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Tsa/pa consulting sector opinion survey

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1 Tsa/pa consulting sector opinion survey
Based on almost 100 responses collected at the TSA International Telecare Enabled Care Conference Birmingham ICC, October 2017

2 Public sector not yet convinced of the business case for care technology
Q. Do the decision-makers in your organisation support investing more in care technology? Decision-makers are generally convinced of the robust business case for care technology, and support investing in it. Over 90% of all respondents said that “most” or “all” of the decision-makers in their organisation supported investment. However, there is a large discrepancy between public and private sectors. While 63% of private sector respondents said support for investment was unanimous, only 34% of public sector respondents said the same. Private sector All do Most do Some do None do Public sector

3 The top five priorities to drive care technology into the mainstream
1. Delivering better service user outcomes 2. Partnership working and integrated care 3. Technological innovation 4. Engagement and culture change 5. Quality assurance

4 Commissioners expect providers to be able to deliver their key priorities, but do they have the capability? Q8/Q9. Select the top five priority areas for your organisation. Then indicate whether you would expect this capability to be provided by the commissioning organisation or the service provider. Commissioners Service providers Delivering better service user outcomes Partnership working and integrated care Technological innovation Engagement and culture change Quality assurance TECS manufacturers and service providers will be pleased that commissioners see technological innovation as a top priority. However, to drive successful mainstreaming of TECS, commissioners prioritised some areas, such as partnership working and culture change, that are arguably less strong among providers and not capabilities manufacturers would expect to need.

5 Not everyone is yet giving the shift to digital their full attention…
Q. How seriously do you believe the shift from analogue to digital infrastructure is being taken in your organisation? 97% of private sector respondents said their organisations was taking the shift to digital “quite seriously” or as a “top priority”. However, only 64% of public sector respondents said the same. More than one third thought their organisation was only just starting to take it seriously, if at all. Top priority Quite seriously Just starting Not on radar Q. How seriously do you believe the shift from analogue to digital infrastructure is being taken by the UK care technology sector as a whole? Public and private sector respondents were largely in agreement that the sector as a whole is not taking the shift very seriously yet: around half thought it was only just starting to and less than one in seven thought it was a top priority. Top priority Quite seriously Just starting Not on radar

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