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IEC e-Learning module Module 41 – unit 03 IECRE Benefits © IEC 2016.

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1 IEC e-Learning module Module 41 – unit 03 IECRE Benefits © IEC 2016

2 IECRE Benefits IEC e-Learning module Module 41 – unit 03 © IEC 2016
Welcome to the IEC e-learning course. This is Unit 3 of Module 41. The title of this unit is: IECRE Benefits © IEC 2016

3 IEC e-Learning module M41-03 2/14

4 IECRE value creation International standards
Standardized scheme with single scheme owner owner Consistent worldwide & recognized results Current “world’s best practice” for renewable energy The IECRE’s solution creates value not only because it uses international standards, but also because it constitutes a standardized conformity assessment scheme involving a single scheme owner. These two features should not be underestimated. A standardized scheme means common operational rules and methodologies. A single scheme owner means that the common rules are applied consistently. IECRE ensures consistent application of the operational rules through peer assessment. Consistent application of the rules ensures worldwide consistency of the conformity assessment results. All of this combines to create confidence in the results, which leads to their being recognized internationally. For all of these reasons, IECRE is considered, at this time, to represent the world’s best practice for global conformity assessment in the renewable energy sector. IEC e-Learning module M /14

5 IECRE IEC e-Learning module M /14

6 IECRE a value proposition Investors & Insurers Asset Owners/Operators
Suppliers Governments General Public Because of the value it creates, the IECRE solution is a value proposition for investors and insurers, for asset owners or operators and suppliers, for governments and the general public, and for developing countries. Developing Countries IEC e-Learning module M /14

7 IECRE a value proposition IEC e-Learning module M /14

8 IECRE a value proposition Benefits to Investors & Insurers
Big, long term investment requires  Financial risk mitigation Stable conditions Minimum unknowns For large-scale renewable energy to become a reality, massive financial investment is needed. But massive investment is risky investment, and these are long-term investments with a long-term payback. In order to make the high investments required, investment sources need to manage their financial risk. They mitigate risk by avoiding volatility and taking action to create stable and predictable conditions. This involves reducing unknowns to a minimum, avoiding sudden surprises and creating the conditions for consistent reproducible results. Consistent results IEC e-Learning module M /14

9 IECRE a value proposition Benefits to Investors & Insurers
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10 IECRE a value proposition Benefits to Investors & Insurers
Stable predicable conditions  Investor confidence  Growth market conditions Stable, consistent, reproducible results, based on international standards, are exactly what investors and insurers want, and exactly what the IECRE provides. The main market driver that motivated renewable energy stakeholders to approach the IEC and request that the IECRE be established was exactly the need to create such stable growth conditions. For the renewable energy sectors to grow, investment is required. The IECRE creates investor confidence and fosters a growth environment for renewable energy. This is a win-win situation.  win-win IEC e-Learning module M /14

11 IECRE a value proposition IEC e-Learning module M /14

12 IECRE a value proposition Benefits to Asset Owners/Operators
Predictable operation = ROI Planned operation with minimum stoppage Conformant components, products & equipment Like any power generation facility, a renewable energy installation needs to operate predictably. To obtain the desired return on investment, it needs to produce electricity as projected. This means that maintenance is planned and that unplanned downtime is reduced to zero, if possible. To prevent unplanned downtime, components, products and equipment designed for the specific operating conditions must be used. Asset owners and operators use IECRE certified products and equipment as proof of conformity to the standards for those conditions. To ensure fast but high quality maintenance, asset owners and operators use IECRE certified services and personnel. An IECRE certificate is used as a supplier’s qualification. Qualified expertise Qualified suppliers IEC e-Learning module M /14

13 IECRE a value proposition Benefits to Asset Owners/Operators
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14 IECRE a value proposition Benefits to Asset Owners/Operators
Reduce unplanned downtime Ensure use of appropriate components, products & equipment For big installations, planned maintenance can be very costly. But unplanned repairs are vastly more expensive. As an example, the cost involved in simply raising the turbine shown in the image here and then lowering it underwater again to its operating position, is one million dollars. This does not include any repairs. The IECRE global CA System includes certification schemes that help avoid such costs. IECRE certification is proof of conformity to the appropriate international standards for components, products and equipment, and to the requirements for service providers and personal competencies. Ensure qualified services and qualified personnel IEC e-Learning module M /14

15 IECRE a value proposition IEC e-Learning module M /14

16 IECRE a value proposition Benefits to Suppliers
Faster access to markets Lower cost to markets One-stop service No duplicate testing Improved investor confidence for new renewable energy installations will cause the market to expand. New players and new international markets will emerge. IECRE helps provide faster access to those markets for manufacturers and suppliers, and at lower cost. Much RE equipment is very large and expensive. To ensure the safety and performance of RE equipment, such equipment must undergo assessment, testing and certification. This is very time-consuming and costly. If the requirements in each country are different, then the time and cost involved is multiplied by the number of countries. However, because the IECRE certificates are recognized in many countries, the testing and certification only needs to be performed once for all of those countries. IECRE is a one-stop service that eliminates multiple and duplicate product testing. Appropriate testing is conducted only once, and the results for those tests are recognized across the world. Results recognized worldwide IEC e-Learning module M /14

17 IECRE a value proposition Benefits to Suppliers
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18 IECRE a value proposition Benefits to Suppliers
Creates a level playing field New players can compete with well known brands Builds trust in the safety & quality of products from unknown brands Improved investor confidence for new renewable energy installations will cause the market to expand. New players and new international markets will emerge. The IECRE creates a level playing field for manufacturers and suppliers. As a result, new players will be able to compete with well known brands, not only with regard to price, but also in terms of proven quality. An IECRE certificate offers proof of such quality. As the renewable energy market grows, IECRE will help build trust in the new players involved, and create increased opportunity for new business. Creates opportunity for new business (both domestic and foreign) IEC e-Learning module M /14

19 IECRE a value proposition IEC e-Learning module M /14

20 IECRE a value proposition Benefits to Governments
Exploit local renewable resources Create local business opportunities Foster energy independence Facilitate remote electrification Reduce emissions The IECRE helps governments achieve specific economic and strategic goals. By facilitating large scale investment in renewable energy installations, IECRE assists governments in setting regulatory policy that makes use of unexploited local renewable resources. Such assistance provides multiple benefits. With new installations come new service industries, employment and business opportunities. Locally produced electricity from renewable sources fosters national energy independence. Locally produced renewable electricity facilitates the electrification of poorer, remote areas and thus their development. Electricity generated from renewable sources contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollution. As the market for renewable energy generation grows, opportunities arise for the emergence of new suppliers at both the local and export levels. And it should never be forgotten that excess electricity itself can be exported, if the necessary infrastructure is present. And the list of benefits goes on… Create export opportunities IEC e-Learning module M /14

21 IECRE a value proposition IEC e-Learning module M /14

22 IECRE a value proposition Benefits to the General Public
Combat global environmental trends Reduce local air pollution More sustainable future Foreign oil independence Cheaper, reliable electricity By facilitating large-scale investment in renewable energy installations, IECRE assists in bringing benefits to the general public. Some of those benefits include initiating steps towards managing global environmental trends. At a more local and direct level, renewable energy generation and use can reduce local air pollution. Steps to exploit renewable rather than finite resources constitute a move towards a more sustainable world for future generations. Producing electricity locally from free, local and renewable resources, also helps liberate economies from dependence on foreign energy sources. For many economies with an unreliable electricity supply, a more reliable, stable and affordable supply will serve to enable the creation of new and increased jobs. Jobs creation IEC e-Learning module M /14

23 IECRE a value proposition IEC e-Learning module M /14

24 IECRE a value proposition Benefits to Developing Countries
Facilitate electrification Cheaper, reliable electricity Jobs & business opportunity creation Exploit local renewable resources Independence from foreign energy For developing countries, the list of potential benefits is long. By facilitating large-scale investment in renewable energy installations, IECRE will assist many developing countries in implementing electrification programmes. This alone will bring cheaper, more accessible electricity to areas where electricity supply was intermittent or unreliable, as well as to other areas which previously had never benefitted from any electrification. Such access will be an enabler for the development of new businesses and for job creation. Producing electricity locally from free, local and renewable resources also helps liberate economies from dependence on foreign energy sources. Steps to exploit renewable rather than finite resources constitute a move towards a more sustainable future. Using renewable energy is a step towards combating global environmental degradation. And, at a more local and direct level, renewable energy generation and use can reduce local air pollution. More sustainable future Reduce local air pollution IEC e-Learning module M /14

25 IECRE a value proposition Benefits to Developing Countries
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26 IECRE a value proposition Benefits to Developing Countries IRENA & IEC
close collaboration complementary IRENA  government policy assistance The International Renewable Energy Agency, IRENA, is an intergovernmental organisation that supports countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future. IRENA also serves as a platform for international cooperation, a centre of excellence, and a repository of policy, technology, resource and financial knowledge on renewable energy. IRENA and IEC collaborate closely together. While IRENA can essentially assist governments in setting solid policy directions concerning renewable energy, IEC, through IECRE, can assist in the physical realisation of such policies. Working together, IECRE and IRENA form a tool that can be used by developing countries to help bring benefits. IECRE  policy realisation assistance IEC e-Learning module M /14

27 IECRE Benefits END IEC e-Learning module Module 41 – unit 03
With thanks to : Mr Jonathon Colby Mr Sandy Butterfield Sources : IEA – International Energy Agency EIA – US Energy Information Administration IRENA – International Renewable Energy Agency IECRE website © IEC 2016

28 IECRE Benefits END IEC e-Learning module Module 41 – unit 03
With thanks to : Mr Jonathon Colby Mr Sandy Butterfield Sources : IEA – International Energy Agency EIA – US Energy Information Administration IRENA – International Renewable Energy Agency IECRE website © IEC 2016

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