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KMA Review PowerPoint 5th Grade 2012-2013.

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1 KMA Review PowerPoint 5th Grade

2 Fractions Vocabulary: Students need to know: Websites:
Mixed Number – Examples: 3 ½ & 4 ¼ Improper Fraction – Examples: 11/7 & 6/2 The Numerator is the top of the fraction and tells how many of the parts to consider. The Denominator is the bottom of the fraction and tells how many equal parts are in a whole. Students need to know: How to convert a mixed number to an improper fraction and vice versa Equivalent Fractions Estimate Fractions - Example: 2 ½ rounds up to 3; 7 ¼ rounds down to 7; ¾ rounds up to 10 and so on… Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions Websites:

3 Decimals Place Value - Students need to know:
How to estimate decimals – example: rounding 3.2 down to 3; 8.9 up to 9; up to 11 and so on. Add, subtract, and multiply decimals Recognize a decimal that is represented by a grid Websites:

4 Stats (Mean, Median, Mode, & Range)
Vocabulary: Students Need to Know: How to calculate the mean, median, mode, & range for a given set of data Which average to use for given situations.

5 Division Students need to know how to divide a two- digit divisor into a four-digit dividend html division/long-division-lesson-1.html division/index.html r-division.html division.php by-2-digit-numbers by-2-digit-numbers-word-problems

6 Multiplication Students need to know how to multiply a four-digit number by a two digit number. athfrog/english/kidz/mult5.shtml multiplication05.html ers/multiplication-long.html mes-tables/times-tables-lesson- lattice-multiplication-1.html

7 One-and-Two Step Problems
Vocabulary: *Remember you may have to do more than one step or operation to solve the problem. Read the problem and understand what it is asking. (highlight it) Write the solution as a sentence. Highlight, underline, or circle key words and important information. Insert symbols for key words (ex. Times X, Difference - ). Do the work. Check solution by putting into sentence (does it make sense, is it an answer choice) SEE NEXT SLIDE FOR MORE! Websites: Step%20Word%20Problems.pdf

8 What is the problem asking? Variables What you know.
- Restate question - Find key words in the question -Estimate or Exact Answer? Variables What you know. - Draw and label a picture - List important information -“What did they give you in this problem?” -Remove extra info -Decide operation Work Space -Show all your work -Check reasonableness of answer (estimate) Answer as a statement with units. -Complete sentence with label - Check to see if you found the answer to the question - “Are there more steps?” Four Column Problem Solving Method

9 GCF & LCM Vocabulary: Websites:
Greatest Common Factor (GCF) : The highest number that divides exactly into two or more numbers. Least Common Multiple (LCM): The smallest number that is a multiple of two or more numbers. common-multiple.html Websites: CommonDenomimator.htm testCommonFactor.htm

10 Variables / Algebra Vocabulary
Students Need to Know How To: Solve for a variable Translate an equation to words Translate words to an equation Websites: Vocabulary Variables: a letter or symbol representing such a quantity Equation: A mathematical sentence built from expressions using one or more equal signs (=). Ex. 4x + 5 = 25 or Five more than four x is twenty-five.

11 Data Function Table T-Table Ordered Pairs Websites:

12 Geometric Solids Vocabulary: Faces Vertices Edges Students should be able to count the faces, vertices, and edges. Identify the geometric solids Recognize geometric solids from different perspectives Websites:

13 Measurement Gallon Man – Cups, Pint, Quart, Gallons
Three Foot Man – Inches, Feet, Yards Ounces & Pounds Nearest 1/8th of an inch bin/meas.cgi?A1=s&A2=0&A3=2

14 Area and Perimeter Websites:

15 Symmetry

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