacci series: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8... Each number is the sum of two previous numbers Example of a recursive formula: fib(n) = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) UniMAP SemI-13/14 EKT120: Computer Programming

23 Recursive Functions (Example)
Diagram of Fibonacci function: f( 3 ) f( 1 ) f( 2 ) f( 0 ) return 1 return 0 return + UniMAP SemI-13/14 EKT120: Computer Programming

24 Recursive Functions (Example)
Sample code for fibonacci function long fnFibonacci( long lN ) { if ( lN == 0 || lN == 1 ) //base case return lN; else return fnFibonacci( lN - 1 ) fnFibonacci( lN – 2 ); } UniMAP SemI-13/14 EKT120: Computer Programming

25 EKT120: Computer Programming
End Week 6 – Functions (2) Q & A! UniMAP SemI-13/14 EKT120: Computer Programming

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