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Moshell Usage for RF Engineers

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1 Moshell Usage for RF Engineers
Moshell Usage for RF Engineers WCDMA RND 9/14/ Moshell Usage for RF Engineers Leon Ren

2 Moshell Usage for RF Engineers WCDMA RND
9/14/ Outline Overview Cygwin & Moshell Installation Basic Commands Alarm Handling PM Commands Offline Mode Mobatch Useful Links

3 Moshell Usage for RF Engineers WCDMA RND
9/14/ Overview Moshell is a suit of tools for O&M of CPP-based nodes. We usually use it to update parameters, dump kget for analysis, fetch alarms, update cell attributes, etc. RF engineer can save lots of time and energy by using Moshell basic command proficiently.

4 Moshell Usage for RF Engineers WCDMA RND
9/14/ Overview CPP is the Connectivity Packet Platform on which are based the following nodes: RNC, RBS, MGW, RXI. For RF Engineers, RNC and RBS are mainly concerned . The following picture shows the different system modules in CPP.

5 Moshell Usage for RF Engineers WCDMA RND
9/14/ Overview We usually use “SSH” to connect to the node, which is more secure. The following picture shows the CPP O&M Interfaces and the parts in our daily work.

6 Moshell Usage for RF Engineers WCDMA RND
9/14/ Overview The Management Information Base (MIB) is the set of all MOs existing in the node at any given time. The MOs are organized in a hierarchical tree.

7 Moshell Usage for RF Engineers WCDMA RND
9/14/ Overview The Model Object (MO) is used to modelize resources in the node so that they can be easily accessed by the O&M engineer for configuration, trouble-shooting and performance management purposes. Each MO instance belongs to an “MO” class, eg: PlugInUnit, Program, AtmPort, etc. An MO class is used to modelize all resources of the same type. There are mainly three aspects that we use often: Configuration management (Stored permanently) Fault management (Not stored permanently) Performance management (Not stored permanently)

8 Cygwin & MOshell installation
Moshell Usage for RF Engineers WCDMA RND 9/14/ Cygwin & MOshell installation Moshell/Amos is an application for O&M of CPP nodes. It’s text-based and must be run within an Unix shell window. Usually, before you use moshell, a free unix emulation program called Cygwin needs to be installed firstly. Cygwin Installation Moshell Installation

9 Moshell Usage for RF Engineers WCDMA RND
9/14/ Basic commands Open a moshell session with “moshell” followed by the node address, which can be any of the following: An ipaddress: moshell (Example, not a real IP address) An DNS name: moshell An node name defined in the ipdatabase file: moshell YGIN07_ERNC00 Note: In some cases, you may get the following error message: “moshell: command not found”, which means the path where moshell is installed is not known by the system. In that case, moshell should be started by entering its full path, for instance: /home/user/moshell/moshell YGIN07_ERNC00

10 Moshell Usage for RF Engineers WCDMA RND
9/14/ Basic commands To connect to the MO interface, we need to run “lt all” to load all MOs. In some case, if you just want to update parameter which belongs to one specific MO, then you can, for instance: lt handover (for updating “releaseconnoffset”) Note: “lt all” reads the list of all MOs currently existing in the MIB (Management Information Base) and their LDN (Local Distinguished Name). Moshell builds a table of all MO LDN and assigns each of them a proxy number, which can be printed with the “pr” command.

11 Moshell Usage for RF Engineers WCDMA RND
9/14/ Basic commands After you load the MOs, you can use following commands which are very useful: get: read attributes from MO(s) set: set attributes value on one or several MO(s) st: print state of MOs (administrativeState & operationalState) pr: print MO LDNs and proxy ids bl/deb: block and unblock MO(s) cr/del: create/delete MO(s) (usually used for utranrelation) cvls: list CV (configuration version) information trun: runs a command file wirtten with Moshell format l+/l-: open/close moshell log files mom: print description of MO classes, CM/FM attributes, etc. hi: print moshell commands history pv/uv: fetch environment and “user variables” information h: online help Note: Don’t do any changes on the commercial network without official authority.

12 Moshell Usage for RF Engineers WCDMA RND
9/14/ Basic commands Prompt and printout header Prompt shows the node name, in this case, it’s “OFFLINE_YGIN07_ERNC00” The header shows general information about the node and the session

13 Moshell Usage for RF Engineers WCDMA RND
9/14/ Basic commands get/lget [<MO group>|<MO Filter>|<proxy>|all] <attribute-filter>|all] The “get” command reads the configuration and state attributes Use “get 0” to see the general information of the node You can also use “hget” to print attributes values horizontally, one line per MO, instead of one line per attribute.

14 Moshell Usage for RF Engineers WCDMA RND
9/14/ Basic commands set/lset [<MO group>|<MO Filter>|<proxy>] <attribute> <value> The “set” command sets the attribute value on one or several MO’s. This command can only change the attributes value that is not restricted. Note: for those parameters exist in both UtranCell and ExternalUtranCell, such as primaryCpichPower and primaryScramblingCode, etc. You need to change them at the same time, in order to avoid the inconsistence of the configuration. Note: Don’t do any changes on the commercial network without official authority.

15 Moshell Usage for RF Engineers WCDMA RND
9/14/ Alarm handling There are 5 possible alarm severities: C = Critical M = Major m = Minor w = Warning * = Clear “lga”: check the history alarms. Format in days, hours or minutes, eg. 2d (2 days), 2h (2 hours), 15m (15 minutes) Collect the alarms for the past 2 days: “lt all; lga 2d” “lgx”: Check the active alarms active on a specific date. And date/time can be adjusted by using –s/-e/-m/-p options, which stands for starting time, ending time, time backwards and time forwards, respectively Offline usage: The “-l” option allows to process the log files in offline mode, when not connected to the node. The argument is the path/location of the log files on the workstation.

16 Moshell Usage for RF Engineers WCDMA RND
9/14/ PM commands PM related commands can be printed out by typing “p”: pmom: it prints out the description of PM counters, which is also included in CPI document. pmx: it’s used to display the counter value, which is extracted from the statistics ROP files. pmr: produce PM KPI reports, based on counter values in statistics ROP files and formulas in CPI documentation.

17 Moshell Usage for RF Engineers WCDMA RND
9/14/ Offline mode In this mode, all information will be read from the log files, there is no communication taking place with the node. The following log files will be used in offline mode: MO dump: the MO dump includes all the attribute values of all the MOs of the node. It can be taken by: “lt all; kget” CPP logs: These files are located under /c/logfiles and can be fetched with the moshell command “dcg”, they are used when running the “lg” command: lga –l /path_of_logfiles (“-l” option is required) ROP files of the node: These files are located in the <pm_data> folder of the node and can be fetched with the command “dcg”, they are used when running “pmr” or “pmx” in offline mode. pmr –l /path_to_logfiles (“-l” option is required)

18 Moshell Usage for RF Engineers WCDMA RND
9/14/ Mobatch Mobatch is a utility located in the moshell folder. It’s used for running moshell sessions on several nodes in parallel. It’s very useful and can be used in two ways: Mobatch “rnclist.txt” “command.mos”: it will implement the same commands listed in the “command.mos” file to all the nodes listed in the “rnclist.txt”

19 Moshell Usage for RF Engineers WCDMA RND
9/14/ Mobatch The second is: mobatch “rnclist.txt” “directory/path”: it will match the RNC name with the command filename, which means that it’ll implement different commands to different RNCs”

20 Moshell Usage for RF Engineers WCDMA RND
9/14/ Useful links Moshell home page: Cygwin home page: MOM User Guide: Other Reference Document:

21 Moshell Usage for RF Engineers WCDMA RND

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