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11i Journal Workflow: Maximize the Potential

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Presentation on theme: "11i Journal Workflow: Maximize the Potential"— Presentation transcript:

1 11i Journal Workflow: Maximize the Potential
By Krishnan Ramamurthy & Ian Webster

2 Introduction About presenters Introduce Ian and Self

3 Topics of Discussion Workflow overview Requirements
How did we address the requirements Major features Sample screens Common pitfalls QA Talk about the presentation flow. In this presentation we will cover …..

4 Workflow Overview Workflow in r11i Seeded workflows and usefulness
GL batch workflow – what it does? Customization options Possibilities Talk about workflows in 11i and generally on GL batch workflow. Setups Prerequisites – setups, employees Usefulness – automated journal approval, audit trail, speedy processing How to go about customizing – customization points

5 Requirements … City of Chicago overview Use of standard workflow
Ease of maintenance Journal processing by user departments Standard HR hierarchy inadequate Notifications to users and also roles Use of the standard workflow process as much as possible Push Journal Entry processing out to user departments Use of standard Oracle HR hierarchy table was unacceptable - More flexibility needed - Get maintenance out of the hands of the HR department Use departments must be able to maintain the table for their department's hierarchy  Easy maintenance & flexibility Lookup driven functionality- Custom use of DFF's to route the documents Multiple dollar thresholds for large transaction notifications to supervisors Workflow must use both USER ID's and Responsibilities to route documents - USER ID's in user departments and Responsibilities in Central Finance Department - Ability to put notifications in boxes of all users with a certain responsibility and once acted upon, remove the notifications from all others boxes. - Notifications must be able to be sorted by the sender of the notification

6 Requirements Vacation handling Validations for
Funds override Balancing journals by fund Handling journal rejections Auto un-reserve funds Notifications to preparer - Timeout features for reminders and notifications to supervisors ·        Vacation forwarding functionality needed ·        Internal functionality must be written into the workflow Must check for balanced journal entry by our balancing segment Rejection of the journal entry must trigger automatically unreserve funds Rejection must notify the originator of the journal entry of the status 'Funds Override' status must be included in each notification throughout the workflow approval process

7 How Did We Address the Requirements …
Approval hierarchy Custom hierarchy Vs HR hierarchy Multiple departments – sequential Sequential notifications to roles Parallel notifications Custom forward to form for notifications Discuss the critical components and the choices we had for the requirements, - ex HR vs Custom hierarchy form, - Notification to users vs role - Handling vacations – similar to Purchasing Workflow forward to form

8 How Did We Address the Requirements
Timeout processing & reminders Canceling notifications Custom validations in workflow Funds override Balance by fund Built logic for timeout and reminders Notifications to roles or responsibilities Built validations for funds override – detail how notifications contain Balance journals by fund – detail how balancing works

9 Major Features … Custom approval process
Different Divisions within Comptroller’s office

10 Major Features … Custom approval hierarchy form Hierarchy form
Restricted to each department Use of employee Can define supervisors Can define approval limits Can enable or disable employees

11 Major Features … Sequential departmental approvals
Sequential department approvals Custom code Checks for DFF attributes to determine processing flow Once approved, journal wf forwarded to next dept Rejections notified to preparer Funds are reserved automatically

12 Major Features … Sequential approvals Notifications sent to roles
Multiple notifications Once an approver responds, notification removed from others FYI notifications for journals over $ limit Lookup codes help in maintaining the verification of $ amount

13 Major Features … Custom Forward to form Custom forward to form
Useful for vacation handling Assigned to supervisors Selected notifications forwarded to approvers

14 Major Features … Notifications Notifications when no approvers found
Custom code for checking comptroller or non comptroller

15 Major Features … Notifications reminders Timeout processing
Reminder processing

16 Major Features … Validations and unreserving of funds
When rejected, funds are automatically unreserved Notifications sent to preparer

17 Major Features Custom validations – balance by fund
Validation for Balancing journals by fund Notify preparer Other custom validations

18 Common Pitfalls Keep the design simple Decide on the flow
Keep the flow straight Handle all scenarios for decision points Consider repeatable functions and sub processes Handle all possible errors Test thoroughly for all scenarios Discuss all the possible problems encountered

19 How to Contact Krishnan Ramamurthy Principal consultant

20 Questions and Answers

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