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Instructor Responsibilities

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1 Instructor Responsibilities
And Certification

2 Scope of Authority Instructors train Counselors to assist in the preparation of tax returns for the target population in accordance with program policy Instructors do not supervise another volunteer position CO1 - IW 2017

3 Qualifications Must be able to train volunteers in their district
Know basic principles of instruction Have requisite knowledge in tax law and the preparation of tax returns Must be able to work effectively with diverse adult learners CO1 - IW 2017

4 Administrative Instructors are appointed by the District Coordinator (DC) and report directly to the DC Required Training: Must acquire tax proficiency sufficient to train others Must have knowledge of AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program policies Attends district and local meetings Also any training sessions as necessary for performance of Instructor duties The position requires the greatest time in the late fall and early winter when Instructors and Counselors are trained CO1 - IW 2017

5 Responsibilities Attends Instructor Workshop (if possible)
Passes the Intake/Interview and Quality Review, and Advanced Test for IRS certification Is familiar with the NTTC Workbook problems required by their district for certification of a Counselor The Policy Manual states that a minimum of four exercises should be completed by each student Meadows, Parsons. Wells and Yale are recommended for experienced counselors CO1 - IW 2017

6 Responsibilities Continued
Is familiar with training resources and tools available on the One Support Help Center (OSHC) Schedules Counselor training classes Provides instruction to all site level volunteers Income tax information Tax return preparation Program policy and administrative procedures Confidentiality and security of taxpayer data Incorporates adult learning principles in all areas of instruction CO1 - IW 2017

7 Responsibilities Continued
Grades and returns IRS test to Counselors and marks up workbook problems assigned by their district Reviews test results and assigned problems with Counselors and provides guidance for weak areas that were identified Signs the Volunteer Agreement for Counselors who have passed the IRS test and have completed any problems required by their district This means that the Counselor is certified Submits a list of Counselors who successfully certified to their District Coordinator CO1 - IW 2017

8 Term of Service Appointed for a one-year term
Contingent upon satisfactory annual review and certification May be reappointed for additional one-year terms indefinitely CO1 - IW 2017

9 Certification

10 Resources AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Training Guide
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Policy and Procedures Manual On list for READ AHEAD! Discussion: Did you have a chance to review it; particularly, the section on Cortication? How familiar are you with the process in your state – comments? As Counselor, to whom did you report your certification? As Instructor? Sequa to next slide: There are other sources such as the Training Specialist (TRS) Position Description located on OneSupport>General Program Management>Position Descriptions CO1 - IW 2017

11 All Volunteers: Attend classroom training on Policy & Procedures and IRS Standards of Conduct Pass the IRS Standards of Conduct test (score 80% or better, may re-test once) Submit a signed Volunteer Agreement Simply stated, what is the Process? Basic requirements met and APPROVED. Next slide: Who is the APPROVING OFFICER? Depends…….. CO1 - IW 2017

12 All Client Facilitators, Local and Shift Coordinators:
In addition to above: Complete Intake and Interview training Complete Quality Review training Pass IRS Intake/Quality Review test (score 80% or better, may re-test once) Note: Current Colorado Exception for Greeters CO1 - IW 2017

13 All Counselors, Instructors, TRCs, TRSs and EROs:
In addition to all of above: Pass IRS Advanced test (score 80% or better, may re-test once) – recommend using Link & Learn test Satisfactorily complete a specified number of practice returns (4 for Colorado) Optionally, may certify in additional areas of tax law (HSA) CO1 - IW 2017

14 Caution: Link & Learn Retest Issue
Currently Link & Learn does not allow a retest Volunteers should be cautioned that failure to pass the retest will prevent them from participating during the current year CO1 - IW 2017

15 The Approving Official…
TRS certified by IRS Spec RM (the Approving Official) TRCs and Instructors certified by the TRS (the Approving Official) Counselors, etc. certified by Instructors (the Approving Officials) IRS Spec. signs off on the TRS’ Volunteer agreement. TRS signs off on the ‘Instructors’ Volunteer agreements. Instructors, TRCs & TRS certify and sign off on agreements Counselors and all others – Approving Officer to be discussed later in the session. Next slide: Clarification of Instructor Certification CO1 - IW 2017

16 Instructors… Must be certified for tax year that corresponds with tax law being taught in volunteer training classes prior to training other volunteers Certification of TRS is straight forward . Instructor certification: This scenario is going to come up! Be prepared! In other words: for TY16 content, the instructor must be certified for TY2016 Tax Law and use of TaxSlayer software! The moment the instructor is teaching TY2017 Tax Law changes and using 2017 software, they must be certified TY2017. Review: The APPROVING OFFICER for the TRS is……? The APPROVING OFFICER for TRCs & Instructors is…..? Next slide: Counselor Certification CO1 - IW 2017

17 Reporting Certifications
Report certifications to DC TRS for TRCs/Instructors TRCs/Instructors for other volunteers Some Districts may pilot new Portal-based process CO1 - IW 2017

18 Volunteer Agreement Retention
The paper and/or electronic copies of IRS Form must be retained by District in accordance with AARP policy as described in the Policy and Procedures Manual Policy and Procedures Manual: OneSupport Help Center>General Program Management>General Policy and Procedures Manual is available in the OneSupport Help Center>General Program Management>General It is recommended that each volunteer bring a copy of the signed form to each session. It is also recommended that each site have a list of all certified volunteers who could potentially work at the site. This is easily achieved by keeping a district-wide list of certified volunteers at the site. The district coordinator, following the procedures in the policy procedure manual, should retain copies of Form  Each volunteer should have a copy of their form every time they volunteer. The final certification list also serves as proof that the Form has been signed.  In case a name was inadvertently omitted from the certification list, having the signed form available will meet the requirements of the IRS. CO1 - IW 2017

19 Instructor Responsibilities and Certifications
?????? CO1 - IW 2017

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