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2 USAS Expenditure Process
In this session, we will discuss in detail each step of the expenditure process. We will cover where the transaction and account data is stored as well as the various ways to access this data Discuss the index (IDX) files involved in each step of the expenditure process System Manager File Layouts: review the fields (along with definitions) that make up the index (IDX) files involved in each step of the expenditure process Datatrieve: tool used to view/modify the data stored on the fields of each IDX file Edit Programs: another way to view/modify the data stored on each of the fields USAS Reports: reports used to view transactions and/or account data Expenditure Process

3 USAS Expenditure Process Steps index files involved
1 2 3 4 REQ PO INVOICE CHECK - REQ.IDX - POHIST.IDX - INAMT.IDX - CHECK.IDX - VENDOR.IDX - POAMT.IDX - INVPAY.IDX - POHIST.IDX - USASETUP.IDX - PODESC.IDX - POHIST.IDX - POAMT.IDX - ACCT.IDX - REQ.IDX - POAMT.IDX - INAMT.IDX - VENDOR.IDX - VENDOR.IDX - VENDOR.IDX - ACCT.IDX - ACCT.IDX - ACCT.IDX TRAN SIDE TRAN SIDE TRAN SIDE TRAN SIDE ACCT SIDE ACCT SIDE ACCT SIDE ACCT SIDE When a transaction is processed, you have two “sides” to consider: Transaction Detail Side: contains data entered in transaction program Account Side: updates the accounts (entered on the transaction) with the amounts (entered on the transaction) Expenditure Process

4 The File Layouts are contained in the USAS System Manager Manual.
Sysman File layouts The File Layouts are contained in the USAS System Manager Manual. Includes COBOL field names as well as the associated Datatrieve field names Includes the length and type of fields (numeric, alphanumeric, etc) Includes a definition (explanation) of each field Cannot manually edit a data file. Need to use Datatrieve or an EDT program if available Expenditure Process

5 Edit Programs Programs available include:
only accessible for users with OECN_SYSMAN identifier edit programs affect the transaction detail side only – they do not update the account information. You will need to use ACTSCN or Datatrieve to update the amounts on the account file. Changes made in a particular edit program will only affect the .IDX file associated with that edit program (it will not automatically update the same information stored on another .IDX file) Not all data entered in the edit programs is validated so you must pay careful attention when adding/modifying data in the edit programs Programs available include: POHEDT - PO History Edit Program POAEDT - PO Amount Edit Program INAEDT - Invoice Amount Edit CHKEDT - Check Edit Program Expenditure Process

6 USAS Reports The following reports can be used to balance the amounts posted on the account summary record to what is posted on the transaction detail records Account Summary Reports BUDSUM: pulls amounts from budget fields in ACCT.IDX APPSUM: pulls amounts from appropriation fields in ACCT.IDX FINSUMM: pulls amounts from cash fields in ACCT.IDX Transaction Detail Reports BUDLED: pulls amounts from POHIST.IDX, POAMT.IDX, INAMT.IDX, and CHECK.IDX APPLED: same as above but combines them by appropriation account FINDET: same as above but combines them by cash account BALCHK: looking at ACCT.IDX file only and comparing the MTD, YTD & FYTD amounts are in balance for each type of account ACTBAL: compares the fiscal-to-date, month-to-date, and year-to-date expended amounts on each budget and revenue account with the total of the transactions on these accounts for the current fiscal year. Expenditure Process

7 9/14/2018 REQUISITIONS

8 Requisition – What is posted on Transaction Detail Side
REQ.IDX Record is created for each requisition line item as well as the header information; may use Datatrieve to view req data VENDOR.IDX Record is created if the vendor is new; or if changes are made to the existing vendor during the process of creating a requisition, updates will be made USASETUP.IDX File is updated if tracking requisition numbers used. Requisition Processing

9 Requisition – What is posted on The Account Side
ACCT.IDX If tracking requisition amounts, budget account and related appropriation and cash accounts “requisitioned amt” field is increased by the amount of the requisition (for the current fiscal year); if the requisition is for a future year, the “future yr requisitioned” amount is increased the “remaining balance” field in the budget, appropriation and cash account is decreased by the amount added to the “requisitioned amt”. Budget account is created if the budget account entered during requisition processing is a new budget account (using GO TO BUDSCN in REQSCN Requisition Processing

10 Requisition File Layout (System Manager Guide)
= REQ.IDX file REQUISITION_KEY section (req number, line number) REQUISITION_DATA section (line item data) REQUISITION_REC_0000 section (header information) REQUISITION_REC_8001 section (part of deliver-to addr) REQUISITION_REC_8002 section (rest of deliver-to, terms and attention) Requisition Processing

11 Requisition In Datatrieve
All requisition transaction data is stored in the REQUISITIONS domain in DTR Stores the requisition header information Stores the 1st line of the requisition description Stores Line Item #1 information Stores Line Item #2 information Stores Line Item #3 information Stores Line Item #3 extra description info. Store Line Item #4 information Stores the deliver-to address Requisition Processing

12 Review Requisitions Requisition Data created/stored on:
REQ.IDX VENDOR.IDX (if Vendor created or updated during requisition entry) ACCT.IDX (if tracking requisitioned amounts set) USASETUP.IDX (if tracking requisition numbers) Update/Modify requisitions via DATATRIEVE Several sections in the REQ.IDX file to update transaction information There is no EDIT program to modify REQ data BUDSUM may include requisition amounts in the current encumbrance field (pulls from ACCT.IDX) REQDET/REQSUM pulls requisition data from the REQ.IDX file.

13 9/14/2018 Purchase Orders

14 Purchase Order – What is posted on transaction detail side
Creates records on the following .IDX files: POHIST.IDX A record containing the header information (PO#, date, total $ amount) is created for each purchase order processed POAMT.IDX A record is created for each line item on the purchase order PODESC.IDX A record is created for the attention, delivery-to address, PO summary description and the extra description created for each line item entered Purchase Order Processing

15 Purchase Order – What is posted on transaction detail side
Updates Records on the following IDX files: VENDOR.IDX Record is created if the vendor is new If changes are made to the existing vendor during the process of creating a purchase order, updates will be made to the VENDOR.IDX file. REQ.IDX The purchase order number and date are stored on the REQ.IDX file if the purchase order is being created from a requisition The corresponding requisition record is deleted off of the REQ.IDX file if the user selects to "delete REQ" in OPTSCN or USASWEB/Preferences. Purchase Order Processing

16 Purchase Order – What is posted on Account side
ACCT.IDX The amount for each purchase order item entered is added to the "Current Encumbrances" field on the appropriation, budget, and cash records in the ACCT.IDX file. (If the purchase order is a future purchase order, the amount of each purchase order item entered is added to the “future encumbered” field (if the PO is within the current fiscal year) or the “future year encumbered” field (if the PO is for the next fiscal year) on the cash, appropriation and budget account; the “unenc minus future” field is decreased) The amount for each purchase order item entered is subtracted from the "Unencumbered Balance" field in the appropriation and budget and cash accounts for the ACCT.IDX file. (If the PO was converted from a requisition, the amount is subtracted from the “requisitioned amt” field in the cash, appropriation and budget records; the “remaining balance” field remains unchanged) Budget account is created if the budget account entered during PO processing is a new budget account Purchase Order Processing

17 Purchase Order File Layouts (System Manager Guide)
POAMT File Layout = POAMT.IDX PODESC File Layout = PODESC.IDX POHIST File Layout = POHIST.IDX FUTPO File Layout = FUTPO.IDX Refer to handouts…. Purchase Order Processing

18 Purchase Orders in Datatrieve
The following domains/views contain purchase order transaction data PURCHASE_ORDERS: view combining the domains below PO_HEADERS: domain containing data from POHIST.IDX PO_ITEMS: domain containing data from POAMT.IDX PO_DESCRIPTIONS: domain containing data from PODESC.IDX FUTURE_POS: domain containing data from FUTPO.IDX Purchase Order Processing

19 Purchase Order Edit Programs
POHEDT - PO History Edit Program This program contains the PO heading (or summary) information including the issue date, vendor number, number of charges, total amount, PO status, associated requisition number, amount paid on the PO, amount filled, and last check number issued Any changes made in POHEDT will only affect the POHIST.IDX file. Data entered or modified in POHEDT isn’t validated POAEDT - PO Amount Edit Program This program contains the PO item information including the item description, account code, PO item amount, PO status, amount paid, date paid, quantity & unit price, filled amount, adjusted amount, and PO item date. Any changes made in POAEDT will only affect the POAMT.IDX file. Data entered or modified in POAEDT isn’t validated Purchase Order Processing

20 Posting Problem – Using Datatrieve
District used the wrong PO number (#131000) when they posted a payroll PO in AUTOPOST. They had already used that PO number for something else and want the PO # changed on the PAYROLL PO to (#131010) The PO # is stored on the POHIST and POAMT records as well as the CHECK item record. You may use a combination of the EDT programs and DTR. For POHIST: You may use POHEDT to get a printout of the existing PO header info, add the same information under the new PO number, and then delete the incorrect PO number (using POHEDT). For POAMT: Since this is a PAYROLL PO, it’s likely several PO items were created so POAEDT would not be recommended. Instead use the Datatrieve procedure on the next slide to modify the PO # on the item records. For PODESC: You must use DTR to change the PO number on the PODESC file as well (this is provided on the next slide too). For CHECK: To update the PO number on the check, use the change option of CHKEDT. Personally I would try to persuade them to leave the PO numbers as is and just make note of it but if they are insistent, here’s the procedure: First, you need to change the PO items in DTR because there will probably be quite a few of them. You will be doing this for each PO involved… DTR> ready po_items shared write DTR> find a in po_items with po_no= (incorrect PO#) DTR> for current store po_items using [Looking for statement] CON> begin CON> PO_AMOUNT_REC=PO_AMOUNT_REC [Looking for statement or "END"] CON> PO_NO=(correct PO#) CON> END DTR> ERASE ALL DTR> FINISH PO_ITEMS Next, you need to change the header record to reflect the correct PO. You can use POHEDT since there is only 1 record to change per PO. However, if you are already in DTR, here’s how to change it using the PO_HEADERS domains. DTR> READY PO_HEADERS SHARED WRITE DTR> FIND A IN PO_HEADERS WITH PO-NO=(incorrect PO#) [1 record found] DTR> FOR CURRENT STORE PO-HEADERS USING CON> BEGIN CON> PO_HEADER_RECORD=PO_HEADER_RECORD CON> PO-NO= (correct PO#) DTR> EXIT After changing the PO header and items records, the only other thing you need to change is the check items (the check header doesn't contain the PO#). Usually with a payroll clearance check, there is only one item to change so I use CHKEDT to change the 0001 line item's PO#.

21 Personally I would try to persuade them to leave the PO numbers as is and just make note of it but if they are insistent, here’s the procedure: First, you need to ready the PO_ITEMS domain in DTR to change the PO items because there will probably be quite a few of them. You will be doing this for each PO involved… DTR> ready po_items shared write DTR> find a in po_items with po_no=(incorrect PO#) DTR> for current store po_items using [Looking for statement] CON> begin CON> PO_AMOUNT_REC=PO_AMOUNT_REC [Looking for statement or "END"] CON> PO_NO=(correct PO#) CON> END DTR> ERASE ALL DTR> FINISH PO_ITEMS

22 Next, you need to change the header record to reflect the correct PO
Next, you need to change the header record to reflect the correct PO. You can use POHEDT since there is only 1 record to change per PO. However, if you are already in DTR, here’s how to change it using the PO_HEADERS domains. DTR> READY PO_HEADERS SHARED WRITE DTR> FIND A IN PO_HEADERS WITH PO-NO=(incorrect PO#) [1 record found] DTR> FOR CURRENT STORE PO-HEADERS USING [Looking for statement] CON> BEGIN CON> PO_HEADER_RECORD=PO_HEADER_RECORD [Looking for statement or "END"] CON> PO-NO= (correct PO#) CON> END DTR> ERASE ALL DTR> EXIT After changing the PO header and items records, the last change to be made is the check items (the check header doesn't contain the PO#). Usually with a payroll clearance check, there is only one item to change so I use CHKEDT to change the 0001 line item's PO#.

23 Review Purchase Orders
Purchase Order Data created/stored/updated on: POHIST.IDX POAMT.IDX PODESC.IDX VENDOR.IDX (if Vendor created or updated during PO entry) REQ.IDX ACCT.IDX FUTPO.IDX Update/Modify POs DATATRIEVE PO_HEADERS, PO_ITEMS, PO_DESCRIPTIONS POHEDT- to modify header information POAEDT – to modify item information BUDSUM includes encumbered amounts (pulls from ACCT.IDX) BUDLED includes encumbered amounts (pulls from transaction files) PODETL/POSUMM reports pull PO data from the POHIST.IDX, POAMT.IDX & PODESC.IDX

24 9/14/2018 Invoices

25 Invoice – What is posted on the Transaction Detail Side
Creates records on the following IDX files: INVPAY.IDX Creates a record for each invoice item. This is a temporary file storing invoice items that have been processed and are awaiting payment. This information is used by CKPROC during the processing of checks. Once the invoice has been paid, the records are deleted off of this file INAMT.IDX Creates a record for each invoice item. This is a permanent file storing the detailed information for each invoice that has been processed for payment. The item number stored on the invoice record matches the item number on the PO. Invoice Processing

26 Invoice – What is posted on the Transaction Detail Side
Updates Records on the following IDX files: POAMT.IDX The existing PO line item record is updated with the current PO line item status and invoice number. POHIST.IDX The existing PO summary record is updated with the current PO status VENDOR.IDX The last activity date is updated on the vendor ACCT.IDX The current payables in the cash account is increased by the amount of the invoice. The encumbered and unencumbered balances may be adjusted amount on the budget, appropriation and cash accounts depending if the invoice amount was over or under the PO amount. Invoice Processing

27 Invoice File Layouts (System manager Guide)
INAMT File Layout = INAMT.IDX INVPAY File Layout = INVPAY.IDX Invoice Processing

28 Invoices in Datatrieve
The following domains contain invoice transaction data: PAID_INVOICES: domain containing data from INAMT.IDX PENDING_INVOICES: domain containing data from INVPAY.IDX Invoice Processing

29 Invoice Edit Program INAEDT – Invoice File Editing: This program allows you to edit the INAMT.IDX and/or INVPAY.IDX files. These files contain invoice item record information only since there are no stored invoice header records. The INAEDT program will affect both the INAMT.IDX and the INVPAY.IDX files if corresponding records appear on both files. This would only occur in the case of records with a status of completely filled. Changes made in INAEDT only affect the INAMT.IDX and/or INVPAY.IDX files. Most data entered or modified in INAEDT isn’t validated… exceptions are: Vendor number Account Code Account Code: is the account code entered during PO process Amount: is the amount the item was filled for Invoice Date: is the date entered on the invoice Invoice Status: is the current status of the invoice line item The status will be updated when a check is issued/voided against the PO Status 2 = Invoice Item Filled; 4 = Invoice Item Paid; 5 = Invoice Item Cancelled Invoice Vendor No: is the vendor entered during PO process Check Number: is the warrant check issued against the invoice item Check Sequence No: is the warrant check item issued against this invoice item Received date: is the received date entered on the invoice Payment Due Date: is the payment due date entered on the invoice Invoice Processing

30 Review Invoices Invoice Data created/stored/updated on:
INAMT.IDX INVPAY.IDX POHIST.IDX POAMT.IDX VENDOR.IDX (if Vendor created or updated during Invoice entry) ACCT.IDX Update/Modify Invoices DATATRIEVE PAID_INVOICES, PENDING_INVOICES INAEDT – to modify invoice information BUDSUM includes encumbered amounts (pulls from ACCT.IDX) BUDLED includes encumbered amounts (pulls from transaction files) INVLST report pulls invoice data from the INAMT.IDX & INVPAY.IDX

31 9/14/2018 Checks

32 Check – What is Posted on Transaction Detail Side
CHECK.IDX Record is created for each check line item as well as the header information; use DTR or CHKEDT program to make changes. Check Processing

33 Check – What is Posted on Transaction Detail Side
Updates Records on the following IDX files: POHIST.IDX The associated PO number is updated with the current PO status, check number and amount being paid POAMT.IDX Each associated PO line item is updated with the current PO status, and check number. INAMT.IDX Each associated line item is updated with the current invoice status and check and item number. VENDOR.IDX The last activity date is updated and the YTD & FTD amounts are increased by the amount expended. Check Processing

34 Check – What is Posted on the Account Side
ACCT.IDX MTD, FTD & YTD Expended fields are increased on the cash, appropriation and budget accounts Current encumbrances are decreased on the cash, appropriation and budget accounts current fund balance, current available cash balance and current payables are decreased on the cash account. The PTD Expenditures are increased on the cash, budget and appropriation accounts (if the “track PTD flag” field is set on the cash account). The PTD ending balance on the cash account is decreased. Check Processing

35 Check File Layout (System Manager Guide)
CHECKS File Layout = CHECK.IDX Check Processing

36 Checks in Datatrieve The following domains/views contain check transaction data: CHECKS: combination of CHECK_HEADERS and CHECK_ITEMS for full check view CHECK_HEADERS: subset of CHECK.IDX with SEQ = 0 CHECK_ITEMS: subset of CHECK.IDX with SEQ > CKTRANS: domain containing data from CHECK.IDX Check Processing

37 Check Edit Programs This program allows you to edit the data stored on the CHECK.IDX file. This file contains both the check heading (or summary) information and the check item information Please note that changes made in CHKEDT only affect the CHECK.IDX file – they will not affect any other .IDX files. Vendors that are entered or modified in the CHKEDT are validated; other data is not. Check Processing

38 Review Checks Check Data created/stored/updated on:
CHECK.IDX INAMT.IDX POHIST.IDX POAMT.IDX VENDOR.IDX ACCT.IDX Update/Modify Checks DATATRIEVE CKTRANS CHKEDT – to modify check header and item information FINSUMM includes expended amounts (pulls from ACCT.IDX) FINDET includes encumbered amounts (pulls from transaction files) CHEKPY report pulls check data from the CHECK.IDX file

39 Currently on Account File Currently on Transaction Files
Check Problem How to correct files when user has aborted in the middle of a check run Run ACTBAL first! Use HFA subdirectory…. July 6796 (PO # ) changed status of item on PO and invoice Cash account expenses don’t equal budget account expenses Currently on Account File Currently on Transaction Files Cash account expenses don’t equal appropriation account expenses


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