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CAT 1: Common problems with known solutions

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1 CAT 1: Common problems with known solutions
Description: All problems are initially assumed to be in this category until proven otherwise. These issues should be resolved within 6 hours. If we can’t resolve them with 6 hours, then we need to escalate them. Examples Tablet not syncing Km not adding up GPS accuracy query Assign a customer Properly formatted excel sent to import

2 Description: Basic Data imports which are in a good Honeybee format
CAT 2: Data entry Description: Basic Data imports which are in a good Honeybee format Examples: Assign new users Update Price list Update Customer database

3 CAT 3: Complex Data Entry
Description: This category is for data entry that is a little more complex, and will require more time to complete. It needs to be done within 3 days, and the customer needs to be informed of all developments. Examples: Data is in a bad format Forms need to be created

4 CAT 4: Problem Diagnosis
Description: Problem isn’t resolved using known solutions. Once a possible solution / workaround is found, customer is informed and it is assigned to a new CAT. Examples Orders not being ed Reports not being sent Debugs

5 Excessive mobile data usage alarm Import transform alarms
CAT 5: Automated s Description: Automated alarms to tell us if something is wrong (mostly integration). Examples Excessive mobile data usage alarm Import transform alarms

6 Description: Debug repository
CAT 6: Debugs Description: Debug repository Examples

7 Description: Integration Issues
CAT 7: Integration Description: Integration Issues Examples New user on ERP System Dropbox service fell over Orders not pulling into ERP

8 CAT 8: Development Issues
Description: There is a bug in the system, or a request that can only be met with further development. Issue gets logged on sifter, customer is informed, and ticket closed on Zendesk. Examples User cannot sync, known troubleshooting does not work One item stuck in sync

9 CAT 9: Administrative Issues
Description: Queries about tablets, data, contracts, accounts. Examples Client call in requesting training Tablet is stolen

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