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“Growth and Expansion” EQ: How do societies change?

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1 “Growth and Expansion” EQ: How do societies change?
( ) Chapter 11 EQ: How do societies change?

2 Vocabulary: CH. 11 Pg. 308 Industrial Revolution Census Turnpike
Era of Good Feelings Sectionalism Monroe Doctrine

3 Industrialization Arrives in 1800
Industrial Revolution—change from handmade items to making things by using machines Technology and new machines allow Industrial Revolution to happen. New England (North) welcomes Industrial Revolution, the South remains a farming community As people move to the cities to find, work cities grow.

4 Moving West The 1790 census More settlers moved west
1790  4 million people, most east of Appalachian Mountains More settlers moved west Developed turnpikes (roads) Invent Steamboat (river travel) Built Canals

5 US Population Density 1810 1820

6 The West Grows New western states are created

7 James Monroe [ ] After War of 1812, national unity is present in the USA Monroe wins election of 1816 Monroe easily wins—John Quincy Adams become vice president His presidency is called the Era of Good Feelings—he encouraged growth and trade He wins re-election in 1820 James Monroe John Quincy Adams

8 Domestic Challenge: Sectionalism
By 1820s the Era of Good Feelings ends because of regional differences Americans felt loyal to the region where they live—sectionalism Geography, economics, and history contributed to sectionalism Each section of the country had a voice Congress Daniel Webster—East Henry Clay—West John C. Calhoun—South

9 Domestic Challenge: Slavery
1819 there was a clash between the North and South Missouri wants to enter the Union as a slave state—the government disagree! Henry Clay—the “Great Compromiser” comes up with a plan to solve this issue.

10 Missouri Compromise 1820 Missouri was admitted as a slave state; and Maine would be a free-state Equal number of free states and slave states Land south of Missouri could allow slavery, and the north of it could not.

11 Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819 The Spanish and Americans had many disputes over the border of Florida The Spanish offer Florida to the U.S. The U.S. obtained Florida for $5 million –Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819 VP John Quincy Adams negotiated the Treaty

12 Adams-Onis Treaty, 1819

13 Monroe Doctrine of 1823 Latin America—has many revolutions.
USA fears that foreign countries may now want to control these Latin America countries. Monroe Doctrine—warns European nations that they can’t get involved in Latin American anymore. The US will protect Latin America from any European influence.

14 Activity: Era of Good Feelings Timeline
1. Create a timeline of the Era of Good Feelings Title: James Monroe: The Era of Good Feelings 2. Place each event in chronological order on the timeline James Monroe is Elected President Industrial Revolution Monroe Doctrine The Adams-Onis Treaty Missouri Compromise 3. Explain each event in detail using your notes or book. What is the event? Who is involved? When did it happen? Why did it happen? How did it happen? 4. Draw an image to represent each event.

15 Closure Activity: Chapter 11
Think about the 5 events that occurred in the Era of Good Feelings. Which of the five events do you think was more important in allowing growth and expansion in the United States. Explain why? James Monroe is Elected President Industrial Revolution Monroe Doctrine The Adams-Onis Treaty Missouri Compromise

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