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Bristol Coaching Research Conference

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Presentation on theme: "Bristol Coaching Research Conference"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bristol Coaching Research Conference
Making Sense of Coaching Dr Angélique du Toit University of Sunderland

2 7 Characteristics of Sensemaking
Grounded in identity construction Begins with a sensemaker(s) Multiple identities Interaction with the environment

3 7 Characteristics, Cont…
Retrospective Understanding comes after the event A world in the past Accuracy of recall is flawed

4 7 Characteristics, Cont…
Enactive of Sensible Environments Creation of the environment The world is not a pre-given Requires the disruption of sense made Victims vs creators of our environment

5 7 Characteristics, Cont…
Social Sense is created within communities Includes values and frames of references Provides norms and standards

6 7 Characteristics, Cont…
Ongoing Without beginning or end Interruption of flow Signals indicate a change in environment Positive and negative emotions

7 7 Characteristics, Cont…
Extracted Cues Points of reference Different meanings Self-fulfilling prophecies

8 7 Characteristics, Cont…
Plausibility rather than Accuracy An external reality to be sensed The past is a reconstruction The multiple world


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