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Presentation on theme: "Tobacco."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tobacco

2 Ingredients 4,000 plus chemicals Nicotine- stimulant that causes the addiction Tar- Flavor of the cigarette; consist of 100+ known carcinogens(cancer agents); Forms a brown sticky substance that lines the lungs.

3 Carbon monoxide- decrease red blood cells
Polonium 210- radioactive substance Cyanide- poison found in pest control products. Formaldehyde- used as a preservative

4 Dangers Premature death- 1 cigarette=5 ½-10 minutes Chronic bronchitis- excessive mucus with chronic cough Emphysema- destroys air sacs in lungs causing difficulty to breathe Heart disease- increase heart rate, blood pressure and constricts blood vessels

5 Cancer- mouth, larynx, esophagus, lips, lungs
Other health problems- bad breath, dulls taste buds and smell, stains teeth, ulcers, premature wrinkling and balding, harms immune system, gum disorders and allergies.

6 Reasons for tobacco use
Peer pressure Help with weight loss To look more grown-up Parents, celebrities, role models smoke Looks cool Media- millions of dollars a year advertising their products Addiction   Rebel- told not to smoke

7 Addiction- Physical & psychological
Tobacco as addictive as cocaine & heroin. Withdrawal Difficulty sleeping Crave nicotine Moody Nervous Hungry

8 Tolerance Body needs more of the drug to get the same effect. Passive smoking/Second-hand smoke Sidestream- smoke from the burning end of the cigarette Mainstream- smoke the smoker exhales

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