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Recruiter / Staffing Process - (US)

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1 Recruiter / Staffing Process - (US)
Immigration Administration

2 Honeywell Immigration Processes for Recruiter
The following process flow is described in this document. The yellow boxes in the process highlight the steps which the recruiter is involved in: Initiate a Visa process for hiring a new Employee or an International Transfer Employee to the US Key Recruiter / Staffing are interchangeable in this process

3 Initiate a Visa process for hiring a new Employee Recruiter Role
Mgr/HRG notifies Recruiter of down selected final candidate(s) Recruiter conducts follow up call with candidate to complete Assessment Recruiter s Assessment form to Fragomen and HRS mailboxes Fragomen returns Completed Assessment to Recruiter & HRS HRS initiates approval workflow Start Mgr approves HRG approves HRS receives notification of approval workflow HRG notifies recruiter of the candidate to be hired HRS sends Mgr the Questionnaire for completion HRG keeps HRS informed of candidate offer acceptance or decline Mgr returns Completed Questionnaire to HRS if candidate accepts offer HRS initiates through Fragomen IHP site End

4 Initiate a Visa process for hiring a new Employee Recruiter Role
Mgr/HRG notifies Recruiter of down selected final candidate(s ) Recruiter conducts follow up call with candidate to complete Assessment Recruiter completes Assessment form and s to and Fragomen returns Completed Assessment to Recruiter & HRS HRS will initiate a workflow in the portal HRS initiates approval workflow Mgr will receive an asking for approval or rejection If Mgr rejects, they will need to notify Recruiter & HRG If Mgr approves, HRG will receive an asking for their approval or rejection If HRG rejects, they will need to notify Recruiter & the manager If HRG approves, a notification will be sent to HRS HRS receives notification of approval workflow HRG notifies recruiter of the candidate to be hired HRG keeps HRS informed of candidate offer acceptance If offer is declined, the process stops HRS sends Mgr the Questionnaire for completion Mgr returns Completed Questionnaire to HRS HRS initiates through Fragomen IHP site Process continues following standard process

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