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Story telling for Nonprofit Organizations

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Presentation on theme: "Story telling for Nonprofit Organizations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Story telling for Nonprofit Organizations
Presented by: Brooks Kenny Doing Good Workshops ©2010

2 Story Telling… The Most Important Point The Most Important Question
Doing Good Workshops ©2010

3 (Just how committed are you to powerful communications?!)
Pop Quiz! (Just how committed are you to powerful communications?!) Doing Good Workshops ©2010

4 Why it Matters Establish or reinforce your image in the community with key audiences Gain a deeper understanding of your purpose and unique attributes Make effective decisions with your communications and marketing dollars Motivate your audiences into action Empower staff and volunteers Doing Good Workshops ©2010

5 The way in which your organization portrays itself to the world
What it is The way in which your organization portrays itself to the world Doing Good Workshops ©2010

6 What does it involve? Knowing your audience Developing your message
Engaging your staff and volunteers Communicating your message Doing Good Workshops ©2010

7 How do we do that? Define the organizational identity you wish to portray Get clear on your audiences Get to you know your audiences Talk to everyone you can Put it in writing Bring meaning to your logo Present a united front Promote your story where it makes the most sense Work from the inside out Evaluate results and make adjustments Doing Good Workshops ©2010

8 A great exercise for you! Audience Analysis

9 THANK YOU! Doing Good Workshops ©2010

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