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Primäre Kalibriersubstanzen für die

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1 Primäre Kalibriersubstanzen für die
Primary calibration substances to establish metrological traceability in the field of anorganic chemical analytics Primäre Kalibriersubstanzen für die metrologische Rückführung in der anorganischen chemischen Analytik R. Matschat, H. Kipphardt, M. Czerwensky, S. Richter Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) Fachgruppe I.1 Anorganisch-Chemische Analytik; Referenzmaterialien

2 Inhalt - Notwendigkeit primärer Kalibriersubstanzen in der Elementanalytik - Zertifizierungsstrategien - Das primäre Kalibriersystem der BAM - Methoden zur Zertifizierung (Überblick) - Einige methodische Besonderheiten - Ergebnisse * Einige Beispiele * Überblick - Zusammenfassung

3 Trends in Elemental Analysis
Increase of speed of analysis, detection power, selectivity: ==> extrusion of "classic" (partly "primary") methods (titrimetry, coulometry,..) Substitution by atomic spectrometric methods Partly in process: Direct analysis/ solid samples: spark-OES, XRF; (LIBS); GD MS, LA-ICP MS Others: solution analysis, gen. after digestion/dissolution: AAS, ICP-OES, ICP-MS (TXRF) Verification of trueness: matrix-CRM Traceability of calibration: necessary: Matrix-CRM Primary pure materials (matrix adapted solutions) Causal: Signal (analyte and background) are dependent from entire sample composition - and are in case of solid sample technique influenced by further properties of the sample

4 Traceability of certified values of Matrix CRMs

5 Metrological Pyramid SI unit BAM certified Uncertainty PCRM Matrix CRM (secondary) RM „In house“-RM

6 Certification Strategies
e.g. BCR, BAM (Matrix CRM) Interlaboratory Cooperation Approach Elite Group of Methods Approach e.g. NIST ; BAM (Primary Pure Elements) Primary Method Approach e.g. Nuclear RMs (IDMS), Gas RMs (gravimetry)

7 BAM System of Primary Pure Substances
System of certified high purity substances representing each element of periodic table (except radioactive and gaseous ones) Substances are pure elements or pure well defined compounds, if necessary Material Basis of metrological traceability in the field of elemental analysis to SI unit (mol, kg) with a well defined low uncertainty budged “National Standards for Elemental Analysis in Germany“ by contract with PTB, Germany Cooperation with PTB and some other National Measurement Institutes

8 System of Primary Pure Substances
Developed by BAM ANALYTE-CALIBRATION Materials of type A: The mass fraction of main component is certified, the uncertainty has to be one order of magnitude lower than for most accurate methods, as IDMS is: <0.01% Certified by difference method: 100% minus sum of all (metallic and non-metallic) traces. Form: small ratio surface/volume: pellets, wires, spheres, .... no powders Cleaning procedure included in certificate

9 System of Primary Pure Substances
Developed by BAM MATRIX ADAPTATION (Metrological Questions) Materials of type B: All „metallic“ traces are separately certified at a level of µg/kg using different methods of highest sensitivity. Form: no mechanical samle pretreatment: powders, pellets, spheres, wires or bars Cleaning procedure: not applied

10 System of Primary Pure Elements Developed by BAM
Determination of metallic traces HR ICP-MS continuous nebulization = main method ET-, HG-, CV AAS supplementation, confirmation metallic traces in solid sample LA-ICP-MS Checking digestion ICP OES, (INAA) FI-ICP-MS (and other special techniques) decreasing LODs gases and non-metals CGHE; PAA; nuclear methods; noble gas-MS Certified Primary Pure Element (Type A) Calculation of content and uncertainty Scheme of Certification of a Primary Pure Element (Type A) HR ICP-MS: high sensitivity, selectivity, multielement capability

11 System of Primary Pure Elements Developed by BAM
Some special aspects concerning ICP-mass spectrometry - Laser - Ablation (Pressed doped metal powder for calibration) - Flow injection technique (high matrix load up to 10 g/L) - Preparation of cones with a protective coating: Spraying of a solution of Silicon into ICP flame See following explanations - Using higher resolution for interpreting/avoiding spectral interferences See following examples

12 System of Primary Pure Elements Developed by BAM
Some special techniques applied with ICP-mass spectrometry Laser ablation technique - direct information about solid sample - assessment of losses and of contamination - decreasing LODs

13 Sampler Cone of ICP-Mass Spectrometer Element,
Protective Coating ( 30min Silicon Solution, 1000mg/L) Pictures: Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM)

14 Skimmer Cone of ICP-Mass Spectrometer Element
Protective Coating (30 min Silicon Solution, 1000 mg/L) Pictures: Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM)

15 without protective coating with protective coating
Protective coating of sampler and skimmer cones of ICP-mass spectrometer „Element“ Investigations by EDX and by Raman spectroscopy O Ni Si keV EDX spectra without protective coating with protective coating Raman spectra For comparison quartz glass crystalline quartz Protective Coating amorphous

16 Protective coating of sampler and skimmer cones of
ICP-mass spectrometer „Element“, Analytical performance

17 Protective coating of sampler and skimmer cones of
ICP-mass spectrometer „Element“ - Analytical performance

18 Protective coating of sampler and skimmer cones of
ICP-mass spectrometer „Element“, Analytical performance

19 Using higher resolution for interpreting / avoiding spectral interferences

20 Using higher resolution for interpreting / avoiding spectral interferences

21 Example: Matrix solution Mo 1000 mg/L (Mo ==> 7 isotopes)
Using higher resolution for interpreting / avoiding spectral interferences Example: Matrix solution Mo 1000 mg/L (Mo ==> 7 isotopes)

22 Currently Certified Mass Fraction:
Primary Copper (A) - BAM-A-Primary-Cu-1 Determined below limits of determinations: mg/kg Determined above limits of determinations: mg/kg Determination not relevant; estimated Currently Certified Mass Fraction: %

23 Elements Developed by BAM
System of Primary Pure Elements Developed by BAM Primary Pure Copper (Type A)


25 Currently Certified Mass Fraction:
Primary Iron (A) - BAM-A-Primary-Fe-2 (ECRM 098-1) Determined below limits of determinations: mg/kg Determined above limits of determinations: mg/kg Not yet determined Determination not relevant; estimated EURONORM certified before Currently Certified Mass Fraction: %

26 Primary Iron (A) - BAM-A-Primary-Fe1 and Fe2
Comparison of results of HR ICP MS and ET AAS for both primary iron materials of type A

27 Preliminary Certified Value:
Primary Bismuth (A) - Current State Determined below limits of determinations: mg/kg Determined above limits of determinations: mg/kg Not yet determined Determination not relevant, estimated Preliminary Certified Value: %

28 Sample Preparation Procedere
Primary Bismuth (A) Sample Preparation Procedere Bi-Material Etching Procedure: Sample preparation of 4 subsample was carried out on 3 days. Etching with HNO3 conc, subb. for 2 min. Rinsing with H20 in ultrasonic bath 3 times for 30 s Rinsing with Ethanol Drying in Laminar flow box Dissolution Procedure: Etched Sample is transfered in 100mL volumetric vessel 5mL H2O and 5 mL HNO3 conc., subboiling dest, are added After complete disolution of the sample the volumetric vessels were filled with water

29 Priliminary Certified Mass Fraction:
Primary NaCl (A) - BAM-A-Primary-NaCl-1 Determined below limits of determination: 58, mg/kg Determined above limits of determination: mg/kg Not yet determined Determination not relevant; estimated Priliminary Certified Mass Fraction: % mass fractions in mg/kg

30 Primary NaCl (A) - BAM-A-Primary-NaCl-1 Thermogravimetry measurements
NaCl before drying: Mass reduction about 0.2%; maximum at 385°C NaCl after drying (500°C, 3h): No mass reduction is detectable

31 Survey of Certified BAM Primary Calibration Substances - Current State

32 System of Primary Pure Elements Developed by BAM - National Standards for Elemental Analysis
Conclusion: The Primary Calibration System of BAM is in progress; Since 1994 worked on with a variety of different analytical methods Materials of type A are certified before materials of type B Co-operation with PTB for transmission of traceability to laboratories via primary calibration solutions distribu- ted to manufacturers of commercial calibration solutions. Solid materials will be distributed to NMIs, only Co-operation: JEPPIM Project (Joint European Project for Primary Isotope Measurements): PTB, IRMM, EMPA

33 Thank you for your attention
The BAM System of Primary Pure Substances R. Matschat, H. Kipphardt, M. Czerwensky, S. Richter The authors thank: Dipl.-Min. K. Adam (ESEM) Dr. K.-W. Brzezinka (Raman sp.) Dipl.-Ing. Th. Dudzus (PAA) Dipl.-Chem H.-J. Heinrich (AAS) Dr. U. Ott ( Noble Gas MS) MPI Mainz Ing. Ch. Segebade (PAA) Thank you for your attention

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