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Monday, May 8, 2017 You will need a highlighter, your composition notebook, and a writing utensil.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, May 8, 2017 You will need a highlighter, your composition notebook, and a writing utensil."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, May 8, 2017 You will need a highlighter, your composition notebook, and a writing utensil.

2 Journal: If I knew then what I know now…
Write a letter to your younger self. What would you want to tell him/her? What does he/she have to look forward to? What should he/she be aware of? Try to fill a whole page.

3 Announcements Hand in your Narrative Structure Summative
Friday is your vocab summative. PLEASE study Sudden Death Vocab Personal Narrative Summative Due Friday, May 19th Typed Rubric next week Summative Remediation Week 5/22-26 Secret Life of Walter Mitty Read the short story Watch the movie Compare/Contrast Assessment or a Writing Assessment or Just enjoy Permission Forms due 5/22

4 Characterization Needs to be comprehensive for main characters
Minimal for minor characters Main characters should go through some kind of change Change should happen as a result of the action/conflict Think beyond appearance Show character traits by interactions, not just by descriptions

5 Personality Clouds Highlight all of the words that you think apply to YOU If you don’t know a word, write it at the top of your paper and define it. On the back of the paper, choose five of the qualities you said applied to you and explain how a character could DEMONSTRATE those qualities Choose 3 qualities you applied to yourself and explain how a conflict might CHANGE those qualities

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