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2 RICE RESEARCH TEAM S/N Name Affiliated institution Role in the project
1 Dr Sophia Kashenge-Killenga ARI Dakawa Project management 2 Dr Charles Chuwa Project coordination 3 Mr Omary Mmanga ARI KATRIN Project activities-Kilombero 4 Mr Ndimubandi Mvukiye Project activities-Iringa Rural 5 Mr Joel Zakayo Project activities 6 Mr Ibrahim Paul 7 Mr Rajabu Joseph Kangile Socio-economics backstopping and project activities Mvomero 8 Mr Jamson Mwailana Mbarali DC Project activities-Mbarali

3 KEY OBJECTIVES To introduce promising rice varieties
(SARO5/TXD 306, Komboka, SATO 1 & SATO 6) to improve rice productivity in target sites. SATO 1 was officially released on March, 2016 and SATO 6 be released soon. To disseminate best bet agronomic management options in soil management to enhance rice productivity in target sites

4 TECHNOLOGIES Improve productivity through the use of improved varieties Management of soils fertility through the use of fertilizer i.e. increasing productivity through the use of improved varieties in combination with proper use of fertilizer (VarFer) Management of problem Soils ( salt affected soils ) through the use of Salt tolerant rice varieties in salt affected rice growing areas in combination with management option for salt affected soils (SAS management) Deliver water management practices to farmers through use of safe alternate wet and drying irrigation method (Safe AWD)


6 ACTIVITIES Activity Description of activities Status Activity 1
Key stakeholders engagement and site selection DONE Activity 2 Demonstrations of proven technologies Activity 3 Training (farmers, ToTs and NAFAKA staff) Activity 4 Farmers’ field days Activity 5 Harvesting and collection of yield data In progress Activity 6 Feedback meetings with farmers Not done Activity 7 Report writing & production of knowledge materials

7 Fertilizer/Materials
DEMONSTRATIONS District Demonstrations established VarFer SAS mngt Calcaric Soil Mngt SAWD Mbarali 4 1 Iringa Rural 3 Kilombero 10 Mvomero 5 TOTAL 21 2 Fertilizer/Materials -DAP, -MOP -UREA -SA -FYM -GYPSUM Varieties -SARO 5 (TXD 306) -Komboka -SATO 1 -SATO 6

8 2. In-house/classroom training
Youth group at Kisegese posing in a group photo after field/on site training 2. In-house/classroom training 1. On site training

9 Farmers participated in field/on site training

10 TRAINING… Discussion on land preparation
Training on bunds construction

11 TRAINING… Training on basal application of fertilizer at Majenje village Training on top dressing application of fertilizer at Ruiwa village

12 Farmers participated in classroom training

13 Age distribution of farmers participated in classroom training
50% Youth

14 Participants listening to the facilitator at Magozi village
TRAINING… Participants listening to the facilitator at Magozi village Participants posing in a group photo with their facilitators at Nyamahana village

15 Stakeholders participated in field days
FARMERS’ FIELD DAYS Stakeholders participated in field days -One field day per district was conducted -709 stakeholders attended; 51% female

16 Stakeholders during farmers’ field day in Kilombero
FARMERS’ FIELD DAYS… Stakeholders listening to the NAFAKA Productivity Manager during farmers’ field day in Kilombero Stakeholders during farmers’ field day in Kilombero

17 FARMERS’ FIELD DAYS… The event appeared in; ITV CHANNEL TEN

18 Stakeholders listening to the RC during farmers’ field day in Mvomero
FARMERS’ FIELD DAYS… Stakeholders listening to the RC during farmers’ field day in Mvomero Morogoro RC Dr Kebwe Stephen Kebwe talking to stakeholders during farmers’ field day in Mvomero

19 INDICATORS Male Female Type of individuals Total 292 410 Producers 702
4.5.2(7): Number of individuals who have received USG supported short-term agricultural sector productivity or food security training (RIA) (WOG) Male Female Type of individuals Total 292 410 Producers 702 4.5.2(11): Number of food security private enterprises (for profit), producers organizations, water users associations, women's groups, trade and business associations, and CBOs receiving USG assistance (RIA) (WOG) Producer association Water user association Women groups Total 24 21 1 46 4.5.2(13): Number of rural households benefiting directly from USG interventions (S) 702 Male and Female Adults

20 CHALLENGES Off season establishment of some demonstrations
Stage of farmers’ fields at establishment of demo plots Off season establishment of some demonstrations

21 CHALLENGES… Floods in Iringa rural which lead to destruction of demonstration plot at Ilolo Mpya irrigation scheme

22 CHALLENGES… Extreme levels of salts and lack of water to wash the salts in Magozi irrigation scheme, Iringa rural SATO 1


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